Change Language Of The Webpage When User Select Language From Dropdownlist?
Sep 16, 2010
I have created a web application and generated local resources. Its working when user select language from browser. But what i want is, when user select language from dropdown list, i want to change the pages according to selected language. i can save user selected language in a session. then how should I change/assign local resource file to web page?
I'm not sure what is the best way to create website that allows user to change its language. The website is really small, it has couple of pages (Default.aspx, Location.aspx, Catalogue.aspx and Info.aspx), but I'm not sure how to change the language of the content. User can change the language by clicking on one of the four image buttons which then add "lang" query string to the url, but whenever page reloads it keeps adding more and more "lang" querystrings.
I am developing a multi language website. language change is working very well on master page. from master page I am storing session to use in contant pages.
when I am trying to change text (<p>.....<P>) in content page, thats not working.
Here is the thing. I have an aspx page with NO master page. I have two resource files with the same name (and specifying the language) in the App_LocalResources folder. If I do something like text="<%$ Resources:lblUser %> works fine. What I do to test it is change the browser's selected language.
But, if I do the same in a MasterPage or in a Page that is inside a MasterPage... when changing the Browser's language and refreshing... I'm still getting the default language...
I've been reading some threads about this but the situation was a little bit different.
I'm creating a website that is going to be dual language, so it will have a german face and an english face and the user can swich between the two versions.
I would like to create web site in ASP.NET MVC3 in english language and Turkish language. I would like to know what care do i need to take before designing web site?
Language problem cookies in the Arab language upload my project to server , I discovered that when you save data[Values] in cookies, we find ( Request.Cookies["test"].Values["val"] -----> تجربة) in that the symbols =?????
I am working on a small project of a university.In which i have to show the code snippets of c language & their description on webpages as tutorials.How can i accomplish it in Asp.Net.
How to give multiple language view to my webpage? In my page have a language bar to choose language. when user select a language the page will appear on this selected language.
I've a gridview with one textbox column and 1 label.
Based on language selection im changing master page and gridview will be bind with data based on language from database . When change the language the labels will be binding with data based on language . but textbox value is not binding properly.i.e;for example i've 2 languages English and Arabic . First i've logged with English Language gridview is binding correctly after chnage language to Arabic the textbox value is not binding is displaying with data previously whatever binded with english language. Other than this textbox remaining label data bindind with data in arabic language.
I'm able to change the language for my pages, however if I select french and I am on a current page and if I try to load another page, that page won't be in french. How can I set it so it is consistent throught?
Toggle Button in master page: If Page.Culture = "English (United States)" Then Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?lang=fr-CA") ElseIf Page.Culture = "French (Canada)" Then Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?lang=en-US") End If
and in every page:
Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture() Dim lang As String = String.Empty lang = Request.QueryString("lang") If lang IsNot Nothing Then Session("culture") = lang
How can I chnage the default language in a database? I'm running SMSSQL 2008 and I have not access to the server physical. I have to do this by SQL. I have vs 2010 and SQL Managment Studio
How is it possible to change the CurrencyGroupSeparator for a special language? It would be nice if i could change it once and the it will work on the entire site.
I saw in a lot of AjaxControlToolkit.resources.dll for different languages, even mine (Russian) in my bin folder so I guess that's real to change the language of my Ajax Calendar Extender.
but it made no sense for calendar :-/ by the way I have some fun in comparing my page and [URL] there I can see month names etc on Russian BUT "Today" an english >_< instead on my page month names are English and "Today" is Russian "Сегодня" ... is it phenomenon Finally fixed by adding