MVC :: Access To The First Data Of ViewData

May 3, 2010

i need to show project information by value of using this code i get a list of data to drop down how can i access the first data in ViewData(or record)


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Similar Messages:

How To Access ViewData In A PartialView From JQuery In MVC?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a View loading a PartialView via jQuery. The PartialView has ViewData that the jQuery needs to access, but I can't seem to get to it from the jQuery. The code below uses the HighChart jQuery plugin (and it is just test code taken from the HighChart example page):

<script type="text/javascript">
var chart1; // globally available [Code]....

This jQuery is in the main view, because I don't know how I could put it in the PartialView with the document ready function. But by putting the call to the HighChart function in the callback of the get() function it works in the partial view. But accessing the ViewData doesn't...

How can I achieve this? I need to get the data from the PartialView action method in order to populate the HighChart data...

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Access Viewdata From JQuery Without Using Hidden Field?

Nov 20, 2010

I am saving "Instruction" in CreateInstruction view. This view has partial view "CreateInstnAttribute" which saves "Attributes" related to this Instruction. It requires the InstnID as foreign key. The Instruction is saved using JQuery to avoid postback. So how can I get the InstnID to save the InstnAttribute? I tried HiddenField to save InstnId but I am not able to receive the value there. Can we use viewdata directly in JQuery?

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MVC :: Showing Data By ViewData On PartialView

Mar 21, 2010

i am using this code that returns data form 3 tables


and i have a PartialView that will show the how can i show the data in a foreach on my PartialView

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How To Display The Image On MVC Page By Using Data From The ViewData

Jul 7, 2010

I'm doing kind of wizard application that captures information on Contacts. The process of collecting information involves 4 pages. On one of the pages, the user is invited to upload is picture. The last page is called "preview before saving" where the user has 2 choices: (i) Go back to previous pages to make corrections or (ii) click save button to save data to DB. To be able to keep the same data all along those steps, I'm using tricks, such as serialization/deserialization, and TempData[]. On the preview page, I'd like to display all the information entered by the user, including the picture he uploaded.

Here's the basic structure of the image tag.


the src attribute takes values such as, src="../../Content/myPicture.gif or
src = "<"%=Url.Action("Action", "Controller", "RouteValue")%>"/>

In my case, None of the above is applicable because the data needed to display the picture are in the model.My object model has 2 properties called ImageData and ImageMimeType.

My question: How to display the image on an ASP.NET MVC page by using data from the ViewData.model [as opposed to getting data from remote location using for instance Url.Action()]

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MVC :: NotSupportedException - Pass Database Data From Control To View Via ViewData

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to pass a list of data from the column CICodeID in my database where the currently logged in users name matches the UserId.

Here is my controller: [Code]....

And here is my view: [Code]....

This is the exception I'm getting at run time:"Cannot compare elements of type 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1'. Only primitive types (such as Int32, String, and Guid) and entity types are supported."

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Pass Value Of Id Which Is In ViewData?

Apr 27, 2010

<%#ViewData["id"] %>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
<div id="ReplyDetails">

& i want to send Id only By this Ajax

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Finding New Data Access Best Practices / How To Handle Data Access, And Data Manipulation And Display

Dec 15, 2010

I've been out of the ASP.Net arena since 1.1, and I'm starting to get back into it after a hiatus.

In the past, I would generally create SqlDataReaders, wire them up to pull from tables in a database via direct sql or accessing database views (mostly in MSSQL), grab the data, and display it in some datatable, or datalist.

Modifying data would usually be calling a stored procedure in the database to add/modify data, and then retrieve it afterward.

Now that I read up, I see there are alot of new things in ADO.Net world; strongly typed datasets, auto-generated adapters, etc.

My question is, does anyone have a good reference on best practices (or a book recommendation) on how to handle data access, and data manipulation and display now? I'm assuming that there are more automatic ways to show and manipulate data than before, but the new details are quite vast (which is good), but slightly overwhelming for me.

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MVC :: PartialView Outside Of Form - ViewData

Mar 16, 2011

I have a little MVC 3 challenge that I am trying to overcome.Here is my scenario:I have a controller called PersonController.cs with 5 methods:Add Add (post) Edit Edit (post) PopulateName(string EmailAddress) - POST

I have a viewdata class called PersonViewData.cs with 3 pieces of data:

Email FirstName LastName

I have 2 PageViews (Edit.aspx and Add.aspx)I have 1 PartialView (Details.ascx) - with 3 textboxes (Name, Email, Phone)I want to reuse this partial view in both the Edit.aspx and Add.aspx Views.

The user should NOT enter the First Name/Last Name - rather, once the user has entered the email address (OnChange of Email textbox), the First Name/ Last Name of person should be populated. This is done using the PopulateName(string EmailAddress) controller method. Meaning, I have an AJAX Form inside the partial view

Then once all 3 fields are populated. The user should be able to submit either the Add or Edit HtmlForm.

Code of Edit.aspx:

Code of Add.aspx:

The main issue is as follows:I have an AJAX Form inside the partial view. Since now we have a PageView Form and nested PartialView AjaxForm - Form within a Form - the Browser has a hard time with this concept. In fact, when a person enters an email address, the frmEdit/frmAdd gets submitted.

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Creating Dropdownlist From ViewData

Jul 22, 2010

Does anyone have any idea why the code below doesn't give me any value but instead gives me "System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem"? If I don't do a foreach but instead substitute the ViewData with this

<%= Html.DropDownList("PersonOnCallCheckBoxList") %>, I get the correct value.
foreach (var person in ViewData["Person"] as IEnumerable)
<input type="checkbox" value="<%= person %>" /><%= person %><br />

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C# - Difference Between ViewData And ViewModel

Mar 3, 2011

I'm new to .Net development, and now are following NerdDinner tutorial. Just wondering if any of you would be able to tell me What is the differences between ViewData and ViewModel(all I know is they are used to pass some form of data from controller to view) and perhaps tell me on what situation should I use ViewData instead of ViewModel and vice versa

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MVC :: Add Multiple Values To Viewdata

May 27, 2010

I have one ActionResult method


This ActionResult is executed multiple time accoording the number user selected from previous page..each and every student id and StudentType is passed by that view to this ActionResult. my question is there any way that in ViewData we can store all these id's and studentType's so that I can use these id' and StudentType's in other ActionResult? bec I need only these two things in other ActionResult? I can implement this using cache but I dont want to do with that.

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MVC ViewData Not Rendering In View

Jul 16, 2010

I have the following code in my post action method for Edit.

var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
ViewData["Notifications"] = js.Serialize(new {NoteificationType = "Success", Message = "The installtion was successfully updated"});
return RedirectToAction("Index");

However, on the client, ViewData is null/empty, i.e. this client code

var notifications = eval("<%= ViewData["Notifications"]%>");

renders as

var notifications = eval("");

I'm sure I'm doing something small wrong.

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Mvc Viewdata Tempdata Variable?

Jul 29, 2010

tempdata variables works like a session variables?

basically i want to do is to when the form loads for the first time the variables should be empty. but the variable should be persisted until i am on that form.

the form contains searching with a submit button as well as the paging . basically my ques is to use what approach should i use?

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MVC :: How To Set Viewdata As Global To Be Used By All Other Views

Dec 31, 2010

My doubt is i have two tables with Id as (Primary key) in one table and in the next table i have a Category Id field as Foreign key relationship with the 1st tabl Id field...

I have created a create view for the 1st table.My question is i have created a partial view for the 2nd table,but i need to pass the Id value to the second tables category Id field...So is there any way to do it by using Viewdata?

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MVC :: ViewData Value And JavaScript Function?

Feb 17, 2010

I am passing certain string value to a view using "ViewData" and I need to print the contents on a window which is rendered using Javascript. My question is how to pass this value to a window which is rendered using Window.Open ?

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MVC :: Viewdata Is Defiant Null Always?

Apr 15, 2010

i return data to view by viewdata. and allways checking the viewdata for null but the viewdata is defiant null

this is my code for return data from database


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MVC :: Unable To Increment A Value While Using ViewData?

Apr 7, 2010

The functionality I'm looking for is really simple. I'd like to increment a an integer called
index. Each time I click a button, I post a form to an action method, which increment index and redisplay the view with the new value of the index.

So, I've 2 action methods called Increment (Get and Post versions ):

Increment (GET) action method displays the View, supplying also an initial value of index through the ViewData.


When I click to the button "increment" on the view, I post a form to Increment (POST). The value from the ViewData is sent back to the Controller through an "Hidden field" [Code].... Increment (POST) action method pulls the the value of the index, increments the value, and sends back the new value of index through ViewData when it re-displays the view.[Code]....

Unfortunately, all I can get is ONE increment. in the case above, I get 2. after that, I keep getting 2. If I change the value to 2, I get 3 and nothing else, etc... I suspect that ViewData, once it has gotten a value, keeps it forever.

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MVC :: Know The Limit Of Viewdata Items?

Sep 13, 2010

I would like to know the limit of viewdata items.

I mean how many (no. of records) can be stored in one viewdata instance.

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MVC :: Sending Viewdata To Another Controller?

Mar 18, 2011

I am new to MVC3 razor and facing one issue as described below. I have one strongly typed view to display list of items and user can edit the view. When user click on a print button a popup should open to print the list . So I have to pass the current view to the popup page.

We can pass a single value as like to popup screen as "'@Url.Action("ViewName", "ContollerName",new {id="ParameterValue"})'.

Is it possible to pass the current view to to popup window as a parameter like new {id="Parameter"}) ?

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MVC :: Size Limitations Of ViewData?

Jul 26, 2010

I've run into a wall with the ViewData construct, but not sure exactly where the limitation lies or the best way to get around it. I have a complicated View that needs to contain many dropdown listboxes. I am loading up ViewData objects in the controller for the view. Apparently, I have hit some limit and cannot add another ViewData object for another dropdown. I'm not sure if the limit is the number of distinct objects in ViewData, the amount of memory in my test server, or the overall amount of data I am trying to load into the ViewData collection.

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Difference Between ViewData And ViewBag?

Jan 16, 2011

I saw the ViewBag in MVC3? How's that different than Viewdata in MVC2?

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MVC :: Binding DatGrid Through ViewData?

Jan 26, 2010


.aspx View:


How to bind a dataSource property of the grid to ViewData["Data Source"]?

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Access :: Edit - Update And Create New Data Into Access Database Using Data Detail View

Apr 8, 2010

i am facing some problem in update, edit and even create new data into my access database using data detail view. i am using microsoft visual web developer 2008, i can do the same when sql server database were to tore the data. but when i try to do the same using access database, an application error. may i know whats going wrong? and how to solve this problem?

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Best Way To Do Global Viewdata In An Area Of MVC Website

Nov 16, 2010

I have an several controllers where I want every ActionResult to return the same viewdata. In this case, I know I will always need basic product and employee information.

Right now I've been doing something like this:


This is just pseudo-code so forgive any obvious errors, is there a better way to be doing this? I thought of having my controller inherit a class that pretty much does the same thing you see here, but I didn't see any great advantages to that. It feels like what I'm doing is wrong and unmaintable, what's the best way to go about this?

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