MVC :: How To Handle A Situation That Can Use MultiView For In Web Forms

Jan 23, 2011

I'm trying to transition to MVC from web forms. In web forms, I use MultiView quite often. A typical example is a multi-part registration form that displays different set of questions based on user input.

Do I use multiple views in a situation like that in MVC world? Something like reg_part1.cshtml, reg_part2.cshtml, reg_part3.cshtml. I just want to understand the best practice approach in a scenario like this.

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Web Forms :: Nested Multiview Control?

Oct 25, 2010

Actualy i need something like,lets say my main pg has got 3 tabs(Tab1,Tab2,Tab3)..when i click on Tab1,i will have to show Below 4 tabs names Tab1A,Tab1B,Tab1C and Tab1D,similarly Tab2,have to show below 2 to achive this gimme some sample code to do this using Multiview / or any other soluton.

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Web Forms :: MultiView Event Not Firing

Jan 24, 2010

I have a two web forms with griviews that are bound to SQL through the same query in a class. Both have the same columns and footers. Both have a checkbox control in each grid row. The checkboxes on each form have OnCheckChanged event handlers that I put in the code behind. In fact, the html code is almost the same on both forms, and the OnCheckChanged code is exactly the same except for the fact that I have named them differently. AutoPostBack is true for both checkbox controls in the gridviews. One works, the other doesn't. The difference between the two is that the gridview row checkboxes that don't work are burried in a MultiView. Could that be why the codebehind event handler doesn't fire? Here is the html for the column:


Here is the html for the header of the gridview:


Here is the codebehind:


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Web Forms :: Change Multiview Automatically?

Jan 13, 2010

Is there a way to change multiview automaticlly?I mean if i have multiview with 5 view inside is there way to switch between them without button let say 15 second for each view?

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Web Forms :: Create Control Dynamically In MultiView?

Mar 9, 2010

I tried to create controls in side MultiView dynamically. The testing code is attached. My question is why the dynamic control is not shown in view2 and it disapears from view1 when <Previouse> button is clicked, even though enableviewstate is set to true?

If the dynamic control is created outside IsPostBack, they are always there. But should we do it this way?

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >


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Web Forms :: Refresh Multiview With Many User Controls?

Jul 28, 2010

I developed an admin dashboard to administer content for a tool i built, using, sql 2005, ajax, .net.3.5 I built a custom user control for each action, add page, update page, add image, update images, and added these to a multiview which loads all controls available to them on load of the page.

The problem is that on occasion the controls inside the multivew dont update, ie you add something, but it doesnt reflect the information in the db until the entire page is reloaded, usually via the user having to re open the page.

Is there a way to reload the user controls of the page programmatically (cant use a response.redirect or javascript due to values held within the page that must be maintained in order to keep user logged in)

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Web Forms :: Clear Data In Views Of Multiview?

Oct 5, 2010

I created a survey program in which there is a multiview to store different questions and answers.

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Web Forms :: Scroll Position With Multiview Control?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a multiview control on a page with multiple child view controls. As the ActiveViewIndex is changed when I nagivate between views, I'd like to reposition the scroll position of the browser. For instance, when toggling between a very long page with a huge gridview (page 1) and a smaller page that follows (page 2), I'd like my scroll position to start back at the top of the page when I navigate to the smaller page. Currently, if I scroll down on Page 1 and select an item that navigates me forward to page 2, the scroll position is maintained and I start too far down the page when Page 2 displays. I have programatically set MaintainScrollPosition to false on Page_Load so this should not be a factor.

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Web Forms :: How To Clear A RadioButton Inside MultiView

May 7, 2015

clear the radiobutton in runtime i have 3 view in multiview , view1 i have 2 radio button

if i have select the will show the view2.

<asp:MultiView ID="MultiView1" runat="server">
<asp:View ID="View1" runat="server">
<table style="color:White; width:1294px;"> <tr><td align="center" style="margin-left: 80px; background:#FFFFFF;">
<asp:Label ID="mms" runat="server" Text="Master Maintance" ForeColor="Black" Font-Bold="True" Font-Italic="True" Font-Size="Large"></asp:Label></td></tr>
<tr><td><asp:RadioButton ID="Sec" runat="server" GroupName="s" Text="Section" AutoPostBack="True" oncheckedchanged="Sec_CheckedChanged" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="Sup" runat="server" GroupName="s" Text="Supplier" AutoPostBack="True" oncheckedchanged="Sup_CheckedChanged" /> </tr> </table></asp:View>

if i click the next button it vill show the view1

<asp:View ID="View2" runat="server">
<table style="color:White; width:1294px;"> <tr><td> <asp:Button ID="Bp" runat="server" Text="Next" Width="128px" onclick="Bp_Click" /> </td></tr></table></asp:View>

now the view1 shows that the radiobutton1 is in selected mode.i need to clear the selected mode.

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Web Forms :: How To Access The Controls Property Inside A Multiview

Mar 11, 2010

I have a multiview with 3 views inside, View2 has a radiobutton list, how van i access index change of this radiobutton list so i can view / hide a panel control.

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Web Forms :: Multiview Control Does Not Appear When Click A Button Inside?

Jan 22, 2010

default.aspx page has multiview and view controls and a button control.

when click the button an .ascx file loaded dynamically on view control.

codes are goes here :

in default.aspx



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Web Forms :: AsyncFileUpload Inside MultiView Doesn't Work

Feb 25, 2010

AsyncFileUpload inside MultiView doesen't work! Is there a solution for this problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiview Control Working?

Aug 17, 2010

how can i use multiview contriol.if possible give me some links for videos.

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Web Forms :: Performance Of MultiView With Dynamic User Controls?

Mar 10, 2010

I created an ASP page which contains a MultiView and two buttons, it is as below

<div style="width:700px; background-color:White">
<asp:MultiView ID="mvAgreement" runat="server"
onactiveviewchanged="mvAgreement_ActiveViewChanged"> [code]...

The first and third view are simple now.The second view contains a user control AgreementDetailUC, which dynamically loads many other user controls onto several dynamically created tabs, as show below

AgreementDetailUC.ascx is like:

<div style="width:700px; background-color:White; text-align:left">
<cc1:TabContainer ID="tcAgreementDetail" runat="server" Height="300px" AutoPostBack="false">

When <Next> and <Previous> button is clicked, it take several seconds to show the second view. Page_Init is run very fast, it seems the time is spent on rendering the page.

My questions are:

1. How can the performance be improved?

2. How to change the cursor to hour glass when a button is clicked and change it back when the new view is shown (I can set it to hour glass when a button is clicked, but don't know how to set it back to normal).

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Gridview In Multiview?

Aug 14, 2010

i am using multiview and in View1, i have a gridview.i want to populate my gridview as


But it is displaying nothing on browser.

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Web Forms :: Setup The Page To Make It Look Like You Can Select Different Tabs With A MultiView

Mar 24, 2011

I've been looking for the best method to add "Tab Views" to my .ASPX web pages. I read about one method on the internet and actually remembered the other possible method from a control in the default VS2010 toolkit.

I like the <asp:MultiView> control because its so easy to use. The only thing is that it requires the page to be posted back. The second method would use CSS + JavaScript to essentially emulate tabbed views in the same webpage by changing the styles of <div> elements based upon the users tab selection, making the selected tab appear visible and the other tabs appear invisible.

I like the ease of implementation of the <asp:MultiView> but I dislike the fact that it requires the page to be posted back and resent. Also, I haven't even tried this myself yet but Im assuming there is a way to setup the page to make it look like you can select different tabs with a MultiView. Can anyone confirm this?

I like the CSS+JavaScript method of "Tab Views" because no page postback is required but it is a little more work to code. No big deal really though once its done.

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Web Forms :: Using Multiview In Page Events - Querystring Value Pass To Sql Statement

Feb 19, 2010

In my web app there is a page(page.aspx). this page inclusdes mutiple views using multiviews. I want to pass querystring value (i.e. id) to this page. 3 processes need to be done

1- querystring value pass to sql statement.
2- sql statement result will pass to page.
3- page determine which views to load

Now, I want to ask

1- what page event handler(s) is responsible for these process?
2- Is the whole process influence on performance?

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Web Forms :: Unexpected Behavior With Dynamic Textboxes In Multiview Page

Mar 23, 2010

I have a multiview page. Page 1 basically gives you the option of selecting if you want to enter percentages or amounts. Page 2 you can select a productgroup page 3 creates dynamically a table with textboxes in the first row and radiobuttons in the next rows. In the textboxes you enter a percentage or an amount depending on the choice on page 1. Because these textboxes and radiobuttons depend on the data present in a database, I have to create them dynamically, so far so good.

The textboxes also have the textchanged event and autopostback, because there needs to be a check if an entered value is valid. Now when I enter a value in a textbox, click on a button that directs me to page 2 (view 2) and select another productgroup, the same value I entered also pops up in the textbox in the same position.

And I don't get it, the table is cleared every time I enter page (view) 3 and the function that creates the table and fills it with data is also correct (with the correct values), but when its displayed the value from the previous productgroup is in the textbox. Is this behavior someone recognizes ? maybe I forgot something simple?

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Web Forms :: Multiview Alternative - Loading Data Into Content Space

Jan 17, 2010

Is that any multiview alternative? I am doing a project that have to load the data in to a content space. Right now I am using the multiview provide by asp + using but it seem like very heavy when I load that page. So is that have any alternative to doing this? I have a concept that like using the load php funtion calling~is that applyable in I am new in coding~ the effect I want to do is just like the user profile page on [URL] by clicking the button list change it content without reload the whole page.

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Forms Data Controls :: LinkButton In A Repeater In A Multiview In An UpdatePanel?

Jun 16, 2010

I am having trouble with the postbacks that are fired within my updatepanel by the linkbuttons. Here is the structure of my page

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Forms Data Controls :: Enabling A RadioButtonList Inside A Multiview?

Oct 20, 2010

Initially I set a RadioButtonList to be disabled. Only when a linkbutton

link is clicked, I wanted to enable the radiobutton list. I tried the

javascript described in the code below. Nothing works.

By the way, why is asp multiview doesn't show up anything in firefox.

This is what I see in viewsource


My aspx Code:


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Disappear From MultiView When Click On Editmode

Jan 19, 2010

I have a GridView in MultiView and everything works fine. When page load everything looks good,but then when i try to edit something in my gridview it does postback and the whole gridview disappear from the multiview.

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Forms Data Controls :: MultiView Looses Logged In Status For LoginView?

Apr 6, 2010

In this code, I have a multi View below the Loginview. The page works fine when it loads, but when I click on a button that changies which view to display, The page looses the fact that it is logged in and renders the Anonymous Template. The system knows the person is still logged in so when I go to another page like Signin, it displays the loggedin Template.


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