MVC :: Handle Nulls In Views?

May 21, 2010

I have an Edit View with a bunch of fields, some non-required. If the user decides not to fill them in, thats fine and it gets saved to the database as nulls (nullable fields).

The problem is when the controller redirects to the Details page and tries to render these null objects in labels using LabelFor(Model.SomeNonRequiredField)

Where/How should i be handling "acceptable" nulls?

Right now in my service layer im manually setting these nulls to String.empty before committing to the db, but now its saving it as an empty character instead of null - something like "SetDefaultValuesForNonRequiredFields(myObject)"

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MVC :: Handle Strongly Typed Views If Have Multiple Objects/models?

Mar 16, 2011

<p>Hi</p> <p>I'm a newbie in MVC but a veteran web forms developer. I really like the idea of strongly typed views but what if I have multiple objects to pass to my razor view. Would I then NOT use strongly typed views and just use the ViewBag?</p>

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C# - Column Does Not Allow Nulls

Mar 14, 2011

have a look at my code below and tell me where i am going wrong.

case "particulars.aspx":
dt = JobCardManager.GetParticularsByJobId(id);
hidJobId.Value = id.ToString();
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
gvParticulars.DataSource = dt;

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I am learning MultiView control.Here are question:I added 5 views in the MultiView but all views are tight together. I can not drag and drop another control such as text boxes or labels into view area.

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WebMatrix :: PageData Passes Nulls?

Oct 26, 2010

Caller to Draw.cshtml

if (errors == false)
PageData["Range"] = zoom;
PageData["StartReal"] = startRe;
PageData["StartImaginary"] = startIm;
PageData["StartColor"] = startColor;
PageData["N"] = N;
PageData["SizePic"] = sizePic;
@:<img src="@Href("Draw.cshtml")" />;

Here all variables have a value, however when arriving in Draw.cshtml the PageData all pass as null.

var zoom = PageData["Range"];
var startRe = PageData["StartReal"];
var startIm = PageData["StartImaginary"];
var startColor = PageData["StartColor"];
var N = PageData["N"];
var sizePic = PageData["SizePic"];
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(sizePic, sizePic);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Red);
juliaset(zoom, startRe, startIm, startColor, N, sizePic, g, myPen);
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline; filename=test.jpg");
bitmap.Save(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

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Databases :: Sql Cursor Pulls In All Nulls For Every Field In Every Row?

Mar 19, 2010

I am using a cursor to iterate through a small set of record (28), perform some maths on each record and then update the record / row.

The problem is the cursor pulls in all nulls for every field in every row

It also gives me 28 rows, 28 times (see below)


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Databases :: NoNullAllowedException: Column 'idNames' Does Not Allow Nulls

Apr 12, 2010

environment: VS2008, MySQL 5.1.45, .net Connector 6.2.2

Error msg:

NoNullAllowedException: Column 'idNames' does not allow nulls.

The MySQL DB has on "idNames" (Primary Key) a tick-mark for: primary Key, Not Null, Auto-Increment Also: I can add/retrieve records via the 'MySQL Query Browser'; I see the data via VS2008 'Preview Data'!

As said in the comment below; when the 'idNames' is explicitely given the rows.add works fine. So it seems that I miss something around the 'auto-increment' business!


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DataSource Controls :: Check For Columns With All Nulls?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a situation where a query returns ~20 columns, but at any given execution only 5 of the 20 will have non-NULL values. The remaining 15 will contain null for every row in those columns.

I need to figure out which of the 5 columns have values. I am using a SqlCommand. How would I best approach figuring out these 5 columns?

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Architecture :: Check For Nulls In An Object Aggregation?

Dec 30, 2010

I am working on a legacy application. It uses custom MVC framework and Windows Communication Framework service to bridge the Presentation layer with the rest of the application (i'll call this AppServer).

Every Entity in the AppServer inherits from BaseEntity which contains the method:


As you can see:

if the personObject was not null, but the ContactAddress was, [which is exactly what happens in the construction of a PersonObject in the event that no contact details are provided (hence they are not present in the HashTable and dont get created)] then the code will fail with a null reference exception.


Is there a fundamental flaw in the way that objects are getting created? It would be easy to point the finger in this direction, however, im sure there must have been some reason for the original architect to choose not to instantiate an empty ContactAddress object every time a Person object is referenced - EG if in a particular Presention->AppServer Request/Response cycle we only want a person's login details - we wouldn't care about the ContactDetails.


Is there a clean way to check for null objects within an aggregation, without doing something like:

if(Parent.child!= null)
if(Parent.child.child != null)

It just looks messy and it seems such a common problem, im sure there would be a better way of doing things.

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Databases :: Detecting Nulls In Output Parameter Using ODP?

May 17, 2010

I'm converting my application from using System.Data.OracleClient to Oracle.DataAccess.Client and I've noticed some weird behavior.

I am calling a stored procedure that sets an output parameter value. Under some circumstances, a null value gets assigned to this value and I need to detect it.

Here's how I'm declaring it using

cmd.Parameters.Add("p_status", OracleDbType.VarChar2, 200, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output)

The old Microsoft driver for Oracle would read the value as an empty string. However, ODP is returning a value {null} (per Visual Studio's debugger), which is not equivalent to null, DBNull.Value, nor an empty string. As a result, the code doesn't branch correctly now.

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SQL Server :: Can Allow Repeated Nulls On Column With Unique Constraint

Aug 25, 2010

Is it possible to allow repeated nulls on a column with a unique constraint? This column will won't always be populated with data upon insert, a condition must be met before the value is update. Once updated, it needs to be unique. Do I need to assign a temporary, random value or

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C# - .NET MVC Partial Views And Routing - Using Ajax Calls To Trigger A New Request But Non Of The Partial Views Are Refreshed

Mar 9, 2010

I have an MVC view that contains a number of partial views. These partial views are populated using partial requests so the controller for the view itself doesn't pass any data to them. Is it possible to reload the data in one of those partial views if an action was triggered in another? For example, one partial view has a jqGrid and I want to refresh the data in another partial view when a user selects a new row in this grid. Is there a code example for this scenario (in C#) that I can look at to see what am I doing wrong? I am using ajax calls to trigger a new request but non of the partial views are refreshed so I am not sure if the issue is with the routing, the controller,

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort DataView Ascending With Nulls Last?

Aug 16, 2010

how to sort a datatable (dataview) so that the second column is ascending but nulls are last.

I'm trying to do the following Date1 ASC, DATE2 ASC (but if DATE2 is null it is last in this Date1 group)

Note: Date1 can never be null so a Date2 that is null should still be grouped in with its Date1.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Nulls To 0 On Detailsview Insert?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm looking to find some command or control that will change fields in a detailsview insert a 0 if there was no data inserted into them. Some example code from my boundfield is:

<asp:BoundField DataField="Assignment_Travel_Time"

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DataSource Controls :: Setting Field To Nulls Not Working - LINQ With Listview

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Listview with a LinqDataSource. I am allocating a resoure called Bladder Scanners to clinicians on the day selected. The field in the database, 'Allocated_Bladder_Scanner_Id', allows nulls. The 'nullable' property of the field in the dbml is set to allow nulls.In the edit template, I have an unbound dropdownlist (drpBladderScannerDropdown) with an 'empty string' item added to cater for nulls, and
AppendDataBoundItems="true".In order to show only bladder scanners which have not yet been allocated on the selected day, I am databinding the dropdownlist to a dictionary of unallocated bladder scanners in the ItemDataBound event. I then add the currently selected bladder scanner as a listitem and set it as the selected item. So far, so good, all works well. However, if the clinician has a bladder scanner currently allocated, and then the user elects to not allocate the clinician a bladder scanner on that day by selecting 'Nothing' from the dropdownlist, the LinqDataSource fails to update the field. It does not throw an exception, it just doesn't set the field to nulls. In ItemUpdating I have the following code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview In UpdatePanel Sends NULLS To Db On Update?

Mar 4, 2011

I have been struggling with an issue with the Detailsview that I'm using only sending null values to my sqldatasource update. I have seen people on the forums with this problem before but none with my specifics. Essentially, I'm creating a master/details scenario but using ajax updatepanels. A Gridview holds the master records and upon selection of that record the Detailsview is populated and brought up in a modal box. This works fine to display the data in the Detailsview. But upon update all nulls are sent back. I've evaluated the NewValues collection in the Detailsview OnItemUpdating event, and see all nulls. I read a posthere that talks about the KB article KB941155; which states a problem with .NET not being able to find a bound control in template situations: wasn't sure if this applied to me since I am using Master pages. A couple of other notes. I am using BoundFields in my Detailsview, as well as a sqldatasource with a stored procedure updatecommandtype. The DataKeyNames are being set correctly as well.

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Forms Data Controls :: In The SQL Server The 'phone' Field Is Set To 'varchar(30)' And Nulls Are Allowed?

May 18, 2010

My filter Expression was working fine with filtering by Control Parameters.When I added the Phone Parameter it went nuts - with the Phone Parameter the GridView just Comes out blank upon loading the page (without it would show Select * from Individuals)Is it because the phone field is populated with numbers? Don't get it.... In the SQL server the 'phone' field is set to 'varchar(30)' and nulls are is my code:


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Partial Views / How To Implement Partial Views

Jun 16, 2010

i want to implement partial views in

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How To Use Partial Views

Jun 17, 2010

I have done partial views in ASP.NET MVC but now I want to convert it to ASP.NET. I have used AJAX and JavaScript. How can I convert the following:

<a href="#" onclick="LoadPartialView('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("AdminHome", "Admin")%>')">Home</a> ,
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="LoadPartialViewPost('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("ViewPage", "Controller")%>', $('form').serialize())" />

to ASP.NET, or in other words, how can I load a partial view in ASP.NET?

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MVC :: Can't Use L2E Join In Views

Jun 29, 2010


i already can't view with select new{} tags but i continued to try.

when i adding a new view, i selected PLAYER table then i wrote this code to view:


i guess i can do this with "sql view" but i can't create view tables for everything.

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MVC :: Change URL Of Views?

Nov 2, 2010

How do you change the URL of views for example if I have the following:

/Views/Home/Details.aspx will produce the following URL: /Home/Details/1

I would like to rename it to say News. I remember it being something along the lines of ActionResult but can't remember exactly.

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MVC :: How To Use C# Classes In To Views

Jan 29, 2010

I found datetimepicker class in one project . i.e C# project , in this project he/she created one class named as datetimeextensions.cs.

so then he/she imported in to one view and used like this .


i added this class in to my project and i tried to import but it doesn't appear in extensions?

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MVC :: Using Namespaces In Razor Views?

Jan 18, 2011

I've recently switched over to using the Razor view engine, and I want to specify a namespace to use in a view. I've tried adding an entry to the Web.config file, ie:


But none of my views recognise any of the classes inside that namespace, so I have to declare the namespace in every view that needs it. why the Web.config approach isn't working?

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SQL Server :: How Many Types Of Views

Jul 22, 2010

what is views how many types of views , why we used views.

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MVC :: How To Set Viewdata As Global To Be Used By All Other Views

Dec 31, 2010

My doubt is i have two tables with Id as (Primary key) in one table and in the next table i have a Category Id field as Foreign key relationship with the 1st tabl Id field...

I have created a create view for the 1st table.My question is i have created a partial view for the 2nd table,but i need to pass the Id value to the second tables category Id field...So is there any way to do it by using Viewdata?

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