Object Oriented Programming Book Required?

Jun 23, 2010

Please can anybody provide me ebook of advance object oriented programming book.

Book must contains most of object oriented concepts in depth.

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Learning A New Web-oriented Programming Language, Where To Begin

Jul 22, 2010

A bit of background: I am familiar with PHP and Java, did some C, C++ and Lisp (gasp!) back in programming classes but never used them too much. So, I've been wanting to step out of PHP a bit for web development. I have a few reasons for this (in no particular order): there's a lot of amateurish code(rs) in PHP, which somehow makes me look bad; I am unhappy with a few quirks in the language; and I really want to try something new. Here are the options I've been looking at:

Python and Ruby (on Rails): They both seem nice, but it looks like I'll have some difficulty finding webhosts that run these. And it appears that Python scripts aren't as portable as PHP (correct me if I am wrong).SP.NET: I have an issue with Microsoft software kind of existing in their own realm. I mean, MS has some really good tools for developers and if you stay within those tools your life is easy. But if you deviate just a bit out of it, you are on your own. And oh, it's not opensource.

So what do you recommend? And if I go with Python (it's tempting), should I use a framework like Django or web2py or should I go down and dirty with the basics (same thing with ASP.NET and MVC)?

EDIT: What I don't like about PHP:

No namespaces
Implicit type conversions can cause problems
Many silent errors
No unicode support

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Architecture :: Code In Object Oriented Pattern?

Oct 4, 2010

I am creating an authentication service. This service has one of the methods to validate username and password and return a status based on it.

The validation method has bunch of things to check before it can say user is valid. This method has a pseudo code similar to this:

If UserName and Password is correct

If User Account is Locked (due to invalid attempts)


As you can see there are lots of if else statements that I am writing. It looks more like a procedural programming rather than object oriented.How can I fit such kind of code in object oriented pattern?

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C# - Object Oriented N-tier Design Abstracting Too Much?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm building my first enterprise grade solution (at least I'm attempting to make it enterprise grade).I'm trying to follow best practice design patterns but am starting to worry that I might be going too far with abstraction.

I'm trying to build my asp.net webforms (in C#) app as an n-tier application.I've created a Data Access Layer using an XSD strongly-typed dataset that interfaces with a SQL server backend.I access the DAL through some Business Layer Objects that I've created on a 1:1 basis to the datatables in the dataset(eg, a UsersBLL class for the Users datatable in the dataset).I'm doing checks inside the BLL to make sure that data passed to DAL is following the business rules of the application.That's all well and good.Where I'm getting stuck though is the point at which I connect the BLL to the presentation layer.For example, my UsersBLL class deals mostly with whole datatables,as it's interfacing with the DAL.Should I now create a separate "User" (Singular) class that maps out the properties of a single user,rather than multiple users?This way I don't have to do any searching through datatables in the presentation layer,as I could use the properties created in the User class.Or would it be better to somehow try to handle this inside the UsersBLL?

below is the code from the UsersBLL:

using System;
using System.Data;
using PedChallenge.DAL.PedDataSetTableAdapters;


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Insert Record In Xml File In Object Oriented Way By Linq To Xml In C#?

Feb 26, 2011

I have XML file template as:


in my asp.net application. I want to insert the student registration entry through my web form. but want to use proper object oriented method. like by create the object as "Student" it will have required property. and want to insert new node with incremental (auto increment) Student ID. I am using c#. how can i achieve this? will Linq is best way to do this?

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Architecture :: Design System With Pure Object Oriented?

Aug 4, 2010

Analysis and design C# application with pure object orineted feature .

for example

I get all the requirement for the user, How to analysis the system , keeping future changes in mind , design and system with pure object oriented feature .

in Short : design system with pure object oriented feature so that it flexible so that in future new version can be launch easily

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ADO.NET :: Object Oriented Linq - Populate Second Dropdown List With Results?

Sep 23, 2010

I am wondering into the unknown field of OOA and was looking for a way to separate my business logic from my UI. A small example is as followed:

Two DropDowns where the second one is depended on the selection in the first DropDown. You have Cars, planes, etc. inm the first DropDown and Toyota, Chrysler, etc in the second (depending on the value in the first DD.I have som Lin syntax. The file is situated in the App_Code folder and NOT as code behind. [Code]....

I would like to know how i can make populate my second Dropdown list with results. At this point it's just putting in the complete ProductSubCategory.

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MVC :: Pro V2 Framework Book - Sample Project Gives Object Reference Error

Aug 23, 2010

I bought the subject book and started to implement the sample MVC project. Everything went perfect until it came to Dependency Injection section. I'm doing everything as described in the book but I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error on the line


I zipped the solution folder with the database script if you wanna see whether you also get the same error. I loaded the zipped folder in my skydrive: [URL]

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Return A Json Object In Webforms Programming?

Jun 2, 2010

In ASP.Net MVC action methods can return json objects simply by returning something like so:


How do I return a JSon representation of say List<String> with webforms either through a service or through a method in the code behind of an aspx page? This seems incredibly confusing compared to ASP.Net MVC.

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Crystal Reports :: How To Print Cheque Book (Check Book)

Oct 10, 2013

How to design crystal report such type that it is exct print into the bank checkbook?

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C# - CS0120: An Object Reference Is Required?

Jul 14, 2010

Getting this error when I submit my form to savetext.aspx action file:Compiler Error Message: CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'System.Web.UI.Page.Request.get'

On this line: string path = "/txtfiles/" + Request.Form["file_name"];

Whole code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>[code]....

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Javascript - How Much Client-side Programming Is Needed When Doing Server-side Programming

Mar 16, 2011

but I am rather confused about what to invest in. I heard that server-side code translates into client-side code. So, if you have an .aspx file, it will be converted to HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I have experience with the latter three technologies put into a rather dull text file and rendered by a web browser. My question is how much HTML/CSS/Javascript coding would I have to do when server-side programming? In other words, can someone using ASP.NET program purely on the server side and not bother to write for the client side? Of course, I don't care about server-side being translated into client-side, but I am wondering if client-side programming needs to be done explicitly and to what degree.

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VS 2008 - Getting JavaScript Object Required Error

Aug 15, 2013

I am getting an object required error and I understand it's because the object I am looking for doesn't exist yet, but I don't know why it doesn't exist yet. Here is my code:

<tr><!-- This is the row with Effective Date -->
<td nowrap valign="top">
<asp:label id="EffectiveDateTitleLabel" runat="server" Width="120px">Effective Date:</asp:label>
<td nowrap valign="top">

[Code] ....

What I want to accomplish is when the selected effective date is greater than 01/01/2014, hide the TotalEmployees dropdownlist (and label, but for now I'm just trying to do the DDL).

Here's the js:


<script type="text/javascript">
function SetTextArea(selectedValue) {
alert("selected value changed to " + selectedValue);
var selectedDate = new Date(selectedValue);

[Code] ....

I get the alert that it could not find totalemployees. Is this because EffectiveDateDropDown is in an UpdatePanel so the two dropdowns don't exist at the same time? Or something like that?

I don't have to use JS. I thought it would be easier than using AJAX. But it's not if it doesn't work.

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AJAX :: Modalpopup And Javascript Error Object Required?

Aug 31, 2010

I Have this error when click on a button to open a popup box in my page:

"object required"

Here is my code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/artm.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="artm_principal.aspx.vb" Inherits="artm_principal" title="Principal" Debug="true" MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true"%>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="AJT" %>


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Javascript - Microsoft Jscript Runtime Erroe Object Required

Oct 13, 2010

I am not getting any error in my application but when I run it and click on a button then jscript runtime error object reqired happens with the option of break and continue...

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Caching In .net - Error Like "An Object Reference Is Required For Non Static Field?

Feb 9, 2011

I m having a webService.

In that I m using Caching.

I have wrote following code to store datatable in cache.

using System.Web.Caching;

Cache.Insert("dt", dt, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), TimeSpan.Zero, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Default, null);

It give me error like "An object Reference is required for non static field.

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Web Forms :: Object Reference Is Required For Non-static Field / Method Or Property

May 7, 2015

I'm using jQuery and setInterval method in my asp.net web application.

I call the webservice every 5 seconds in order to check for DB changes. When i see a change, i want to change the photo of the linkButton that located on the master page, but i can to that due to static constrains.

An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'System.Web.UI.Page.Master.get'

my c# code is:

public static bool checkDBChange(string userId) {
DBConnection dbConnection = new DBConnection();
if (dbConnection.isChanged(userId)) {
((Site1)Master).SetImageUrl = "~/Icons/a.ico";
return false;

The SetImageUrl is a setter in my master page that sets the new url to the linkButton. How I can implement it?

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AJAX :: Accessing Placeholder From Webmethod - An Object Reference Is Required For The Non-static Field

Mar 22, 2010

Aplogies if this has been discussed before but I couldn't find an answer.

I'm trying to use jquery/Ajax to access some webmethods in my codebehind. This is fine, but I would in my function like to reference a placeholder (phStory in the code below) on my page and also load a usercontrol into that placeholder.

Unfortunately I get the message: "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'TestControls.phStory' " and similar for the usercontrol. Does anyone know how I can still access my placeholder and usercontrol from within this.

It has to be stati as it's a WebMethod but this then throws up these errors.


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Compiler Error Message CS0120 - Object Reference Is Required For Nonstatic Field

Feb 15, 2010

I usually only write in ASP, so I am not very familiar with this script. Can anyone tell me how to how to request a querystring so I can use it to pull the image location. Like this.


private const string ORIG_SAMPLE_PHOTO_URL = @"/PhotoCropperC/photos/1090/47.jpg";

I have tried just using Request.QueryString["userid"];, but I get the compiler error. Here is my code:

public partial class PhotoCropper : System.Web.UI.Page
//Make sure you give the IUSR_MachineName permissions to the directory below
private const string ORIG_SAMPLE_PHOTO_URL = @"/PhotoCropperC/photos/TheDog.jpg";
//private const string ORIG_SAMPLE_PHOTO_URL = "~/photos/TheDog.jpg";
private const string CROPPED_SAMPLE_PHOTO_URL = @"d:/inetpub/sites/dc/cropper/TheDogCropped.jpg";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
else {
btnCrop.Visible = !btnCrop.Visible;

View 6 Replies

CS0120 Error - An Object Reference Is Required For The Non-static Field, Method, Or Property?

Mar 24, 2010

I am getting a CS0120 error when trying turn a button visible after checking some variables. In plain english, If AmmohelpSession.UserActions contains AmmohelpEnums.UserAction.ArticleEdit then turn the Edit button visible. Here is my comparison:


In the code behind for AmmohelpSession, a public class AmmohelpSession which contains a private variable: private HashSet<UserAction> _userActions; has been stated. In that same file, there is a public function for the UserActions that does a get or set method.In the code behind for AmmohelpEnums, we are setting byte variables to specific actions. Mine would be something like:


Where is my error coming from ?????

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Benefits And Limitations Of Service Oriented Architecture?

Jul 25, 2010

explain me or provide me with a links of good articles/tutorials on "Benefits AndLimitations of Service Oriented Architecture" ?I mean Where to Use and Where not, the SOA.

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C# - How To Start With Entity Framework And Service Oriented Architecture

May 12, 2010

At work I need to create a new web application, that will connect to an MySql Database.

(So far I only have expercience with Linq-To-Sql classes and MSSQL servers.)

My superior tells me to use the entity framework (he probably refers to Linq-To-Entity) and provide everything as a service based architecture. Unfortunately nobody at work has experience with that framework nor with a real nice server oriented architecture. This speficic project I'm leading will be long-term, meaning multiple years, so it would be best to design it the way, that multiple target plattforms like asp.net, c# wpf, ... could use it)For now, the main target plattform is ASP.net

So I do have the following questions:

1) Where can I read best what's really behind service oriented architecture (but for now beginner tutorials work fine as well) and how to use it in best practise?

2) So far I can't see a real difference between Linq-To-Sql classes and the information I've googled so far on the 'entity framework'. So, whats the difference? Where do I find nice tutorials for it?

3) Is there any difference in the entity framework regarding the database server (MSSQL or MySQL)? If not, does that mean that code snipperts I will stumble across will word database independent?

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Looking For A Book On MVC

Jul 28, 2010

I'm looking for a book on MVC. I've tried diving head-first into it without any documentation, but I didn't really learn about the core concepts. I'm a hands on kinda guy, so the ideal book would teach me the concepts and then allow me to implement them with mini-projects.

There are plenty of books to choose from on Amazon, but recommendations would be helpful.

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C# - Book For SOA With .net?

Oct 15, 2010

The topic of our undergraduate project is SOA. Under this project we are supposed to build 3 service components and one example website that uses those components. I am quite good with Java and have no experience whatsoever with C# or .NET.We have decided to do project in C#.NET. I found SOA with .NET & Windows Azure by Thomas Erl. As we are not going to deploy our application to any cloud, I am bit worried about the book whose title has "& Windows Azure".I am currently reading SOA Concepts, Technology and Design by Thomas Erl. Is the book SOA with .NET & Windows Azure right for my present needs? Or any other recommendations about book/blog etc on SOA with C#.NET?

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Want A Best Book For .NET AJAX?

Jan 23, 2010

I took the 70-562 exam and didn't do well enough to pass. My main weakness was ASP.NET Javascript, where obviously I need more grounding than the MS Press exam kit book provides.

What book will best give me this grounding? It needs to cover everything really and be easy to read (bullet points etc) and has to talk about using the AJAX role manager and things like that.

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