MVC :: How To Retain Values In Drop Donw List, Textbox , Checkbox And Radio Button
Jul 26, 2010
In mvc when validation fails error message is disaplayed on same view, values entered by user are lost . Also all the drop down list items needs to be passed again in the viewData. Selected values in the drop down list again reset. How to display same view again with failed validation message.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 22, 2010
i have four radio buttons and one text box..i have to check the selected radio button value equals to the textbox value..
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May 27, 2010
This is likely a n00b question, but I can't seem to find any info on how to solve it. Here's the scenario:
I have a Textbox and a RadioButtonList in an UpdatePanel, both with AutoPostBack turned on (they need to be, can't turn it off on the text box))
The user enters some text in to the textbox, then clicks one of the Items in the radio button list.
Because the textbox post back is executing, the radio button is losing the value that the user selected.
How can I workaround this?
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Aug 9, 2010
I have a gridview :
After clicking on generated button i want to add values of other 2 textboxes and selecteditem.value from radio to the link here:
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May 10, 2010
I am using c# for coding!
Below is my html for checkbox and radion button
You can see I have two checkboxes and two radio buttons, My problem is that on my submit button click I want to check whether user have checked at-least one checkbox or radio button. It will be good if we can have .NET solution like (customvalidator).
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Oct 17, 2012
Is it possible to set tab index value for list items of ASP.Net RadioButtonList control.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have string which came from the database,now i want to compare each charater of the string with the radiobuttonlist value and check box list value and select both radiobutton list and checkboxlist.
Here i write down some code but its just select 2 item of the each radiobuttonlist and checked all checkboxlist.
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a page where users need to enter a lot of information. Upon submitting, it will be redirected to a confirmation page. I need to provide a "back" button here to allow users to return to previous page and change the values on the form. How this could be done? The values on the form need to be retained.
View 6 Replies
Sep 2, 2010
I have a webform with 2 radio buttons and 1 checkbox. These work in IE and FireFox, but theye never get checked in Opera. Is this some problem with Opera or with my checbox/radio button?
I have the following code:
<asp:CheckBox ID="ckTermsNConditions" runat="server" Checked="false" />
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblRegistrationType" runat="server" CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="2" >
<asp:ListItem Value="Vendor" Selected="False">How to</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Consultant" Selected="False">Feedback</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="User" Selected="False">Question</asp:ListItem>
View 1 Replies
Jul 24, 2010
I have a databound Gridview (with a LINQ datasource). The gridview displays questions from the SQL DB to the user. I've inserted a radio button list into the gridview with 3 horizontal radio buttons with fixed values of 1,2,3 for the user to select. I have a question ID, a tempuserID, and AnswerValue columns set up in the database. It all works nicely.
After the user selects radio buttons, I would like for them to push a button to submit the QuestionID, the associated Radio Button Value (AnswerValue) and their tempUserID into the DB. How do I do this? I'm not sure what to do next and what VB/LINQ code to put in the code behind file in the button click event handler. I'm also not sure on what to use for the tempUserID, can I use the sessionID? I'm using VB and here's my code:
View 15 Replies
Oct 27, 2010
I am having one radio button list.
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdHealthCleared" runat="server"
CssClass="radiobtn" AutoPostBack="true" OnClick="showRadioCheckBox()"
CausesValidation="false" CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" Width="275px">
<asp:ListItem id="rdNotCleared" runat="server" Text="Not Cleared" Value="1"/>
<asp:ListItem id="rdPending" runat="server" Text="Pending further Info from Applicant" Value="2"/>
<asp:ListItem id="rdCleared" runat="server" Text="Cleared" Value="3" />
I am using three check boxes. If i click first radio button list item, the first check box need to show. In the same scenario for another two radio button list items and checkboxes. How can we done in javascript. i call it the onclick function and put it node value for this condition but when in alert the node value is giving null. this is my java script code.
var uxNotClearedObj = document.getElementById('uxOHCNotCleared2');
var uxPendingObj = document.getElementById('uxOHCPending2');
// alert(uxPendingObj);
var uxClearedObj =document.getElementById('uxOHCCleared2');
var rdPendingObj = document.getElementById('rdPending');
// alert(rdPendingObj);
var rdClearedObj = document.getElementById('rdCleared');
var rdNotClearedObj = document.getElementById('rdNotCleared');
// alert(rdClearedObj);
var rdHealthClearedObj = document.getElementById('rdHealthCleared');.....................
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Oct 27, 2010
I have a repeater control in my page. I need to have a radio button in all the rows(Item template) on checking an radio button the remaining radio buttons must unchecked.
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Jul 19, 2010
I want to insert images in each radio in radio buttonlist.How can i do that ?
View 3 Replies
Feb 8, 2010
I Have few radio buttons which are grouped together, and i want to reterive their values.But i am not sure how can i do that.
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Nov 19, 2010
I read and implemented the sample form that teaches how to restore form variables after a postback; pretty cool. However, my form includes radio buttons and I can't figure out how to restore the checked radio button after postback.
View 9 Replies
Oct 5, 2010
My current structure:
1. An radio-button list with autopostback = true. The radio-button list has 2 items - Yes and No.
2. An asp panel that has 2 textbox.
Current behaviour:
When the user clicks on the radio-button list (i.e. Yes), the panel is made visible.
My clients wants the same functionality without the page refresh (i.e. the postback).
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Mar 9, 2011
I'm using Radio Button lists, im using the same code on three separate pages. On my first page the radiobutton list is working very well but on the other two pages it is not working. This is basically the code im using on my aspx page, its identical for all 3 pages.
this because I really don't know how its working on one page and not on another, I can post all my code if needed.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have radio button list in a gridview that needs to be bound to a column. If the value in a column is 0, the first radio button is selected, if 1, the other is selected.
This is the code, some of it is partially removed because it is not necessary
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Sep 16, 2010
I have created two tables in a SQL Server database and a RadioButtonList in an ASP.NET page. In one table I have stored values for each radio button as primary key. I want that on clicking that radio button, its primary key value in stored another table in a foreign key column..
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Jun 29, 2010
I have a simple form that I am developing with a Radio Button Control with 2 list items. The other day everything looked fine, but today when I run the program and view the form, the circular buttons are missing, although the text of the list items can be seen. When I look in the design view, I can see both the buttons and the text.
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Jan 12, 2011
I have my design of radiobutton list as follows
But when I run my application if I select a list item from a row and if I select the other from the other both are getting selected how to [URL] solve this.
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Dec 12, 2010
I am using VB.NET and I can't compare the radio button lists selectedItem.Value to a string, it doesn't is the code: (I have also tried selectedValue it does not work either)
Response.Write("RB1: " + rblOne.SelectedItem.Value + " FML FML FML<br/>")
If rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" Then
Response.Write("Hey there!<BR/>")
pnlR1.Visible = True
If NumberOfAnswers = 7 Then
Score = Score - 10
ElseIf NumberOfAnswers = 6 Then
Score = Score - 15
Score = Score - 20
End If
Response.Write("Score: " + Score.ToString)
End If
If rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" Then is not working, notice the debug statements in there, here is the output: Why won't it evaluate that rblOne.SelectedItem.Value = "No" !?!?!? I tried rblOne.SelectedValue, that doesn't work, AND I added .ToString to both
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm trying to figure out how to access controls that are added to a panel in a code behind file.For example, when I click a button, I add a radio button list to the panel.How do I access the selected item from that radio button list? I get an error saying it is not defined, even though list gets generated..
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Mar 21, 2011
How can I have my Radio Button List have a line seperating each item?
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Mar 21, 2010
I have a table in my form, where I put n-rows, every row contains 1 RadioButtonList, when user select the item in RadioButtonList, I need to get the index of selected Item, without updating the page
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