Web Forms :: Fill Multiple Dropdownboxes Dynamically?

Jun 14, 2010

I've got 23 dropdownboxes, every drp needs the same data.So can i do that dynamically instead of:

drpV1.DataSource = n;
drpV2.DataSource = n;
drpV3.DataSource = n;

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change 24 Dropdownboxes?

Jul 27, 2010


I've mad a function, that has a result of 24 rows.So the first row is LE1, the second LE2, the third LE3 ......But how can i programmically change the row.LE1 ? It should be LE + i ...Take a look at the code:

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Web Forms :: Use Dynamically Created Controls Such As A Checkbox List And Fill The Values Dynamically?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm creating an quiz application which queries the database and extracts the questions and choices. I use dynamically created controls such as a checkbox list and fill the values dynamically. How do I do this? Right now I have these functions:

array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20 - extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function. - validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.

I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive "enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Store Lists For An Application In Different Dropdownboxes?

Sep 18, 2010

I have until now always stored my lists definitions for labels and values for dropdownboxes in my own defined Xml files. These lists labels I then match with a language file (.resx) ..... so far so good but now I am starting a new project. Should I continue with my old habbits or is there a better way of storing label constants for my dropdown boxes throughout my application?

I would be happy skipping my read and write rutines for my onw structure if there is a better dedicated one for the purpose.

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Web Forms :: Trying To Fill 40 Drop Down Lists Dynamically By Appending The Suffix?

Jan 12, 2010

I have 40 Drop Down Lists that I want to fill using an XML file. Based on what is in the XML file i will add an item to a specific Drop down list. I don't want to manually loop thorugh each control by name. the ids for all of the controls start with DDLSession and then they have a suffix such as A2 or B4. What I want to do in the C# Code is ads items dynamically to the control like this:


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MVC :: Dynamically Fill An Anchor Tag At Runtime?

Mar 31, 2011

I want to create a mailto anchor tag at runtime. Is this possible? I've tried this:


Neither of these worked. I tried adding the "mailto:" in front of the {0}, but this just became part of the perceived URL. I read a post online about using data attributes to add the value as a property of a class, but I can't do that, as I'm stuck using .NET 3.5 for this project. I honestly didn't think this was going to be such a big deal. I just want to populate the email address of the anchor tag with a variable value.

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ADO.NET :: Dynamically Fill Query Parameters In A Table Adapter?

Sep 18, 2010

SO I have created an object data source on a page from a table adapter using the various Wizards in Visual Studio.

Its meant to query a diary Database by a DateTime parameter called diaryDate. I want to query from a date Now to the next 14 days ahead.

I want to display the entries in a Grid View when the page loads.

So I'm a bit stuck now as to how to set the two query parameters date1 and date2. I want to set date1 = now() and date2 = now() + 14 days.

How do I set those parameters when the page loads ?

Should I have used the adapter Wizard approach of do I have to write all the code in the code behind page ??

This is my datasource code'


This is my query string,


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AJAX :: Dynamically Fill Textboxes And Choose Option In Dropdownlist For Modalpopupextender?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a modalpopup extender that is brought up if the user presses a button. This is fine and the user can enter the data. There are a number of textboxes and dropdownlists. However, I have a gridview which I want to bring up modalpopupextender so the user can edit an entery. How can I set the data to the controls? A dynamicpopulate extender will repopulate the modalpopupextender with all the data. It doesn't make sense for me. Is there anyway I can populate the data with c#? Also can I assign two buttons to call the modalpopupextender?

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Databases :: How To Fill A Dataset From Multiple Foxpro Database

Aug 6, 2010

Well I Am Working On A Client Project Who Was Earlier Using A Software Developed On Foxpro database And Now I Am Developing Advanced Reporting Based On Same Data Of Existing Database

I Am Prohibited To Create New Database, I Have To Use Existing Database Now Problem is That There Is A Report Which Require data from multiple database

database are related Like This

Database (a) 1 Column is Common in Common In Database (b)

database(b) 1 column is common in database (c)

like that

what i am doing is that, I First Filled A Dataset With Required Value Then I loped This Dataset Row For Value On Which I Have To Get Data From Another Database Again I Stored new data in another dataset and After Looping, I Merged It With Previous One.

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How To Fetch Data From Database And Fill Listbox With Multiple Selected Value

Jun 30, 2010

I have 1 listbox named lbCountry

i have inserted each selected value from listbox into database by following code:


now i dont know how to fetch data from database and fill listbox with multiple selected value.

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DataSource Controls :: Fill Data In SQLDataAdapter From Multiple Tables?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using the following query as an SqlCommand:


It obviously doesn't work...what can I do? I cannot use the "Merge" method, because I am working with several tables in a single SELECT statment.

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Grid Dynamically Fill When Parent Grid Button Click Then Expand Child Grid

Jan 16, 2011

i have one grid and one button when i click on that button then it expand and showing another grid under the row of parent grid how to do that.

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C# - How To Fill A DataSet By Using Multiple Delimited Text Files/Input Array Is Longer Than The Number Of Columns In This Table

Dec 5, 2010

I work on C# .My input file look likes :

d00 d04 WinMain
d00 d04 lpCmdLine: '/UNREGSERVER'
d00 d04 Run
d00 d04
d00 d04 nCmdShow: 10
d00 d04 leaving WinMain


If i use the multi delimited than error shows.How to use the multi delimited.If i run the code to to load the text file given in above show the bellow error

Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Sum Multiple Text Box?

Jan 14, 2011

I have 3 text boxes where a user can enter numbers. How do I dynamically add the 3 text boxes and show the sum as a label. I also need to make sure that the user is entering numbers. I am using c# and new to .net programming.

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Web Forms :: Adding Multiple Usercontrols Dynamically?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a simple user control which contains a textbox and a dropdownlist. I need to add this control multiple times to my page then save the details to my db, validating each control. When they re-enter my page I need to load the user control for each record in the db populated with the data they entered. They can then edit the data, delete the row or add new rows.

I'm trying to find the cleanest most efficient way to accomplish this. I realise I would need to re-add the user controls after each postback re-populating the data. Would the best way be to add each row to an arraylist or list of type object, save it to the viewstate and re-add the controls with data on postback, or is there another method which would suit?

View 13 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamically Adding Controls To A Table Across Multiple Functions?

Mar 13, 2010

I'm looking to add controls dynamically to a table across multiple functions. I'm trying to convert this from a C# app to a web app using asp.net, though this is my first time using asp.net with no web development background. I read the creating tables dynamically in the FAQ but I'm still not sure how to do this.

When pressing the submit button on my form, it will create a table in a place holder. Eventually I would like it to generate urls based on the users input and do this in a function other then the one I created my table in.

In my C# app I was able to add text to a listbox using: lstOutput.Items.Add("Text"); across multiple functions but I'm having trouble doing this with a table.

I understand that my table is a local variable in the submitButton_Click function, but how do I make it global to add rows, cells and controls to it in other functions?

My current code which doesnt work:


View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Response.Redirect - Pass Multiple Values Dynamically?

Mar 29, 2010

Scenario: a user must fill in some data in mutiple controls (textbox, etc) and after that all these values must be passed to a next page. The number of controls is defined in a database. This can be different each time so I need to find a way to dynamically pass values through response.redirect("page.aspx?var1=value1&var2=value2......");

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Forms Data Controls :: Build Gridview Dynamically - Multiple Tables?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a .NET 1 web app that is using a Oracle database, the web app has a page of table names that allows the users to select, there are 101 tables listed on the page. When the user clicks on a table name, it takes them to a page that shows user friendly column headers, the table data, etc. Is there a way to use one GridView to do this and show the user friendly column headers instead of creating 101 pages or 101 user controls and show that control based on the table passed into the page?

for example: the user clicks table 22, I want my gridview to look like this

Buyer's Name State City Zip Code Phone Number

if they click table 55 I want them to see this

Product Wholesale Price MSRP Sale Price On Sale (check box)

instead of showing the users

BuyersFullName BuyersState BuyersCity BuyersZipCode PhoneNumber, etc

and so I, I would like to use 1 gridview on one page if possible and build the grid on the "fly", We have the user friendly column headers in a table.

So my questions are:

is this possible, if so, what is the best approach in doing this

from a scalabilty level and maintenance level, would the 1 gridview be worth for all 101 (and growing tables), or would building a seperate user control for each table be better?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Connect To Multiple Databases At Runtime By Changing Connection String?

Nov 14, 2013

i have a dropdownlist contaning years..now i want to connect my database by dropdown selection.if i select 2013 it will connect 2013 database ,if i select 2014 it connect 2014 so on..

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How To Fill DataSet By Store Procedure And Fill DataGrid From That DataSet

Jul 4, 2010

I am VB.Net Windows Application Developer Now i am going an ASP.Net Application. So, the Problem is that in Windows Application i Code this Project like given Below Actually i am Using SQL Server as DataBase and Store Procedure as Query.Becuase i had tried to control the ASP.Net Data Grid with Loop and i Failed to Control it with this method

Private Sub btn_Ok_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles btn_Ok.Click
Fill_dataset("Sel_MovNames", "Tbl_MovNames", Convert.toint32(cmb_MovID.SelectedValue))

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Dynamically Add Multiple Rows To A Table?

Jul 29, 2010

Protected Sub btnAddRow7_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddRow7.Click
Dim tableRow As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
Dim tableCell As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
Dim textBox As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
End Sub

but it only adds one row dynamically. After the first addition, more clicks to the button will not add more rows.

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C# - Dynamically Create Multiple ListBoxes

Dec 13, 2010

I have a table in SQL Server which gives me a list of products (PRODUCT), and the products category (CAT). Right now I am putting all the products in the same ListBox:

foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["ProductsTbl"].Rows)
string str = string.Format("{0}", row["PRODUCT"]);
ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(str));

But I need to create as many listboxes as there are categories, and distribute those products according to the category. Categories might be added or removed so I need to create them dynamically. So lets say the table has 5 products in category 1, 4 products in category 2 and 7 products in category 3, I would need 3 Listboxes created. The first with 5 items, the second with 4 and the last one with 7 items

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Create Multiple Text Boxes Dynamically?

Jul 23, 2010

I hope this is in the right sections....if not please feel free to move it. Does anyone here have examples of how to create multiple text boxes dynamically based on a search result? For example A table has 5 rows. how do I output to the screen 5 text boxes? and then get their details later? (so in a week if there are 15 rows in the table , then 15 text boxes are output) also what would be a good search term on Google for this so I can try and find other examples as the search terms i was using returned zip

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Retrieving And Displaying Multiple Images Dynamically?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to create a page that will dynamically change the images displayed, based on which link the user clicked to get there. For example I have different movies listed and when you click a link for one of them it displays all the images for that movie. I need it to be on one page because at the moment I have hundreds of pages and its very hard to manage. I have the images stored in BLOBS on SQL Server 2005. I can retrieve all the images for a certain category and store the Image data for each one into a list of images. What I cant do, is display the images on the page. I can display one image by using the queryString to get the image by ID, then putting the Eval code into an asp:image, but I dont know how to do it for multiple images.

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Web Forms :: Create Multiple Masterpages And Create A Handler To Dynamically Set The Correct Master Page?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm currently in the process of creating a webshop. This webshop supports theming, but I also want customers to choose a lay-out. I can create multiple masterpages and create a handler to dynamically set the correct master page. But some components, like the shopping cart, are controls which have to be present in the master page and are also used in the aspx pages. The shopping cart control for instance, has an Update method which is called whenever the user adds a product to their cart. So the question is: can I somehow create a default masterpage which has all the components on it, but still be able to create multiple lay-outs. And how should I reference that master page from the aspx pages? I also thought of creating an Interface class which defines the masterpage and it's public components, but I don't know if I can reference an interface from aspx pages.

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