MVC :: Change URL Of Views?

Nov 2, 2010

How do you change the URL of views for example if I have the following:

/Views/Home/Details.aspx will produce the following URL: /Home/Details/1

I would like to rename it to say News. I remember it being something along the lines of ActionResult but can't remember exactly.

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C# - MVC Routing: Change Views For All Controllers In A Directory?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a subdirectory in Controllers named Admin, which contains several controllers.

Is there a way to change the route so that I can put all the views in "/Admin" for every controller in the Admin directory? Or do I need to map a route for every single controller?

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MVC3 / The Buildmanagerand Triggering Recompilation When Views Change?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a question about the MVC3 view page activator and how changes to the views trigger recompilation. There seems to be some magic going on in BuildManager that I can't see because the source code is not available for the symbols -- and even reflector can't see inside.

What I've done is implement my own VPP and subclass of the Razor view engine for purposes of displaying razor views that do not live on the filesystem. My mock setup just returns data from a string to render. This works fine, but what does not work is when you change that data, the class is not recompiled. And it is not clear how to get either RazorBuildProvider or BuildManager to regenerate the c# code and recompile it when the data returned from the VPP is different.

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C# - .NET MVC Partial Views And Routing - Using Ajax Calls To Trigger A New Request But Non Of The Partial Views Are Refreshed

Mar 9, 2010

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How To Use Partial Views

Jun 17, 2010

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<a href="#" onclick="LoadPartialView('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("AdminHome", "Admin")%>')">Home</a> ,
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="LoadPartialViewPost('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("ViewPage", "Controller")%>', $('form').serialize())" />

to ASP.NET, or in other words, how can I load a partial view in ASP.NET?

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MVC :: Can't Use L2E Join In Views

Jun 29, 2010


i already can't view with select new{} tags but i continued to try.

when i adding a new view, i selected PLAYER table then i wrote this code to view:


i guess i can do this with "sql view" but i can't create view tables for everything.

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MVC :: How To Use C# Classes In To Views

Jan 29, 2010

I found datetimepicker class in one project . i.e C# project , in this project he/she created one class named as datetimeextensions.cs.

so then he/she imported in to one view and used like this .


i added this class in to my project and i tried to import but it doesn't appear in extensions?

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MVC :: Using Namespaces In Razor Views?

Jan 18, 2011

I've recently switched over to using the Razor view engine, and I want to specify a namespace to use in a view. I've tried adding an entry to the Web.config file, ie:


But none of my views recognise any of the classes inside that namespace, so I have to declare the namespace in every view that needs it. why the Web.config approach isn't working?

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SQL Server :: How Many Types Of Views

Jul 22, 2010

what is views how many types of views , why we used views.

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MVC :: How To Set Viewdata As Global To Be Used By All Other Views

Dec 31, 2010

My doubt is i have two tables with Id as (Primary key) in one table and in the next table i have a Category Id field as Foreign key relationship with the 1st tabl Id field...

I have created a create view for the 1st table.My question is i have created a partial view for the 2nd table,but i need to pass the Id value to the second tables category Id field...So is there any way to do it by using Viewdata?

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How To Implement Partial Views

Jul 14, 2010

i m working in and i want to implement partial views. i want to load .ascx page without refreshing the current page and not even url changed. can i implement it in

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MVC :: Reference Views From Another Assemblies?

Mar 15, 2010

we have an web site (web application project of vs 2005) where we have a main project and same secondary projects which contain same apsx/ascx used by the main project.

for example in an aspx page of the main site we will use same ascx defined in another project)

at least with vs 2005 we must do a lot of hack to make it works becouse it's not possible to directly reference another web application to use aspx/ascx defined there.

i want know if upgrading to vs 2010 and mvc can help us to a better organization of this type of architecture (the best things will be if i can add a view as embedded resource of a project and i can use it by another project, as the server control of form)

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Oct 31, 2010

I have download and install Crystal Report and Crystal Report runtime viewer from SAP website.I have build an application in MVC VS 2010, using LINQ to SQL, SQL Server 2005There are many views in my application.I want to show views using crystal reports. How can i show my MVC view page data in Crystal report ???

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Create Dynamic Views In Mvc 2.0?

Mar 17, 2010

How to create dynamic views in mvc 2.0?

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How To Create Shared Views In MVC

Jan 20, 2011

In my Views folder I have a several folders such as Category, Origin, Price. They all have a Browse.aspx file and the code in this file displays a table of products. All controllers associated with these folders use the same ViewModel, but in each view I have a repetitive code. The code is:

Folder Category, file browse.aspx
Folder Origin, file browse.aspx

<% foreach ( var p in Model.Products) { %>
<li> <%: p.productname + " " + p.price + " " + p.origin.originname + " " + p.category.categoryname %> </li>
<% } %>

How can I create a shared view and use the shared view in all these views?

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Automatically Generating Better Views For .NET MVC?

Jun 11, 2010

I am currently watching the 80 minute ASP.NET MVC introduction. Automatically generating views from a model is pretty neat, but it seems to me that that the automatically generated views could be much better. For a start, instead of inputing dates with text boxes, there could be a date control. Additionally, number inputs could be verified client side. There are probably other improvements that could be made as well. Is it possible to automatically generate better views?

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.NET MVC - Models Notifying The Views?

Dec 1, 2010

In some of the classic descriptions of MVC, the Model notifies Views via the observer pattern. It seems to me that this doesn't happen with ASP.NET MVC, and so one of the fundamental relationships between Model, View, and Controller is missing.

Is this the case? If so, why?

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C# - How To Return Two Different Views From The Same Action In .NET MVC

Jan 13, 2011

I have two views which will both use the same Controller method:


//The actual method is about 40 lines of code. Truncated for readability.
public ActionResult Index()
object i = new List<WebServiceMethod>(); [code].....

The second view is a quick'n'dirty conversion to JSON so that I can do magical AJAX tricks with the data:

// AjaxGetServiceData.aspx

// Convert web service response object into JSON for AJAX.
var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();


I'd created a duplicate of the Index() method and called it AjaxGetServiceData(), but that defeats the purpose of MVC.

Resolution:I didn't ask my question very well, as evidenced by a 5-10 minute discussion I just had with a coworker about this very topic. He kept asking me the same question that many users on this page asked me: "How does the controller know which view to return?" I responded, "That's what I'm trying to figure out." I was trying to get the method to return a different view (or Json output) when AJAX was the requester. A string argument in the method was my solution.

This is what I ended up using to get my desired effect:

public ActionResult Index(string isJSON = "no")

/// ...All the code from before...[code]....

Then, when I want the JSON version, in my AJAX request I specify the URL as /MyController/Index/?isJSON=yes When I want my pretty table view, I just use /MyController/

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.NET MVC 2 Submitting From Partials In Different Views?

Mar 23, 2011

If I have a partial that is used in multiple views that submits to its own dedicated action, then how do I know which view it has come from so I can go back to that view?

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Can't Get New Controllers Or Views To Work In .Net MVC

Apr 19, 2010

Basically what the title says. I created a new MVC application. I'm trying to add new pages to the site, but anytime I do I get the following error:Server Error in '/' Application.The resource cannot be found.Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

namespace MyAppMVC.Controllers
public class ProductsController : Controlle{
public ActionResult Index()

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MVC :: Handle Nulls In Views?

May 21, 2010

I have an Edit View with a bunch of fields, some non-required. If the user decides not to fill them in, thats fine and it gets saved to the database as nulls (nullable fields).

The problem is when the controller redirects to the Details page and tries to render these null objects in labels using LabelFor(Model.SomeNonRequiredField)

Where/How should i be handling "acceptable" nulls?

Right now in my service layer im manually setting these nulls to String.empty before committing to the db, but now its saving it as an empty character instead of null - something like "SetDefaultValuesForNonRequiredFields(myObject)"

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MVC :: Partial Views And Log Out After Timeout

Jul 23, 2010

In one of my mvc application's view I have an AJAX form:

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("HandleAddForm", "Home", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ContentDiv", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, OnBegin = "beginFormLoadEffect", OnSuccess = "successFormLoadEffect" }, new { id = "AddForm" }))
&nbsp;&nbsp; { %>
<% } %>

When user lefts the computer after five minutes he is beign automatiacally logged out . And when I submit form by clicking submit button the ContentDiv is beign filled with full site with login panel. I.e. I want to show the full site with login panel NOT in the ContentDiv. Is there any way to avoid this behaviour?

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MVC :: Different Models In Partial Views

Nov 17, 2010

I have following architecture. My Model:


The partial view "PersonsView" has the same model and looks like this:<%@ Control Language="C#"

Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Web.Models.WebModel>" %><%Html.RenderPartial("Person", Model.Persons.First); %><%Html.RenderPartial("Person", Model.Persons.Second); %>

And the the partial view "Person" has an other model:[Code].... If I press the "Submit-Button" on the first view I get to the follwing controler: [Code]....

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