Visual Studio 2008 - How To Compare Radio Button Values With Textbox Values ?

Dec 22, 2010

i have four radio buttons and one text box..i have to check the selected radio button value equals to the textbox value..

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In mvc when validation fails error message is disaplayed on same view, values entered by user are lost . Also all the drop down list items needs to be passed again in the viewData. Selected values in the drop down list again reset. How to display same view again with failed validation message.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView + Textbox + Radio + Button Passing Values

Aug 9, 2010

I have a gridview :


After clicking on generated button i want to add values of other 2 textboxes and selecteditem.value from radio to the link here:

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How To Pass A List Of Values To Compare In A SQL Function In SQL Server 2008?

Feb 18, 2010

I have an SQL Function with the following SQL within:

FROM Stock
WHERE CategoryCode LIKE @CategoryID) AS Info
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN @startRowIndex AND (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows) - 1

I have a Parameter @CategoryID - however I need to take in a category ID such as "BA" and translated this to a list of Category IDs such as "IE","EG" etc so my WHERE clause looks like:

WHERE (CategoryCode LIKE 'IE' OR CategoryCode LIKE 'EG') AS Info

I have a Lookup Table which contains the "BA" code and then all the real category codes this means such as "IE" and "EG".How do I have the CategoryID expand to multiple "OR" statements in my SQL Function?

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Jul 10, 2010

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Web Forms :: Get Old Values Of Gridview Textbox To Compare Before Inserting?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to compare the old value of my textbox to the new value that was put intot he checkbox to see if anything changed alse I don't wnat to save anything in the wor and move to next row. Here is my gridiview with bound txtBoxes and my initial code behind.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="ACTUAL">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtActual" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("ACTUAL_VALUE") %>' Width="60" MaxLength="8"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="TARGET">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtTarget" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("TARGET_VALUE") %>' Width="60" MaxLength="8"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="TOLERANCE">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtTolerance" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("TOLERANCE_RAW") %>' Width="120" MaxLength="8"></asp:TextBox>

I save a linkbutton to save it all. but I need to compare values so that I am not saving information that does not need to be saved becuase of the expensive long trip of the update process to an oracle server over a link from sql.

For Each dgi As GridViewRow In Gridmain.Rows
Dim Actualval As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtActual"), TextBox).Text
Dim Targetval As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtTarget"), TextBox).Text
Dim Tolval As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtTolerance"), TextBox).Text
Dim BMVal1 As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtBm1"), TextBox).Text
Dim BMVal2 As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtBm2"), TextBox).Text
Dim BMVal3 As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtBm3"), TextBox).Text
Dim BMVal4 As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtBm4"), TextBox).Text
Dim BMVal5 As String = CType(dgi.FindControl("txtBm5"), TextBox).Text

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Jan 29, 2010

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Feb 8, 2010

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Mar 4, 2010

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Data Controls :: How To Compare Values Entered In Template Field Textbox

Apr 27, 2016

I have a detailsview data control connected to a datasource. i converted all the bound fields to item templates and they have all been converted to textboxes. i need to compare values entered in one textbox and output the value in the other. I have attached a snippet of the code below. but its not working.

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView2" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateRows="False"
DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Height="113px" Style="margin-right: 237px"
Width="614px" DefaultMode="Insert" CellSpacing="3" GridLines="Vertical">
<asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="ID" />

[Code] .....

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May 24, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Get The Values Of Textbox To A String When Enter Values To The Textbox

Dec 22, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: "compare" Control (TextBox) Values In Two Different GridViewRows?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a gridview which has TWO rows (assume this will always be the case). The grid is set in a way that whenever "Edit" is clicked, whole gridview turns into edit mode. (I mean all the rows)


I want to compare "Age" field, how can I do that. User must put same Age in both the rows

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Jan 6, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Retrieving Values Using Ienumerable Interface

Feb 25, 2010

I have been founding an effiecent way to retreive values returned by LINQ 2 SQL stored procdure on my presentaion layer. Am using following method rightnow:-

public List<String> MthInvitesBA()
List<String> lst = new List<string> { "" };
ISingleResult<USP_Actor_View_InvitesDetails1Result> invites = obj.USP_Actor_View_InvitesDetails1(p_UserName);
foreach (USP_Actor_View_InvitesDetails1Result c in invites)
lst = new List<string> { c.Invites_Used.ToString(), c.NoOfDoc.ToString(), c.Request_For_More_Invites.ToString() };
return lst;
return lst;

It works but at the cost of my performence due boxing unboxing on BA layer as well as on design layer. Now, I have one method which returns me 100 columns from table So in this way i have convert 100 coulmns value into type string then On design layer again have to type caste some values .Moreover, i could only access this list using index which is of type integer, which is very diffcult and tedious task to debug d code. i could effiecenlt retreive these values. Is it possible using IEnumerable? How to access Ienuemerable in design layer?

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Jan 21, 2011

I have a solution file with 2 projects inside, one will be handling the presentation portion and the other is for database data retrieval. I was wondering if its possible to pass a value from the presentation.aspx in the "presentation" project to the db.aspx in the "database" project? They are both in the same solution file.

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my current project references

i have a very annoying iis problem

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Visual Studio :: Unit Testing With Vs2008 And Null Configuration Settings Values?

Jun 12, 2010

i created a unit test project with the built-in unit testing from vs 2008. i noticed that when running a unit test and in particular when the class i am testing attempts to set a value from the app.config file using the configurationsettings, the configuration settings object always has 0 keys...and thus my value i am trying to use is always there anything about the unit testing structure that would return null values from the app config when i know the keys are there...the existing program uses those keys for email addresses and such already.

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Web Forms :: Add TextBox Values To ListBox On Button Click

Feb 13, 2013

I have a listbox   and textbox  in c# languageI need to add the sum of all values in to a  listbox using text box , when i enter  something it will add list box and again i will do the same flow it will come one by one .

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Visual Studio :: Display Values Of Properties Of User Control Via The Design / Split Mode

Aug 10, 2010

suppose i've created my own user control, and it has a textbox and a property for the textbox so that if i use the user control from within the aspx file, i can give the property a value. for example:


is it possible to also set the property to be seen via the desing mode , just as it works for other (built in) controls? maybe a different method to implement the same scenario?

if you still didn't understand what i mean : after setting the value of DefaultNum1 via the code i've written here, i expect the textbox associated with this property to be updated as well to '1' via the design mode (and split mode). of course it won't work using the current method, since VS cannot guess what is going on with the property and understand that all of its purpose is to assign an initialization value for the textbox.

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Visual Studio :: Add Values To Standard Expressions List In Regular Expression Editor Dialog

Apr 25, 2010

In the "Regular Expression Editor" dialog in VS 2008 ( or 2005 for this matter ) ,

there is a list of "standard expressions" like :

"French phone number" , "French postal code" etc..

And of course there is an option to select a "Custom" and then enter your own regular expression.

Well.. I want to add a predefined expressions to that list . Like : "Israeli phone number" .

I don't want to enter it every time by selecting a custom value .

I want my developers in the team available items for them to choose.

Anyone knows how to alter that list ?

I've found some question about it on the web - and the answer given is that it's not possible .

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