MVC :: How To Pass Data From Page To Page

Jul 30, 2010

I have a basic inventory search page. At the top of the page are various search criteria entry fields. Below that are listed the results of the search. Below that are links for each page of results.

When the link for page 4 is clicked, how best to pass the current search criteria values back to the server?

Currently I have a javascript click handler on the bottom of the page paging <a> links. The javascript function fills in some hidden fields and does a submit of the search criteria form at the top of the page. This works, but it is a bit of a tangle of code. Now I am trying to reuse the search page to select an item for an order entry function. Where each item displayed in the search results listing has a selection link that is clicked to go to the order entry page with the selected item. But the paging of the search results code has to know to pass the order entry info from page to page.

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$.ajax({ [code]....

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void submitbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Label4.Text = this.Request.QueryString[CustomerStatus"];

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Nov 4, 2010

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