MVC :: Put A Login.ascx On All Pages?

Mar 2, 2010

I would like to put a login.ascx on all pages. I would like if I write in my datas with error the usercontrol shows the error and stays on the same page.

Where I am:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Login",
{ %>
<% } %>

My login controller validates input put the errors in modelstate. Now I want to redirect to my original page (whatever it was)
WITH the modelstate.

Is it possible somehow?

I can redirect with: Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath); but it is another roundtrip the modelState is cleared.

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Ascx Pages And CSS?

Oct 28, 2010

m hoping someone might know what's going on with this issue.I have a directy called _controls where I store all of my .ascx pages for use in my site.I have a master page that has a link to my .css file for the whole site.The individual .aspx pages are reading the style sheet with no issues. But the .ascx pages keep flagging the class as undefined in the code view, and when I execute them on the actual site, the style doesn't take effect.I have a theory. Because I have the link in the master page defined as


the _controls directory .ascx files aren't linking properly. Any one run across this before?

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.net - How To Use Javascript In .ascx Pages

Sep 24, 2010

How to use javascript in .ascx pages

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Web Forms :: How To Access Ascx Control From Content Pages

Feb 25, 2010

I have a master page with a ascx control I use for a header. There is a label in HeaderControl1 I need to set from the content pages. I was able to make the changes in the master template as a tes by just calling the control and accessing the property.

HeaderControl1.txt = 234



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State Management :: How To Pass Values Between Two Ascx Pages

Jul 30, 2010

in one ascx page i'm using gridview.from that i'm selecting a cell value as follows

foreach (GridViewRow gvr in grdOrganization.Rows)

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Web Forms :: How To Share Master Pages / Ascx Files Across Applications

Nov 11, 2010

We are developing a framework which will be shared accross applications. What is the best way to share master pages, user controls accross applications by preventing other developers to modify the master pages and the user controls ?

Is the following way suitable one ? Embedding masterpages and the user controls in a dll and using VirtualPathProvider to load the master pages and user controls dynamically.

But in this approach developers can not view the design. Is there any other way to convert master pages and user controls to a different format as developers can able to view design?

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Garbage Collection Of Strings Returned From C# Method Calls In Ascx Pages

Mar 18, 2010

For a web application developed on ASP.NET, we are finding that for user control files (ascx) we are returning long strings as a result of method calls. These are embedded in the ascx pages using the special tags <% %>When performing memory dump analysis for the application, we find that many of those strings are not being garbage collected. Also, the ascx pages are compiled to temporary DLLs and they are held in memory. Is this responsible for causing the long strings to remain in memory and not be garbage collected ?

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MVC :: How To Encapsulate Logic In Ascx Partial View With The Same Efficiency Of Webforms Ascx

Aug 10, 2010

I have to build a few ascx partial views in my MVC applications to encapsulate re-usable functionalities as well as archive SOR and SOC. However, I encountered challenge how to encapsulate the business logic that drives MVC ascx views.In webforms, the code behind of an ASCX control can handle a button click event and browser still shows the same page with only one postback. How can I archive the same thing in MVC? When ~/Address/Edit/2 includes an ascx partial view with a button on it that calls another MVC action - let's say ~/ShareController/CommonAction - what is the best way for the CmmonAction to return to the very same view that includes the ascx file?Perhaps I am missing a common pattern in MVC web development?

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Custom Server Controls :: Inherit The Logion Control UI In Ascx Login Control?

Mar 14, 2011

How can I inherit the logion control UI in my custom ascx login control as well override it's OnAuthenticate event in my cusotm control code.

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State Management :: Passing Value From Login Page To Ascx Page

Sep 25, 2010

I am using query string to pass values from page 1(log in page) to page 2 and then page 3. I have an .ascx file also, so how can I import the user name from Page1(login.aspx) to menu.ascx file. So that when I click the menu Home the value of the variable remains at the website. I am not aware of session handling thats why I am using this method to pass the valus among the various pages in website.

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Control Within Ascx Is Null When Ascx Is Added From Codebehind?

Apr 14, 2010

I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.

ps: what I want to do is to preload all the products (thre is not much) and hide the divs and fadein fadeout them using jQuery when a category div is clicked.

rightnow it is using jQuery.load(); and I don't like how the images load, cuz they download from top to bottom. Progressive gifs alsdo not an option. site demo is here [URL]

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C# - Login To Two Different Pages According To Roles?

Jan 18, 2010

My project has a Guest folder and an admin folder.

Guest has a guest1.aspx page and admin has admin1.aspx page.

Now I am trying to figure out a login control which will check the role of the user and send them to the respective pages accordingly.

The names are not in the database or the active directory...

These names are on the windows 2003 server...

So I need to check from the server if the user exists and what is its role in it.. Suppose there is company which has 10 employees and one administrator.. the company has a server and these employees are on the same domain. So the admin can add that machine to the server or delete it.. now every machine has its username password and domain.. i want my gui to use the same credentials to log into the gui and send them to the respective pages according to the role..

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Security :: Login To Different Pages With Different Roles?

May 18, 2010

I have created 3 different folders (admin, user, viewer) in my site and each has a different template (masterPage). I created user and roles which are admins, users, and viewers. I assigned each role to a user in .Net administration Tool.

What I need to do is to allow each user to access his page only and deny access to others , except for the admin who can access all pages.

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Two Pages Using The Same Url Depending On Login Status

Nov 13, 2010

What I would like to accomplish is: when user goes to, then depending on whether he is logged in or not, he would see either login page or his home page. I do not want to redirect to other pages, I want the url to show as in both cases. Kind of like when you go to, it will either show you login page or your wall, all with the same url.

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C# - How To Send User To Two Different Web Pages When Login

Mar 22, 2010

protected static Boolean Authentication(string username, string password)
string sqlstring;
sqlstring = "Select Username, Password, UserType from Userprofile WHERE Username='" + username + "' and Password ='" + password + "'";

// create a connection with sqldatabase [code]......

so a user like Staff or even Administrators loging to same Index.aspx. i want to change it to different web pages. how to change sites for each user types. i have seperate user types. and i have taken UserType in the Authentication function.

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Mulitple Login Pages Using Membership?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to create two ASP.NET Membership login pages for an ASP.NET website I'm creating.

Here is structure:

/ - Anonymous Access for page off root
/registeredUser - Must be part of RegisteredUser Role
/registeredUser/login.aspx - Login page Registered Users
/admin - Must be part of AdminUser Role
/admin/login.aspx - Login page Admin Users

Another person asked the question and it was suggested to use the location tag in the web.confg:

But I receive errors related to the using the forward slash / in the location path. I removed the forward slashes and the security rules are ignored.

So my question is, can I have more than one logon page using ASP.NET Membership without creating separate applications in IIS?

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Security :: Login Not Protecting Pages?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm using the following code which autheticates a user and redirect him to a members webpage. This works however if I access the protected page directly I bypass the security. Do I need a check in the OnLOAD for each page? My second question is how to say hello username on the members page. What variable can I reference to display the username?


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Security :: Unencrypted Login Pages?

Mar 17, 2010

I didn't really know where to post this so thought i'd postit where hopefully people understood the page cycle and what's going on when people perform logins.So I don't know if people have noticed before but Facebook uses an unencrypted page for login, albeit the page redirects to an encrypted page but that very first POST is clearly visible to everyone- I've looked using Tamper Data in Firefox.How is it they can get away with this, or am I missing something here? Have they decided that if people don't look after their own security then it's not their fault? I do't understand as eBay, Amazon etc all make you go to an SSL page to login, obviously because all request and post data is encrypted... Why can Facebook do away with this security measure? I don't understand.Just looking for some insight in being able to have login controls placed on unencrypted pages and then redirecting people to secure pages.. it still doesn't work out in my head though?

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Security :: Login Pages Without Using Forms Authentication?

Oct 18, 2010

I want to create a website that a user can logon and view their data. They should also be able to logout. I'm wondering how to achieve this WITHOUT using the Membership provider api provided by Microsoft. This is what I think should happen.

1. user enters name and password and clicks button.

2.If username and password are correct the user is redirected to a webpage with their details.

3.A session is created.

4.The user logouts and the session is deleted.

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Reverse Authorized Pages Being Redirected To Login?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a page that I want only anonymous users to see, and authenticated users to be redirected. So, like this:

<location path="Login_ForgotUserID.aspx">
<allow users="?" />
<deny users="*" />

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Security :: Aspx Pages Login Won't Work

Jun 24, 2010

I developed our feature rich web page which is constantly changing. I'm not much of a programmer but I know HTML and CSS pretty well. I have a need to create a couple of login page for prospects and end users to get to secured content. I put together a page that works perfectly in Microsoft Visual Web developer Express 2010. This includes a login page. Ironically, after learning how to do all this from a book, there is a web page that perfectly chronicles what I am trying to accomplish and the steps to do it. It's here: [URL]

I don't expect you to watch it, but there is a simple aspx page created for login and then users are created and the content is displayed after successful login. It works fine in m development environment, but when I post, nothing. Furthermore, twice in the last two days, after downloading my current site to my hard drive, and then posting back after adding this functionality, my FrontPage forms stopped working. I had to have my website restored from backup. The whole thing makes no sense and I can't find any precedence posted on any user forums. So any testing I do seems to wipe out my navigation structure.

I'm going to establish the site on a different server tonight and see if its configuration. If that works, I'm not sure where to g next. I'd appreciate any thoughts. The worst part is I can't post a test page or my Fropage contact forms stop working.

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Security :: Formsauthentication Timeout And 2 Login Pages?

Jun 29, 2010

My client wants 2 separate login pages for an ASP.Net app, one for regular users, one for support staff. I am using the standard FormAuthentication component for authentication. Is it possible to redirect a regular user to one login page after a timeout, and also to redirect an admin user to a different page after a timeout? The loginUrl attribute of <forms> in web.config is read-only, and cannot be edited at runtime.

Regular User -> Timeout -> Login.aspx
Support User ->Timeout -> SupportLogin.aspx

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Security :: An .aspx Pages In There Won't Get Served With Login?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a website statistics program that creates .htm pages for viewing. Im trying to keep them in their own folder on the root - "Statistics"After reading many posts I have tried many iterations of:


Problem is, an .aspx pages in there won't get served with login, but all the .htm pages will.

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Many Ascx-to-one Ascx.cs Error In VS2008?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm developing second language support for the site. So I made duplicate .ascx and .aspx files for existing ascx.cs and aspx.cs

Most of the time everything works fine.. but suddenly I'm getting:

Type 'ctrl_car' exists both in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_xdmblegv.dll', and in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_gkptrzo2.dll' (translated from russian)
ctrl_car ctrl = (ctrl_car) LoadControl("car.ascx");

I have few such strings of code... and same error occurs with one of them. But WITHOUT any changes from me with those files. To fix thaat bug for some time I need to delete solution and website folder and reget them from SS. Solution was converted from vs2005.

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Web Forms :: How To Code The Additional Pages So That It Requires Them To Login

Mar 1, 2011

I have implimented Forms Authentication on my web project.

I need to set some of the form pages so that the user cannot open them without being logged in to the web site. How do I code the additional pages so that it requires them to login?

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