Reference A Row From One In Second Query?
Oct 20, 2010
I have two queries
Dim query1 as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT start_date FROM bookings WHERE investor = ''00000'' ')"
Dim FlightQuery as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT price FROM flight_prices WHERE dep_date = start_date ')"
Where it says dep_date = start_date I need to grab the start_date from the first query and put it into my 2nd query.
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a WCF Dataservice which i am comsuming for Dynamic Data. My entity where i am facing problem looks like this
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First Table
My first method I tried I thought I had solved it. The last 3 tables are populated through a webform. The query I created definitely produces the output above but I had to create 4 more duplicate tables. The solution was a bit shortsighted as users can also delete items from the last table. So when users deleted amounts it did not reflect on the output. I want to know if the above tables can be used to produce the intended output
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if(request.querystring["comp"].tostring() != null)
//do some thing [code].....
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Jan 21, 2010
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Aug 22, 2010
1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like
SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.
Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).
2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query
(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).
If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm encountering a strange problem. Here is the scenario. I have built a query that accepts a parameter (WHERE LIKE clause).
I've tested this within the query builder and it returns exactly the number I would expect.
I then go back to my webpage and add the following controls:
the user to make a selection from the dropdown. Postback on the dropdown is enabled so the page reloads and the Gridview displays the filtered results (via an objectdatasource). I've set the parameter to the dropdown control.
The trouble is when I run the page I make the selection in the dropdown no results are displayed. Even though the text displayed in the dropdown control is exactly the same as I inputted into the query builder when testing it.
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Jan 15, 2010
This query works perfectly on the query analyser.
But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.
What could I be getting wrong in this case.
NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.
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May 17, 2010
By right clicking on my database i created a query in server explorer. But where are this query stored can't find them back. I should aspect that their is a folder query's like there is a folder tables but this isn't the case.
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Mar 2, 2011
I am trying to create statitics for game downloads and am having dificulty with a sub part of my query. the goup by command is not having the disired result and i think i have been looking at it too long to see what i am doing wrong. [Code]....
At the moment it is producing each result in many rows when only 4 rows should appear. its the download column that is doing it. needs to be sub queried or something to display total in relation to month,gameid,userid.
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
View 2 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
I am trying to display this query result in an aspx page.
It is very slow in loading. Here is the query. The inner query inside the outer quesry is the problem.(Please see the underlined part in the query) - (If I remove that part it is very fast.)
top 500
--This column is the issue
,Governing_Class=( case when exists (select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.appid and tqc.class_code not in('8742' ,'8810','7380')
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
then ( select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
......... From tables
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Mar 10, 2010
select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid
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Mar 6, 2011
A follow up question concerning the DAL layer part .. The first question about dealing with large objectsI have one table (PlacesTable) that is connected by like 6 other tables (1:Many and Many:Many relations)
In my DAL should I put a big query that join the 6 tables + the m:m reference tables (btw it produces multiple data that I don't need Please refer to my old question) and place all the data in it's specific object property or, should I use a single query for each table and create an object for each fetched table .. and finally send those to the UI ?If I wasn't clear enough please let me know what I further information do you need to know!
View 4 Replies
Apr 23, 2010
I am having a problem with my sql query in c#, basically it's inline query with parameters, but when I run it it tells me that parameter 1 or parameter 2 is not there here is my query declared on top of the page as public:
public const string InsertStmtUsersTable = "insert into Users (username, password, email, userTypeID, memberID, CM7Register) " +
"Values(@username, @password, @email, @userTypeID, @memberID,@CM7Register ); select @@identity";
this is my code for assigning the parameters, I know I am having problem so I am assigning the params twice:
Username =(cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = row["username"].ToString()) as string;
cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = row["username"].ToString();
In 1 methopd it calls this query and tries to insert to table, here is the code:
Result = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(con, CommandType.Text,InsertStmtUsersTable));
Exact error message is: Must declare the variable '@username'. Could this code be a problem, because all the previous coding is declared with in this using statement, except declaration of query, here the using statement: using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(InsertStmtUsersTable, con))
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Sep 3, 2010
I am a biggner in SQL DB . but i started a complicated and painfull work in SQL SERVER 2008. the problem convert Oracle hierarchical query to SQL query. the query
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