SQL Server :: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value?

Aug 29, 2010


I always received an error of: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

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Similar Messages:

SQL Server :: ERROR: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value. This Is Not Permitted When The Subquery Follows =, !=?

Feb 16, 2011

im doing an update in web page by pressing a button. At the start some of the update was from a trigger, but i decided to put the hole update statement in the web page as an updatecommand in VB. this is the error
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.The statement has been terminated.and this is the code.


the error is in the updatecommand. And i dont know what is it.

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DataSource Controls :: Can Subquery Returned More Than One Value

May 5, 2010

have 2 tables in SQL 2000 developer edition identicals, Prereception and eceptions, on the table Recepcions I have the following trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER [AumentaInventario] ON dbo.Recepcion
declare @Codigo nvarchar (50)
,@Cantidad int

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value?

Feb 16, 2011

im working on visual Studio 2010, and i have an error on an update.

this is the code in VB.


Thats the code and the error is:

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.`

View 4 Replies

SQL Server :: Subquery Returning More Than 1 Value?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a problem regarding this code:

select NotificationID, (select u.UserName from aspnet_Users u, notifications n where u.UserId = n.FromID) as 'UserName', [Message], DateCreated, TypeID from Notifications n, aspnet_Users u

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SQL Server :: SQL Query - Select Subquery?

Jan 24, 2011

I have been utilising a SELECT query such as the following:


BSFLBWF_1.Severityx, BSFLBWF_1.Openx, BSFLBWF_1.Closex, BSFLBWF_1.Closurex, BSFLBWF_1.Customerx, BSFLBWF_1.Availabilityx, BSFLBWF_1.KPIx,

CONVERT(Decimal, BSFLBWF_1.Minsx) AS Expr1, BSFLBWF_1.Unusedx, BSFLBWF_1.FirstIntx, BSFLBWF_1.RepeatIntx, BSFLBWF_1.Corex,

BSFLBWF_1.OffPeakx, BSFLBWF_1.NonCorex, BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex, CONVERT(money, BSFLBWF_1.SchoolChargex) AS Expr2, CONVERT(money,

BSFLBWF_1.LANMLEChargex) AS Expr3, BSFLBWF_1.KPIFailx, BSFLBWF_1.Overridex, BSFLBWF_1.Reasonx, BSFLBWF_1.Contactx,

WHERE (BSFLBWF_1.Closex IS NULL) AND (BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex = 'School' OR
BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex = 'LAN-MLE')

The rest of the query continues as the above albeit selecting the same data from different tables and works fine.

The issue I have is that I want to Select some more data (another SELECT query) but with a different Where clause e.g. WHERE (BSFLBWF_1.KPIx NOT LIKE 'KPI%' OR
BSFLBWF_1.KPIx NOT LIKE 'Proactive%') AND (BSFLBWF_1.Availabilityx LIKE '')

The problem is that this WHERE clause returns data which the above in bold has null values for (and thus doesnt work). Im still selecting the same data its just the WHERE Clause has changed. Is it possible to run such a query? If so, can it be done via a sub query?

View 10 Replies

Sql Server Query/subquery Question?

May 20, 2010

I have a tables with data like this

Id BookId TagId
34 113421 9
35 113421 10
36 113421 11
37 113421 1
38 113422 9
39 113422 1
40 113422 12

I need to write a query (SQL Server) which gives me data according to the tags say if I want bookIds where
tagid =9 it should return bookid 113421 and 113422 as it exists in both the books, but If I ask data for tags 9 and 10 it should return only book 113421 as that is the only book where both the tags are present.

View 3 Replies

SQL Server :: Subquery / Write Query?

Mar 24, 2011

SQL query:

I have a hierarchy structure like:

B reports to A
C reports to A
D reports to A
E reports to B
F reports to B

and so on......

So, when A logins he should be able to see B,C,D(who are reporting to A) and also E,F(who are actually reporting to B and not directly to A)Please help to write such sql query.

View 5 Replies

SQL Server Subquery In SQL Compact Give Error 4.0?

Feb 15, 2011

query in SQL Server Express, which worked fine, now I am trying to do it in WebMatrix using a Compact 4.0 db but it gives me an error.

FROM Posts
WHERE CategoryI

View 7 Replies

SQL Server :: Select SubQuery / Bind Two Values Into One?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a SELECT query which grabs data from two different tables however when I run the query the CurrentCallOwner often pulls up the same name twice albeit with a different SLAFailed value. What I am trying to do is bind those two values into one. I thought that running a subquery and using a count would solve this however I all receive are a bunch ones. Do you know how I could bind those values into a single value (i.e. add them up?)

SELECT CurrentCallOwnerx, SLAFailed, COUNT(CurrentCallOwnerx) AS Expr1
FROM (SELECT BSFLBWF_1.CurrentCallOwnerx, COUNT(BSFLBWF_1.Incidentx) AS SLAFailed
(BSFLBWF_1.SchoolChargex > '0.00') OR
(BSFLBWF_1.LANMLEChargex > '0.00')
GROUP BY BSFLBWF_1.CurrentCallOwnerx
SELECT BSFWES_1.CurrentCallOwnerx, COUNT(BSFWES_1.Incidentx) AS SLAFailed
(BSFWES_1.SchoolChargex > '0.00') OR
(BSFWES_1.LANMLEChargex > '0.00')
GROUP BY BSFWES_1.CurrentCallOwnerx) AS derivedtbl_1
GROUP BY CurrentCallOwnerx, SLAFailed

View 12 Replies

SQL Server :: Update Multiple Records - Subquery Returns More Than 1 Row

Jan 5, 2011

I have a table line (ID, LineNo, LineName) having values as :

1, 1, <blank>
2, 2, <blank>
3, 3, <blank>

ID is PK with Auto-Increment and LinNo(I am manually incrementing through ASP.Net Page while record insertion) Now i have to write a query such that it updates LineName column from line table which is blank(as shown above) with values from table linet(linenamet) having values as :


My trial query is :
update line set LineName = (select linenamet from linet);

It gives ERROR as : Subquery returns more than 1 row
Expected Result : After Updation it should show line table as :
1, 1, a
2, 2, b
3, 3, c

View 8 Replies

SQL Server :: Difficult Insert With Subquery / Assign All Products Without Pictures Into A Category Located On A Mapping Table?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm working on an ecommerce project that is missing 5,000 product pictures.

I am trying to assign all products without pictures into a category located on a mapping table.

I know an insert can be accomplished from one table (or subquery) to another but I only need to find the product IDs and insert them with default values into the category mapping table that has all non-null columns.

The following code is the farthest I can get without help (I'm not strong in SQL), it won't work because my subquery returns many rows while the SQL statement is designed to insert one - I don't know how to handle this...


Any help would be appreciated from those more experienced than I. BTW... there are no known search results for this type of solution - if there is even a solution.

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: How To Get One Specific Row To Be The Last Row Returned From A Query

Aug 26, 2010

I have a table of skills. In that table, are rows of data with various skill type. I need to return a list of those skills in alphabetical order, with one exception. The skills "General" can't be listed in the "G's", instead, it needs to be the last item. (Crazy, I know, but it's to discourage users from settling on a selection of "General".

This statement returns all the skills in alphabetical order, but "General" is listed right in the middle with other "G's:

SELECT SkillsID, Skill, SkillDesc FROM tSkills ORDER BY Skill

View 3 Replies

C# - Status Code Returned From The Server Was: 500?

Feb 28, 2010

A customer using a ASP.NET program I have just sent them is experiencing the error below, I had personally tested the program on 4 web server IIS6, 7, and 7.5, on 4 different networks and I never got this, the customer is using IIS6 with .Net 2.0 (as required). The program uses Windows authentication which may or may not be part of the problem. I'm stuck I don't know where to start with this.

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The Remote Server Returned An Error: (404) Not Found - How To Repair It

Apr 30, 2010

I am running this piece of code to get the source code (as string) of my webpage.

The problem is why this function returns 404 error?

Private Function getPageSource(ByVal URL As String) As String
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient()
Dim strSource As String = webClient.DownloadString(URL)
Return strSource
End Function

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SQL Server :: Desired Rows Not Returned Because Of Null Values

Sep 26, 2010

I have a property table and an image table.

I want this query to return all distinct properties and a thumbnail image. However some properties don't have thumbnail images and they don't get returned by the query. If the imgid is null I still want to return the property. Not sure of how to do this.



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The Remote Server Returned An Error - (550) File Unavailable

Mar 17, 2010

I have a simple Upload method that send the file to the FTP server, if the file name is already exist, i will overwrite the existing file in the server. This method is working fine.


I'm just wondering how would i be able to change the filename ( originalFileName+timeStamp) during the process of uploading to avoid overwriting of files? I did try changing the method property of WebRequestMethod to


But I'm getting an error

The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)

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Security :: The Remote Server Returned An Error: (401) Unauthorized?

May 12, 2010

this is a bit of a strange one. have my front page of my intranet site and I am trying to pull an RSS feed from a subdirectory forum.


On my default.aspx I can pull RSS Feeds from the BBC or any other external website so my code is working fine but when I try and pull a RSS feed from my local server I get "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unaithorized".Now, if I go to the Forum directory within IIS and change the directory secutiry from "Integrated Windows Authentication" to "Enable anonymous access" the RSS comes through to the front page without any errors, however, the forum requires "Integrated Windows Authentication" to be enable to that my users can post on the forum. If I turn both on then Windows authentication is still ignored for my users when they visit the forum.I have hardcoded my credentials in to the Default.aspx.cs to see if that helps but I still get Unauthorized message.My code is here:


As you can see I have tried a couple of different ways to get the credentials to work, it just seems to ignore my credentials and I have full admin access to the server and when I visit the forum it picks up my username.

View 7 Replies

SQL Server :: Dynamically Changing Text Returned From A Query?

Nov 13, 2010

What would be the best way of going about doing this;

On my website I am putting some short stories in and allowing people to change the name of the characters in the story to match their own. I was going to keep the stories in a SQL DB but not quite sure how I would go about changing the names of the characters dynamically?

Would I be best using say (Name1), (Name2) etc in the stories in the DB then changing it using a string query on the code behind or is there a better / quicker way to acheive this?

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SQL Server :: Use Cursor To Loop Through Number Of Records Returned?

Mar 25, 2011

using sql server 2005.

i need to query a table which normally will return multiple records for the id and I need to loop through probably using a cursor and pull values out from each record to make a string.

what is the syntax for this? i've seen cursors using a set number (EX: loop through 5 times) but I need to create a query so that I can loop through once for each row returned from my query.

View 13 Replies

Controls :: The Remote Server Returned Error / (403) Forbidden

May 7, 2015

The following error is coming :

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

while working with google maps the code I have written for this is :

string fulladdress = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", txtStreet.Text, txtCity.Text, txtCountry.Text);
string skey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["googlemaps.subgurim.net"];
//HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fulladdress);
//request.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

[Code] ....

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Remote Server Returned An Error, Proxy Authentication Required?

Dec 8, 2010

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.I get it when I use the GetReponse() method in WebRequest Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(getNextURL()) Dim httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

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Configuration :: The Remote Server Returned An Error: (404) Not Found - How To Rectify It

Nov 9, 2010

I have written the following code in Global.asax but I'm getting error The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found in the


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Configuration :: The Remote Server Returned An Error: (408) Request Timeout?

Aug 9, 2010

I move a file from server to another server .in local it is woking fine .but in production it is getting error

The remote server returned an error: (408) Request Timeout.

i used like this ..

"POST", fileName.ToString());

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SQL Server :: How To Handle Data Returned For A Site Search From A Description Field

Nov 30, 2010

Trying to figure out how to handle data returned for a site search from a description field. I don't think I want to display all the text from the description field, but I also don't want to "chop" a word in half. How do I get the first 100 characters, plus a few extra letters if needed to prevent a word from being chopped in half. In some cases, the description field is less than 100 characters, so all the text will be displayed. However, if the description does need to be chopped at 100, I'd like to finish the word and add ... to indicate that there is more text.

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