MVC :: Get Reference To RouteCollection?

Oct 4, 2010

in an action, how do I get a reference to the RouteCollection object? I am using the QueryString to mantain some state variables and notice when I RedirectToAction the querystring in the redirected to action is null. So I would like to use RouteCollection.GetUrl and HttpContext.Response.Redirect to create a customized version
of RedirectToAction.

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C# - Extending The RouteCollection In Routing?

Nov 17, 2010

I have been developing a pure MVC CMS for fun and have run into an annoying bug/feature of ASP.NET routing.Each dynamic managed page in my CMS is associated with a particular route that is pulled from the database. These are loaded at app start. When a user adds a new page or edits the Url of an existing page I need to be able to edit the RouteTable to insert/edit route accordingly.The problem is that the new route does not need to be simply added to the end of the RouteCollection, instead it may need to be inserted into a particular position. Seems logical enough except that the RouteCollection contains only a standard Insert(int idx, RouteBase route) method inherited from Collection<T> which doesn't contain the route name. The name of the route is important as I use it throughout to generate action links.Looking at reflector I can't see an easy way to extend this collection as the _namedMap dictionary is marked as private. I tried chopping the collection at the point of insert and re-adding each item again, however because there is no method to reverse lookup a route's name from the RouteCollection I cannot re-add them with the name they may have had before. So frustrating!!!Why is the name of the route not a property of the route object?Why if MS is serious about us extending MVC and Routing do they make crucial classes hard to extend?Any suggestions as to the best solution here?Edit :Ok maybe I should have been much much clearer here. I am not looking for a critique of my CMS design. I appreciate the comments but this is not what I am asking.

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MVC :: Access RouteCollection In Custom RedirectToRouteResult?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm making a custom RedirectToRouteResult so I can have it return a JavaScriptResult if it's an ajaxrequest. To be able to generate the url I think I need access to the RouteCollection but how do I access it in there? Obviously the original RedirectToRouteResult is able to generate the url but I don't know how it does it.

public class RedirectToRouteResult : System.Web.Mvc.RedirectToRouteResult
public RedirectToRouteResult(string route, object routevalues) : base(route, new RouteValueDictionary


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MVC :: Getting This Error 'IgnoreRoute' Is Not A Member Of 'System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection'?

Jan 27, 2010

I keep getting this error

'IgnoreRoute' is not a member of 'System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection'.

even though I have included the required namespace



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WCF / ASMX :: Call HTTPS Web Reference Through Another Web Reference - An Unhandled Exception Of Type Error?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to call web reference "A" in an application.

The web reference "A" will then call a function in another web reference "B" through HTTPS connection (require certificate).

Then I keep getting the following error:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException' occurred in System.Web.Services.dll

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Visual Studio - Why Does Website Reference Assembly From GAC, When Adding Local Reference

Jan 7, 2010

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Why such a behaviour? Is it possible to force copy to bin folder (I need this since .dll is not on target environment)? I can add assembly to bin folder as file and it will work, but in this case bin folder contents will be in source control, which is not good.

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MVC :: Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference In Code Generated?

Oct 4, 2010

I am working on converting a project from C# to VB and am facing this weird issue. 1 page cannot compile and I get the reference error, but the weird thing is that the compiler shows the error as coming from ASP.NET generated code. Visual Studio shows me that error is coming from my ASPX page. I cannot seem to figure out why or where this error is occuring. Also if I take the inherits attribute out I don't get the compilation error. The code in aspx page is below:


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DataSource Controls :: Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Apr 22, 2010

I am using VS2005, and a newbie at table adapters, DAL & BLL. I have a single dataset (in DAL) and 2 classes (in BLL) named Class1.vb and Class2.vb.

When I try to call a function from Class1 within Class2 I get the error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference".

Here is a sketch of my code structure:


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VS2008 Update Web Reference Creates Naming Conflicts In Reference.cs?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a Web service which, when updated on one computer with VS2008 works perfectly fine, but on another computer does not. The critical difference is the contents of the auto-generated Reference.cs.

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The code is under source control. Checking out to the working environment works straight away, checking out to the problem environment will only work if the reference.cs is manually edited to be like the working environments. Transferring the project manually from problem environment to the working one only requires an "Update Web Reference" to be performed to allow compilation. Both Reference.cs files claim to be auto-generated by the same tool version. The settings from the good environment have been exported to the other. No success so far...

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State Management :: Error Like: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of Reference?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a url like this: In this page, when I click on a link it takes me to a page So in the cental.aspx.cs page I did the following in the page load:

if(request.querystring["comp"].tostring() != null)
//do some thing [code].....

So I got an error like: object reference not set to an instance of reference.My problem is, I am using the same page. So when I go from some page, I will have "comp". but other times not. So when there is no "comp", how do I handle it in request.querystring?

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Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference?

Oct 8, 2010

I do not receive this error when I open my website application in vs 2005. When I open in vs 2008, I get this error. What gives?

These lines are underlined in blue:


Businesslogic area is imported into each of 3 pages with this line.

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Web Forms :: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object Error When Remove Reference To Site Master Page

Sep 30, 2010

in my default.aspx page i have a dropdown List and a textbox with a submit button below that there are 2 listbox... and the dropdown list holds the names of the listbox

my logic here is to select an item from the dropdown list and put some text in the text box and submit the form which will add an item to the listbox selected.. but when i do this i get an error saying Object reference not set to an instance of an object. i tried to figure out the problem and found that when i remove the reference to the Site Master Page it works fine and when i undo and apply my reference back to the Site Master Page i get the same error.


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Web Reference Versus Service Reference

Jun 9, 2010

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Jan 21, 2010

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Sep 3, 2010

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Way To Get Reference DLLs Without Bin Or GAC

Jan 13, 2010

I have an ASP.NET project under source control (Subversion). For various reasons, I don't want to add the Bin directory or its contents to source control, so I have it svn:ignored. DLLs are loaded into here during a Visual Studio build, and I can start with a clean directory and/or delete all the contents of this directory and still have a successful build.

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C# - How To Reference Assemblies That Are In The GAC

Mar 29, 2011

In 2005 you need to add a new registry setting in order to see it in the Add Ref dialog box.


can you add a reference an assemble that are in the GAC in the web.config file?

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Feb 11, 2010

I'm creating a DLL with a reference to web services (I don't have the choice to do so) but I have to add web service references to the project that uses the DLL for it to work. Example, I have the DLL called API.DLL that calls a web service called WebService.svc that I want to use in a project called WinForm. First, I have to add a "Service Reference" to WebService.svc in API.DLL. Then, I add a reference API.DLL to WinForm but it doesn't work unless I also add a service reference to WebService.svc in WinForm.

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Web Forms :: Add A .exe Reference?

Mar 17, 2011

I've a an exe application developed using C. I want to add this as a reference to my application. But i'm getting an error which says like it's not an assembly or COM component.

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Reference A DAL TableAdapter?

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to build a little ASP.NET 3.5 project to explore DAL concepts. While following the steps on this walkthrough:


I am unable to figure out how to reference the TableAdapter added in the DAL section from within the App_Code directory. I tried adding the following different statements

using AccountsTableAdapter;
using <projectname>.App_Code.MyTableAdpater;

where <projectname> is the solution name. When I add this to the code behind page but I keep getting an error regarding the namespace. What is the pattern I need to use to find this code in 3.5 within the App_Code directory?

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C# - Using Variables As Value And Not As Reference?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm having some troubles using Session Variables as they are being used as Reference and I want to use them as value.

I got to this debuging my solution and I created something like:

DataTable dt =
// Adding Rows of Data to DataTable dt
HttpContext.Current.Session["SearchReturn-DataTable"] = dt;


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Reference .NET 4.0 Library In .NET 2.0 App?

Oct 1, 2010

is there a way of referencing a .NET 4.0 in a .NET 2.0 app? Whenever I try to compile and build I get an error saying:

Could not load file or assembly 'blahblahblah' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.

Ive tried adding the Library as a project AND as a .DLL but still no luck. Unfortunately converting the .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 is not optional...

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C# - Circular Reference With EF4?

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to return an Entity Framework 4 object with children to an jQuery JSON AJAX function but I get a circular reference error - in short my method looks like this

public static JSONObject Get()
WebHelper.JSONObject lJSONObject = new WebHelper.JSONObject();

lJSONObject.Object = Repository.Parent.Include("Child.Child").FirstOrDefault();

return lJSONObject;

if I do not include children the functions works fine, but with children the circular reference occurs.

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Reference A Row From One In Second Query?

Oct 20, 2010

I have two queries

Dim query1 as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT start_date FROM bookings WHERE investor = ''00000'' ')"

Dim FlightQuery as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT price FROM flight_prices WHERE dep_date = start_date ')"

Where it says dep_date = start_date I need to grab the start_date from the first query and put it into my 2nd query.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Reference To The Project

Nov 29, 2010

I have an dought on adding name space in project. In one one of my project I want to add "System.SserviceModel.Web" name space. But the name space is not in .net tab of refence dialog box. How can I add this reference to the .net tab window?

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