MVC :: Showing A Confirmation Box When Trying To Delete A Record?
Nov 22, 2010
I have a simple mvc application which perform the CRUD functionality to manage UserDetials. I need to show a confirmation box when trying to delete a record.
How do I reference the delete button to add the delete confirmation box when I have both the Edit and Delete buttons as the last two columns in the Gridview control. The following code works fine without any issues when I have the delete button only:
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow) return; int lastCellIndex = e.Row.Cells.Count - 1; Button db = (Button)e.Row.Cells[lastCellIndex].Controls[0]; db.OnClientClick = "if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?')) return false;"; }
But, when I have both the Edit and the Delete buttons, I get the following error when I click the edit button while the delete button works fine.
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index
How do I reference the delete button so the edit button is not affected in this case?
I am interested in building an intranet document management system to be used from Internet Explorer using,, and MS SQL Server but have no experience in doing a project like this. Supported file types would be txt, pdf (from scanner or imported from file system), or jpg. What concepts I should look at researching/learning about to build the system in a way that files will be stored as small as possible, retrieved and displayed quickly, and secured. The users would be spread out over a regional area covering 4 states.
I want to make an conformation dialog on auto generated delete button in detail view that when user press delete dialog or conformation box appear that u sure u want to delete how can i do this?
An error occurred during the processing of . System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'. 'SharePoint:DeleteItemButton' is of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.DeleteItemButton'.
I am working on delete confirmation box in mvc using linq to sql. I want a delete confirmation box if i want to delete record corresponding to a particular id.If i click ok, it has to map to Delete controller and if i click cancel ,it has to be retained in the same page.
I have a gridview with edit and delete parameters enabled. When I click on the edit link, I can edit the record successfully. However when I click on the delete link, nothing happens (the record does not get deleted).
I created a ListView and attempted to delete a record using the delete button and native procedures. It failed and threw an error.Pass in a valid dictionary for delete or change your mode to OverwriteChangesIn researching this issue, it appeared there is a problem with the list view when deleteing and ConflictDetection is set to
I want to confirm from the user before deleting a record. I want to show a message box to confirm operation... How I do that.. I used query to delete a record on button's click event..
I have a button in my gridview recurring through the rows which requires confirmation before it deletes a record. Instead of it asking, "are you certain you want to delete this contact?" I want it to specifically ask the user, "are you sure you want to delete <the name of the contact>?" This is the button that I have at the moment and I have no idea how to place the contact's name in there:
Protected Sub movebtn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles movebtn.Click Dim con As New SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("26ConnectionString").ConnectionString con.Open() If persno.Text = "" Then Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "Forms", "<script> alert('Enter Pers No of Offr ..........') </script>")
[Code] ....
I want to add a confirmation before deleting the data and popup message box...
Here we have a function The 'ConfirmDelete()' which is executed each time a click event occurs on the page.
2. Then we use a logic that to find which element was clicked on i.s we append a word 'DELETE' to the ID of the control.
3.And finally check if the clicked element having ID is 'DELETED' , then the javascript function will be execute to ask the user about his/her confirmation.
I am trying to delete a row with confirmation message from datagrid command imagetype control. I am able to show confirmation message but not able to delete row. Page just postback not doing anything.Here is my code..
I found ways to add a delete confirmation box with a delete buttons, however, I'm using a delete command field to delete my rows, Is there a way to add a delete confirmation within the GridView_RowDeleting method, or should I just use a regular button in a templateField?
I have a confirmation button that appears when an end user highlights a Customer Name and clicks the link to delete. The confirmation prompts: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?"
Here's the code from the .aspx:
<asp:LinkButton ID="LnkBtn_Delete" runat="server" Width="100%" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("CustID") %>' CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete" OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record') "></asp:LinkButton>
What I'm attempting to do is replace the portion of the confirmation question "this record" with the actual Customer Name.