No Value Returned On First Click In IE?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using v2 and I have a page where the user enters a phone extension number and clicks the find button. This opens a connection to a database and brings back the name of the person who's telephone extension it is. When the user clicks find, it appears to post back but no value is returned until the user does it again ( it looks like one of those daft IsPostback problems that can have you scratching your head for weeks), but this only happens in IE, have tried it in other browsers and it returns the name first time. I have added code to handle no valid result.

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ADO.NET :: Get The XML Returned By SP?

Nov 29, 2010

I have seen multiple posts related to my question but I was not able to resolve the issue. I am calling SP from C# class library and I need to check if returned XML is valid XML or not. When I run the SP in SQL management studio, I get XML. However, when I run the same SP from my c# code, I get null as return from SP. So I guess tried settings in design.dbml but to no avail.

Here is designer generated code.
public ISingleResult< RequestXMLResult> RequestXML([Parameter(Name="RuleID", DbType="Int")] System.Nullable<int> ruleID)


As output, I get "MyCo.DBNAme.Database.Environment.RequestXMLResult"

How do I get the XML returned by SP?

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How To Display Returned Value From A Method

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How to display Id calling GetId() method?

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ADO.NET :: How To Verify A Record Was Returned Before Trying To Use

Dec 12, 2010


so I have code like above, I need to assure a record was actually returned before trying to use it... I assumed I could test for null, but that doesn't appear to work.

I tried: if (task != null) {yada yada yada}

but if I put an ID that doesn't exist in my querystring it throws an exception 'sequence contains no elements'. I realize I can catch the exception but I want to understand how I should be checking for a returned record. The .Single method intellisense says it returns exactly one record or throws an exception if more than one is found... is it also throwing the exception when zero are found I'm not sure if the issue is my check for null or that line that calls .single itself? Now I'm guessing I'm supposed to just catch the exception on the line that's calling .Single... yes?

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MVC :: Display The String That Is Being Returned?

Jun 21, 2010

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This returns a String. I suposed that is the correct way to return a string.

How can I call this action from a view and display the string that is being returned?

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WCF / ASMX :: Redirect From URL Returned In XML?

Feb 19, 2010

I have the following code:


At the other end I am returning the following XML response:


I'm seeing my response.writes of A and B, so I know my data is making it to the other end and I'm getting a response back, but I can't seem to figure out how to read the response and redirect to the URL referenced in <URL>

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SQL Server :: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value?

Aug 29, 2010


I always received an error of: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

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How can I call a URL ex.

[URL] and get the values returned from it in VB.NET ?

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SQL Server :: How To Get One Specific Row To Be The Last Row Returned From A Query

Aug 26, 2010

I have a table of skills. In that table, are rows of data with various skill type. I need to return a list of those skills in alphabetical order, with one exception. The skills "General" can't be listed in the "G's", instead, it needs to be the last item. (Crazy, I know, but it's to discourage users from settling on a selection of "General".

This statement returns all the skills in alphabetical order, but "General" is listed right in the middle with other "G's:

SELECT SkillsID, Skill, SkillDesc FROM tSkills ORDER BY Skill

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DataSource Controls :: Can Subquery Returned More Than One Value

May 5, 2010

have 2 tables in SQL 2000 developer edition identicals, Prereception and eceptions, on the table Recepcions I have the following trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER [AumentaInventario] ON dbo.Recepcion
declare @Codigo nvarchar (50)
,@Cantidad int

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How To Display A Different Value Returned From A Database In A GridView

Sep 28, 2010


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="Server">
<asp:BoundField DataField="status_column" HeaderText="Status" />
<asp:BoundField ...
<asp:BoundField ...


GridView1.DataSource = _dataSet

The values stored in my database are integers, 1 - 9. Each value has an associated string value that I want displayed in my GridView. Ex: 1 = "Active"; 2 = "On Hold"; etc. How would I filter the incoming data so I can display the associated String value instead of the Integers from my table?

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Web Forms :: Is It Possible To Take The Values Returned And Add To An ArrayList

Oct 20, 2010

I have a procedure that is used to look up user permissions in our custom table, There is 1 record for each user and about 20 columns for each of the permissions.

How can i take the column values and place into an array?

All the column are bit type and 1 is int. Is it possible to take the values returned and add to an ArrayList?

And then once the values are in the array, how to loop thru it and go to certain index to check the value.

This is what i have now:




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How To Check That A SqlDataSource Returned Data

Feb 9, 2010

I have a page that has several SqlDataSources defined that feed data into some graphs. The problem is that the graph product does not handle "no data" very well, and throws an error. I'd like this to handle the situation more gracefully-- so I need to check whether the SqlDataSource returned data or now before rendering the graph (and if not, just post a message saying "No Data" or something).

Is there an easy way to check if the data source returned data, and do this if/then without a bunch of code behind?

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How To Change The Value Returned By WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent

Jan 7, 2010

I'm writing an application and I'm working with the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() function. I want to know how (or if it's possible) to change what identity the application runs as.

I eventually want to run it as an account associated with the end-user. I understand I can do this with Windows Authentication in IIS, but Windows Authentication will not work with my particular application. If I can programmatically log the user in with a AD username and password, that will be fine.

How can I set the WindowsIdentity the application runs as without using Windows Authentication in IIS?

Update: This question has been sitting idle for a long time. I think that perhaps the framework does not allow me to do what I'm describing here.

View 1 Replies - Get The Number Of Rows Returned By OleDbDataReader?

Jun 18, 2010

After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ?

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C# - Status Code Returned From The Server Was: 500?

Feb 28, 2010

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MVC :: Chart Controls Returned As FileResult?

Sep 8, 2010

I wanted to use the ASP.NET Chart Controls, but since all of the available examples used a code-behind page reminiscent of Web Forms, I shied away from this. Then I found an example returning the Chart Control as a FileResult, and tried it out. It worked, I was happy and all was good in the world. Except that occasionally I'll get a broken link showing instead of the image it should resolve to.

Here's how I have it set up:

In the View, the code is very simple. It's just an image tag that has its src attribute set to the Controller method. I didn't realize this was possible, and thought it pretty cool:


In the Controller, I instantiate and build the Chart Control in its entirety, and then output it as a FileResult:


Yes, it's a bit long and involves, but that's what you get when programmatically building something inititally set up to be a server control. All of this works, and even when I get the output that shows a broken link, if I refresh the page, it generally fixes itself. Here's the code from the FileResult created for this purpose - it's not a Controller, but I placed it in with the Controllers just while testing:


I'm thinking that the reason behind the occasional broken link is related to the DataContext object, not any of the above code. It seems reasonable that if the DataContext doesn't build and return a FileResult quickly enough, perhaps because it's doing too many other things, the broken link would show because no file had been built where it was expected. I've included the code anyway, in case someone can find an issue that would cause the problems I've been encountering. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I had this working with Flex chart components that I genericized so that they worked with MVC methods, but they were way too slow to complete rendering. It often took 3-7 seconds, which was just too long for a user to wait for their page to load. These Chart Controls are really fast and are a perfect solution - if I can get them to render consistently.

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MVC 2 - Get Data Based On Returned List?

Dec 6, 2010

in .net 4.0 c# I am trying to figure out how to get all the Tags.TagName for a given product

First I get the Tag by the TagId they select, then I do another select on the Products table and join ProductTags to find any product that is using the specified tag.

Now I have to get all the tags associated with each returned product from the previous list.

Table: Products


Table: ProductTags


Table: Tags


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C# - How Does Mvc Work When Index Is Returned Via Ajax

Jan 16, 2010

does it reload the entire page or does it have the intelligence to only send the necessary js to update the needed parts of the page that have changed? if it does the latter that would be a god send, however im probably being dreamful. it probably returns the entire view without any regard, right? edit: answer seems to be no, everything is returned.

edit added: do you think it would be difficult to write a framework where mvc compares last html it output to the current html we want to output, and instead of sending the entire html, figure out what has changed and generate js code that will do the updating as compared to previous html? (presuming nothing was manually changed on the client using js)... maybe an idea for a codeplex project? or maybe something like this exists?

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DataSource Controls :: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value?

Feb 16, 2011

im working on visual Studio 2010, and i have an error on an update.

this is the code in VB.


Thats the code and the error is:

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.`

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C# - How To Simply Call The First Returned Value Without A Foreach

Mar 29, 2011

What am I missing here. I just want to pull the first one returned from row.detail in an MVC2 view, how would i do this without a foreach loop? This code currently works, but i just want the first one listed. I know this may be simple, but i am drawing a blank.

if (Model.App != null)
foreach (var row in Model.App.Instructions)
<input type="hidden" value="<%= row.Detail %>" id="ixd" />

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Security :: Get All People Objects For Each OU Returned?

May 13, 2010

AD : Get All people objects for each OU returned


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Hide Returned URL Querystring Parameters?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm working on an online payment store, where users would pay by their credit cards to buy stuff. After they paying, master card website would return them back to my website, and sending back some params as querystrings like this http://mywebsite/done.aspx?param=1śm2=2.

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WCF / ASMX :: Accessing The Xml Returned From A Webservice?

Feb 9, 2011

I've created a webservice that returns and xml document:


Once I've got the xml loaded as a document, I can start looping through the content and do things with it but I'm really confused at the moment.

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C# - Test A Returned Array Contains At Least One Value With A Certain Property Value?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a method I wish to test:

public Cars[] GetCars();

I want to test that the array returned by this method contains at least one car which is of type "Mustang".

How would I actually do this?

Currently I have code like:

public void GetCars_ReturnsMustangs()
Cars[] cars = GetCars();
foreach(Car car in cars)
Assert.IsTrue(Car.Type == "Mustang");

While this works as a test as far as I can tell I'm aware it's not a good idea to put loops inside the test?

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