Way To Pass Data To A Given Page Between Forms

Oct 28, 2010

I do most of my dev work in Windows, and don't do very much ASP development.However I have a contract doing a webapp right now, and I am brushing up on what I have missed since the last one (which was .NET 1.1/VS2003).I am just wondering if there are any ways to pass data to a given aspx page. I can think of all the traditional methods such as using the query string or a session, but I figured maybe there have been some new things in the ASP.NET runtime since I last used it.The site is using a DBML (linq2sql) for data access, and I was trying to make use of some of these databound controls like the ListView and FormView.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Value In GridView From Page To Another Page?

Mar 21, 2010

how to pass value in GridView from Page1.aspx to Page2.aspx

In the GridView, I add one column that have CheckBox and the GridView have 5 rows then it will be 5 CheckBox.

What I would like to do is, when we checked 3 CheckBox from the GridView and click submit button, it will go to the Page2.aspx and display back the GridView but only display 3 rows that had been checked from the Page1.aspx I'm using VB

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass The Chekbox Selected Data To Another Grid Which Is On Other Page?

Mar 25, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass The Detailsview Current Record Data To The Next Page Textboxes?

Jul 5, 2010

How to pass the selected detailsview/formview record data to the second webform and populate in the textboxes present in the second web form using c# code or from aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Cross Page Posting - Pass Data To The Second From The First

Apr 10, 2010

I have 2 forms and i want to pass data to the second from the first. All i get is null value or nothing. In the first page i have :


Before response i check the value and it's "7" Then on my second page i have. on page load, or on a button. Dim s As String = Request.Form("CurrentId") I have also tried with putting on markup:


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Forms Data Controls :: Pass CategoryID Within Same Page?

Feb 26, 2010

On a single page, I had got DetailView & Datalist. Datalist contains Category Image(eg Book Image) and detail view will contain products under them (eg Leaning DOS)and in detail view one by one Books(ie Products- eg Leaning Computer) will be displayed.

I had used Detail view to display Product since Products are to be displayed one by one. Now, my Problem is how can I pass category ID to the detail view onthe same page so that on category click it will display corresponding Products in detail view.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Values To Another Page

Nov 4, 2010

I have a GridView which contains a set of trades bound to a SQL Server database table with a primary key called tradeId. I want to be able to edit a trade by having an edit button on the GridView. When the edit button is clicked for a record, I want to go to a new page called EditTrade.aspx page. This new page might have a DetailsView form in Edit mode and I want to populate it with the information using the tradeId from the GridView.My question is what's the best way to pass the tradeId to the page? Should I use Session State? Something else? I'm trying to learn ASP.NET and would like some advice on best practise.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Pass The Value From '' To ..aspx.cs Page?

Oct 19, 2010

I cannot Pass the value from Display.aspx page to Display.aspx.cs thru '<%#FindAuditorById(Eval("FK_MM_AuditorsSysID") as int?) %>'.The secanrio:
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I have a column called FK_MM_AuditorsSysID which contains Id of a value.


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Web Forms :: Pass Data From TextBox From One Page To Another Using QueryString

May 28, 2012

This is my last thread [URL] .... 

I want to use Query string instead of session how i can do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Best Method To Pass Values From One Page To Other?

Dec 6, 2010

What is the best way to pass Values from one page to another in ASP.NET(C#)I am using a GRID and has EDIT column in it. So when user clicks on the Edit link the values of the row that has been clicked is passed onto another page (Edit form).Which is best way to pass values, considering some data may be sensitive User data.

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Forms Data Controls :: QueryString Value Unable To Pass To Another Page?

Jun 27, 2010

im creating a photo album just like facebook album featureThe problem im facing now is unable to add new picture to a particular albumBelow is the code to pass a querystring to the addphoto.aspx in a datalist, i bind the sqldatasource using vb in the codebehind



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass The PageIndex Of A GridView From One Page To Another

May 24, 2010

I have a GridView which contains photographs.

Each row has a "View Large" link which passes the image id to another page whereupon the image is displayed in a DetailsView.

That page has a "back to album" hyperlink.

All this works nicely, however, no matter what page the user was on in the GridView, having clicked through to the DetailsView and then back to the GridView, the user ends up on page 1 of the GridView.

How can I ensure the user comes back to the same page in the GridView that they were on when they clicked through to the DetailsView? Do I need to pass the gv.PageIndex value and send it back; can I just somehow tell the GridView to "stay where it was"?

Here's the code for the GridView (it pulls the image info from a SQL db:


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Forms Data Controls :: Using Results From Search To Pass Value To Same Page?

Feb 25, 2011

I will explain this as best I can. When a user types in a search field (ASP Textbox field) and presses enter a list of search results are displayed if there is a match. The search results display in the second half of the page. A video will play in the top half of the page but not until a querystring is passed to the page. The querystring value comes from the list of displayed search results. When a user clicks on results from the search (ASP Hyperlink) the querystring value is passed to the same page he/she is on and a video starts playing. My major problem is when I pass the querystring value I do not want to lose the list of search results. It looks like in ASP.net the page refreshes each time you pass a new value. It's not optional to make the user click the back button to see the orginal search results. I'm assuming it has something to do with maintaining session state but I am no expert. YouTube and many other sites do this similar functionality so I figure it must be possible in ASP.Net.

So basically, I want the image that I searched for to continue to display even as I select them and pass there videoID to the SQLDataSource that is expecting the QueryString. All values are being pulled from a SQL 2008 database. When the QueryString value is passed a video will play based on the value that was passed. Currently I have this working but the problem is when I pass the querystring my displayed search results are gone or disappeared. I was thinking that maybe if I could pass the querystring value and the search results value it would work. It would mean reposting the data again but I guess that's a work-around. So for instance if a user typed 'biceps' in the orginal search some kind of way I would store biceps somewhere and pass it again along with the querystring for the video. It doesn't seem like the most eficient way to do it but if someone on here suggest that's the best way I will also need help with that syntax. I am using ASP.Net 4 and VB instead of C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass A FormView Value To Another Datasource On The Same Page

Apr 19, 2010

I am trying to create a page which uses formview to display an existing record

I want to add a gridview to the same page which will display records related to one of the fields in the formview.

In the select criteria for the datasource of the Gridview how do I reference the field from the formview?

for example something like this: Select * from table2 where table2.IDinstance =formview1.editbox1.tostring

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Selected Row From One Gridview To Another One In The Same Page?

Aug 23, 2010

I would like to know how can i pass a selected row from one gridview to another one in the same page?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Session To Another Page From A Hyperlink?

Mar 25, 2011

My doc isn't coming up in the url on the next page so the gridview isn't appearing. What am I doing wrong?


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Forms Data Controls :: Pass The Value Of The Gridveiw To The ASPX Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I am try to create a website like you tube.

i fetch the images in a grid view.

and make a hyper link in it.

Now i want to pass the clicked image value to the ASPX page.

So how can I get the value of gridview clicked image in the ASPX page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Value To New Page From Link Button Within A Datalist?

May 18, 2010

I have a datalist and the following link button within the datalist:


I would like to post to a new page and then capture the value from the link button (commandArgument). It appears from other threads I've seen that you have to rebind the datalist in order for the ItemCommand event to fire...is this true? I'd hate to make another DB call to bind my datalist just to make an event fire.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use DataNavigateUrlFields In A GridView To Pass The Value Of TemplateField To Another Page

Nov 17, 2010

I have a GridView with a SQL DB datasource.

I am using a HyperLink Field in the GridView to pass two of the values in each row to another page using DataNavigateUrlFields.

One of those values is straight out of the DB and, if I just pass that, all is well. The other, however, needs to a simple integer (1 - 10) and I've added a TemplateField containing a DropDownList manually populated with these numbers for this purpose.

I keep getting an error saying that the DDL value is not in the DataSource.

How do I add this field/value to the DataNavigateUrlFormatString?

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Gridview Row Values Into Another Web Page Textboxs

Jan 5, 2011

I have a gridview in one page and textbox in an other, I want to pass my gridview row into textboxs of the other page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Value To Java Script In Aspx Page?

Jun 3, 2010

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%#Eval("Product_Path","~/Images\{0}") %>'
Height="70px" Width="70px" HeaderText="Product Image" OnClientClick="return OpenPopup() ;" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenPopup()
window.open(' ','mywindow','width=700, height=800');
return false;

I jast wants to access the ImageUrl value inside the Javascript's function OpenPopup() to open a new window to This URL. All Codes are residing in Same Page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datacontrol Pass From Masterpage To Child Page?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a masterpage and 1 childpage. In master page there is a listbox to present a data when a child page button is clicked. Listbox name is x1 for example.

When i am in childpage's button click event: i do not see that x1 named listbox due to namespace i guess.

For example masterpage name is masterpage1. When we are in childpage in button click event.

To try masterpage1 objecttemp = new masterpage1()

button1_Click() (child pages button click event)

masterpage.x1.items.add("button 1 clicked"); it is not being able to reachable too.

Also i encountered another issue related to that. When in masterpage for example masterpages click event. (its a login panel and when user clicks login, i had wanted to add a text information to listbox). In child pages when user clicks to login button which belongs masterpage top panel. It does not seem like working. It may be related to asp page master child life cycle and i do not know good. I wanted to able to add a string to listbox that belongs and come from masterpage in child page. Is there any way to use a datacontrol in childpage that belongs to masterpage.

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Forms Data Controls :: Put A Click Button To Pass The Id Of The Photo To The Other Page?

Jul 31, 2010

I'm making a phot album for my family websit I'v gotten almost every thing down except the display. I have gotten the pictures to display as thumbnails using a datalist (because I can get the layout how I want it) However I wanted to put a click button to pass the id of the photo to the other page.So this is my question is their any way to pass the id from in a datalist to another page.this is the code i'm tryin to use now


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Forms Data Controls :: >>Pass Values To Next Page When Hyperlink Clicked?

Apr 20, 2010

I have three values:id, Region, LocationI want to pass these values to next page when a hyperlink clicked so that I may use the passed values in next page.The values are coming from querystring from previous page.

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Data Pass To Second Web Page Through Querystring And The Grid View In Second Page Fill?

May 16, 2010

i have two web pages, i have 6 text box in first page and a gridview in second page, i want when a user fill one or two or....all of these text box, the data pass to second web page through the Querystring and the grid view in second page fill, i wrote a store procedure and configured my grid view correctly but it does not work , i think i have a problem in my first page behind code.

this is my code:


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