MVC :: How To Create Web Site In English Language And Turkish Language
Feb 21, 2011
I would like to create web site in ASP.NET MVC3 in english language and Turkish language. I would like to know what care do i need to take before designing web site?
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm creating a website that is going to be dual language, so it will have a german face and an english face and the user can swich between the two versions.
How do I do this in MVC?
should I have URIs like
if home is the controller and index is the action then what would the de/en be?
In my site should I have two versions of all controllers and views? one for german and one for english?
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Mar 11, 2011
I have issues with resource language translations.
When page load all contents are displayed according to selected language from master page.
But when page is post back, page forgets language value and returns English language.
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Mar 24, 2010
I just wanted to know if there is a fast way to convert a month's name to any language except english? I wanted it to translate to finnish.
January = Tammikuu
February = Helmikuu
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Jan 18, 2010
I used de calendarExtender and i change the lenguage for español but the big problem es the tag today is until in english
I download the last version tolkit version 3.0.30930 and replace de AjaxControlToolkit.dll in my bin proyect but the problem is the same
in my page i put this line
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" Culture="auto" UICulture="auto"%>
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnableScriptGlobalization="true" EnableScriptLocalization="false"/>
if (!this.IsPostBack)
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
but today is in english,,
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Jun 2, 2010
(I am developing a website to crawl the other website content in ASP.NET . I am able to get the content correctly but how can I identify which language is used based on that content. For Ex. English, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese etc.
I used following code.
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(TextBox1.Text );
request.UserAgent = "A .NET Web Crawler";
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string htmlText = reader.ReadToEnd();
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Jan 27, 2011
I have an application to create report in english and arabic language.In SQL report server 2008 R2, Is it possible that single report work for english and arabic language? In arabic language we have to change some title in arabic language and also have to support mirror, means all columns start from right to left( default
behaviour in arabic site, language).I have searched and found it is possbile with RDCE(Report Definition Customization extension).
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How to convert english video format to hindi using ...
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Apr 15, 2010
i want to develope an website which support multi language like french ,english, german how to do this with out any hard code also user must not b aware of how the site is changing it language he just click on country flag and the site language change to that country national language
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Apr 19, 2010
I am developing a multi language website. language change is working very well on master page. from master page I am storing session to use in contant pages.
when I am trying to change text (<p>.....<P>) in content page, thats not working.
protected void Page_PreRender()
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Aug 30, 2010
Here is the thing. I have an aspx page with NO master page. I have two resource files with the same name (and specifying the language) in the App_LocalResources folder. If I do something like text="<%$ Resources:lblUser %> works fine. What I do to test it is change the browser's selected language.
But, if I do the same in a MasterPage or in a Page that is inside a MasterPage... when changing the Browser's language and refreshing... I'm still getting the default language...
I've been reading some threads about this but the situation was a little bit different.
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Sep 16, 2010
I have created a web application and generated local resources. Its working when user select language from browser. But what i want is, when user select language from dropdown list, i want to change the pages according to selected language. i can save user selected language in a session. then how should I change/assign local resource file to web page?
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Sep 6, 2010
Language problem cookies in the Arab language upload my project to server , I discovered that when you save data[Values] in cookies, we find ( Request.Cookies["test"].Values["val"] -----> تجربة) in that the symbols =?????
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May 5, 2010
I am using crystal report Xi release 2.
How can I change my reports English to Arabic language?
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Jan 21, 2010
We are migrating a project from ASP to ASP.NET. This is a multilingual project. We have to make our website supportable for Russia. Our middle tier is in classic Visual basic COM+ components and we are doing incremental migration (one by one converting from asp to, so to make it work (asp and )we are using IFrames instead of master pages. We have the below two options / scenario's
Scenario1: -
ASP.NET ==> RCW ==> Visual Basic COM+ ==>
Data base
In the above scenario to get the multilingual characters to work we are changing "adVarChar" data types in middle tier of Visual basic to "adVarWChar" and in database we are changing varchar data types to nvarchar and char to nchar. In UI in in the page directive we put
In web.config we are doing below thing.
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Feb 21, 2010
1-i have AwebSite With English language,i want to support this site with Other Language
(arabic language),how can i do that(website with Multiple Language)??
2-how can i make photo gallery in my website?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have no knowledge about sessions but I realize that using sessions in multi-language sites are very useful. How can I implement language selection by using sessions and sql database?
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Jan 8, 2010
I have an (VB 2008) portal site. This is the only public page, all other pages are individual for each user after login. The portal site (and all others of course) is multilanguage, depending on users browser settings. Could I enable caching on the portal site? I don't have a language parameter given in the URL explicit. Could I set up the cache to create different caches depending on the users language set in the browser?
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Jan 24, 2011
I'm using a cookie to keep track of the language.
The url stays the same for the french, english, polish, spanish, italian versions of the site since the content is located in seperate .resx files. and the code stays the same for all.
I need search engines to see all versions of my site.
And I need to stay on the same domain for all languages. No subdomains.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a requirement which i would like to achieve using .net.What i want is that any person who is having a mic attached should speak in some language.He can select some language from the application and the application would convert his voice into that particular language.i.e Voice-to-Voice conversion. How can i do this?Is there some third party API?How should i start?
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Mar 9, 2010
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Jan 22, 2010
I need to create a website in dual language.
I plan to put the sitemap and change language dropdownlist in the master page.
how to i change the sitemap language at treeview and Menu on master page?
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