MVC :: Can Extend The HtmlHelper Class From A View Page

Mar 26, 2010

I can extend the HtmlHelper class from a View page but how can I extend its functionality within a class?


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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Extend The HtmlHelper By Using Metadata / Access Metadata In HtmlHelper Extension Method?

Jan 9, 2010

I would like to extend the HtmlHelper by using metadata (similar to DataAnnotaions metadata). Specifically I want to be able to add a 'Title' attribute to html controls that will then appear as a tooltip on the control. I would like to keep the tooltip text with my model, for example by adding 'Tiltle' metadata to the model as follows:

[DisplayName("User Id")]
[Title("Enter your 10 digit user id")]
property UserId { get; set; }

So the questions are:

1. How do I add metadata (such as 'Title') to my model?

2. How do I access this metadata in my HtmlHelper extension method?


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Setting Page Title From An HtmlHelper Class?

Sep 23, 2010

I have an HTML Helper that essentially renders static content read from HTML files (inside of a vdir). There are cases when the HTML file has a title element defined and in such cases, the current page should use the given title. The content inside of the body should be rendered where the Helper class is referenced in the View.

This is how I call the helper.

new List<StaticContentTag>()
new StaticContentTag()
TagValue = "Austin"}
}, Model, true) %>

I'm passing in the ViewModel so that I can set the title and the last parameter is a flag that says whether to force the title or not.

The head has the title defined like this.


I know what I'm doing wrong here by referencing the Model.Title element before even calling the helper. Any ideas on how I can work around this?

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MVC :: How To Display An Image With HtmlHelper Class

Aug 16, 2010

am currently stuck with this problem of displaying an image using HtmlHelper class.Here is what i have.
I have a custom HtmlHelper class which supposed to display an image:



I managed to get to the controller, but image shows as null. Is there a way around it ? or maybe an even better way to do this?

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MVC :: Can't Use HtmlHelper In A Class That Extends ViewUserControl

Aug 24, 2010

I'm trying to override all the Html.TextBoxFor etc. methods. I want to make them non-static methods in a class that extends ViewUserControl. But, according to intellisense, Html does have access to these methods; they simply don't appear. So basically I want to do something like:


But I'm not getting the syntax right.

Basically just trying to wrap the TextBoxFor call so that my ViewUserControl can drop in a unique id each time.

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Having A Class And ID Together In An HTMLHelper Method. Ie. Text?

Jul 6, 2010

I saw this implemented somewhere but basically below I'm using the textbox HTMLHelper to draw a textbox with the id myID and default text 'text_goes_here'. I want to also add a class to thiis helper, i saw somewhere it implemented with new {@class =''} as a third parameter creating an object but im not sure exactly how its wrote

<%= Html.TextBox("myID", "text_goes_here") %>

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MVC. Extending HtmlHelper Versus Custom Class

Feb 16, 2010

What are the advantages of extending HtmlHelper instead of creating a Custom Class.

f.e. <%= Html.Table(data) %> vs <%= CustomClass.Table(data) %>

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MVC :: Using HtmlHelper Outside Of A View?

Sep 20, 2010

How can I call HtmlHelper methods outside of a view? I want to call Html.ActionLink from a C# method. Then use Response.Write to write the output from ActionLink to the output stream of a view. Is there a server side equivalent of HtmlHelper.ActionLink?

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C# - Get Model Associated With Corresponding View In HtmlHelper?

Nov 24, 2010

My View inherits Models.MyModel

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="Something.Master" Inherits="Models.MyModel>" %>

I need a property Model.Something to be available in a HtmlHelper method when I call it from this view.

<%= Html.CustomHelper(...) %>

Is there any way to access this? Maybe via ViewContext or ViewDataDictionary?

I do not want to explicitly pass Model.SessionKey for each helper I call.

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MVC :: 3 HtmlHelper.BeginForm - Return View?

Feb 11, 2011

I am having some trouble with returning a View in response to an ActionResult method being invoked. In my view I have a ViewData which holds a value which is being read. Current process.. user selects 1 of three radio buttons, and clicks a button to apply the selection, which in turn triggers method which sets the form ..

this.form =

Now in my controller, I change the value in the ViewData and simply which to return to the View();. Here is we're the fun starts.. I receive the following message, and cannot get around it. The view 'GridEditingMode' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:


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Web Forms :: Create User Control Class That Extend Panel?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to create a user control class that extends Panel. Essentially, what I want to do is to have a panel that fires off an event whenever it's clicked upon.

So, I create something like this:


And then, in the ClickPanel.ascx.cs file:


I'm not exactly sure whether this would work as I haven't had the opportunity to test it yet.

The problem is that I can't have a class inherit from Panel. Creating a user control class requires that my class extend User Control - at least that's what the error messages have been saying up until now. The problem is that if I do extend it from the base class of UserControl then I lose all the functionality of the Panel itself and the entire thing is rendered pointless.

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Web Forms :: Foreach - Datatable / Extend Or Create A Class For This Functionality?

Feb 18, 2011

I cannot use foreach with datable.

In that case if i wish to extend or create a class for this functionality

how do i proceed?

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How To Return Partial View From Inside The HtmlHelper

Feb 10, 2011

I have the following code:

public static PartialViewResult DateTime(this HtmlHelper helper)
return System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

and now I want to return a Partial view from inside the DateTime method. But helper instance does not have any method for partial view.

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MVC :: HtmlHelper Extension Method V Partial View?

Jan 18, 2011

I would like to know what the pros and cons are of creating an extension method v a partial view. From my understanding, htmlHelper extension methods are better as they enable one to unit test the view.

e.g. Assert.AreEqual(Html.Price(), "<td><tr><td>Price</td><td>4.50</td></tr>");

where the Price() method contains the presentation logic.

Since both the extension method and partial view are reusable, what then is the point / benefit of a partial view?

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MVC :: Can't Extend The Output Caching On A Disk For A Partial View

Jan 10, 2011

Output Caching .NET 4 on any view. But I can't extend the output caching (on a disk) for a partial view(RenderAction).

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'Company.Dept.Project.Controls.ControlName' Is Not Allowed Here Because It Does Not Extend Class 'System.Web.UI.UserControl'

Oct 14, 2010

I have defined the following control which serves as a wrapper for another control (simplified code):


Can anyone provide any insight as to why it is failing in one environment, but not the others? Is this something related to configuration? The user control is hosted within a "SmartPart" style user control loader which is being used on a WSS 3.0 site in the DIT/SIT/UAT environments.

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MVC :: How To Pass A Dictionary Type Of Data From View To Controller Using A HtmlHelper Control

Jun 17, 2010

if I use a Html.Hidden field in my view, when the value click to submit the form I would like to pass this data to the controller. This variable would contain int as key and string as value,

Dictionary<int, string> interestTable = new Dictionary<int, string>();

How can I specify the htmlAttribute fo this variable in my Html.Hidden code?

<% using(Html.BeginForm("Search", "SearchMembers")) { %>
<input type="hidden" name="ResearchInterests" id="researchInterests" value=""/>
<%= Html.Hidden("fullInterestsPath") %>,

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SQL Reporting :: How To Have ReportViewer Extend To Full Width Of The Page On IE

Dec 17, 2010

I have a ReportViewer displaying a report that is very wide.

How to have ReportViewer extend to full width of the page on IE ?

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MVC :: How To Extend Controller With Extension Method Which Redirects To 404 Page

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to extend controller with extension method which redirects to 404 page.


However, controller.View() method is internal and can't be called outside class methods.

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Creating Strongly Typed View Showing Big List In View Data Class?

Nov 30, 2010

When I am creating Strongly Typed View I get lots of Classes in View Data Drop down. Classes like Automapper, ninject, Interface..., latebound... Due this its very hard to find my project classes. Is there any way to restrict dropdown to only display my project classes?

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Web Services - Can A Webservice Class Inherit Page Class?

Jan 6, 2011

i have an application consisting of two projects. And i have have a BasePage which inherits System.Web.UI.Page and have the class some core logic which i require in all of my pages(Implemented in BasePage.cs). So all my pages inherit this BasePage.cs . Now can an Webservice inherit the same class apart from the normal webservice class System.Web.Services.WebService

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C# - How To Inherit A Page Class From A Class Library

Mar 16, 2011

I might be asking a dumb question, but I have a client for whom I need to build many websites (10+) ( 3.5) which will all the pages on each site will have the same codebehind, but the sites will launching in different regions and whilst following the same template, will have different content.I have built and launched site 1, and sites 2, 3 & 4 is nearly live, but it occurs to me that as all the sites are basically the same, the code is going to get more complicated to update as it will be duplicated, so if I need to do a bug fix on one site, I'll need to do the fix on all websites (and this is going to get complicated.)

I was wondering if it possible to somehow create a class library of all the current aspx.cs files, reference this dll in each website and then inherit these classes into the .aspx.cs files. So default.aspx in each site would still have a CodeFile of "Default.aspx.cs", but Default.aspx.cs would inherit the corresponing class from the dll:

using WebPagesClass;
public partial class _Default : WebPagesClass._Default
{ }

The reason for doing it like this is that if I need to change any code on a specific website (for minor changes in languages for instance), I can override the page functions and change the parts required. For all other pages which have not cha, I can just copy from a single website.Is this vaguely possible? If not anyone one got any killer suggestions of how to manage so many websites from a single codebase?

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MVC :: Get Data From A Different Class Into View?

May 11, 2010

I want to get data from a different class into my view. Example:





I'm getting allot of errors about the value being null; what am I doing wrong?

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MVC :: How To Set Class Value For Selected Ul Tags In Mvc View

Jul 20, 2010

i have view which display product list..this is how html looks like

<% foreach (var products in Model.Products) { %>
<ul id="<%: products.ProductID %>" class="">
<a href="">xx</a>
<% } %>

This page will list 16 product items,means 4 by 4.MY question is,i need to set class value for in 1st,5th,9th and 13th ul tag.

smthing like this

<ul class="first"><ul><ul><ul>
<ul class="first"><ul><ul><ul>
<ul class="first"><ul><ul><ul>
<ul class="first"><ul><ul><ul>

how can do this with foreach...

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MVC :: Controller Class Not Available In Add View MVC2?

May 12, 2010

Hi I have created the following controller i want to add view that should have the data access class UserMagnament.Controller.menuitems but when i add view by right clicking on view folder,it is not showing "UserMagnament.Controller.menuitems" in add data class

No controller is shown such as homecontoller, accounts controller, UMController(My Controller) etc i have converted my solution from mvc 1 to mvc2. i checked the web.config. it seems ok for MVC2


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