Benefits And Limitations Of Service Oriented Architecture?

Jul 25, 2010

explain me or provide me with a links of good articles/tutorials on "Benefits AndLimitations of Service Oriented Architecture" ?I mean Where to Use and Where not, the SOA.

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C# - How To Start With Entity Framework And Service Oriented Architecture

May 12, 2010

At work I need to create a new web application, that will connect to an MySql Database.

(So far I only have expercience with Linq-To-Sql classes and MSSQL servers.)

My superior tells me to use the entity framework (he probably refers to Linq-To-Entity) and provide everything as a service based architecture. Unfortunately nobody at work has experience with that framework nor with a real nice server oriented architecture. This speficic project I'm leading will be long-term, meaning multiple years, so it would be best to design it the way, that multiple target plattforms like, c# wpf, ... could use it)For now, the main target plattform is

So I do have the following questions:

1) Where can I read best what's really behind service oriented architecture (but for now beginner tutorials work fine as well) and how to use it in best practise?

2) So far I can't see a real difference between Linq-To-Sql classes and the information I've googled so far on the 'entity framework'. So, whats the difference? Where do I find nice tutorials for it?

3) Is there any difference in the entity framework regarding the database server (MSSQL or MySQL)? If not, does that mean that code snipperts I will stumble across will word database independent?

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Architecture :: Code In Object Oriented Pattern?

Oct 4, 2010

I am creating an authentication service. This service has one of the methods to validate username and password and return a status based on it.

The validation method has bunch of things to check before it can say user is valid. This method has a pseudo code similar to this:

If UserName and Password is correct

If User Account is Locked (due to invalid attempts)


As you can see there are lots of if else statements that I am writing. It looks more like a procedural programming rather than object oriented.How can I fit such kind of code in object oriented pattern?

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Architecture :: Design System With Pure Object Oriented?

Aug 4, 2010

Analysis and design C# application with pure object orineted feature .

for example

I get all the requirement for the user, How to analysis the system , keeping future changes in mind , design and system with pure object oriented feature .

in Short : design system with pure object oriented feature so that it flexible so that in future new version can be launch easily

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Architecture :: Benefits Of Using Business Objects?

Feb 23, 2010

I am new to OOP. Kindly guide me why making business objects is good ? how and what benefit they bring in development. As I am new to OOP if please you decidable with example in simple way will be great help to me.

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Architecture :: How To Design A Centralized Business Or Service Authentication Architecture

Sep 22, 2010

i want to create a centralised business or Service authendication architecture in .net. for example, we have a clients like c1, c2, c3, c4, ... etc. everybody logins seperatly as well as grouply. ie, if client "C1" logins [with login authentication] he can access c2 , c3, c4 also without login authendication. So its like a google. if we enters gmail account, we can access orkut, picasa like that.. i need the cetralised architecture.

And, client "c1" seperately asks seperately how will be the authendication architecture.

so give me the single solution for both these two scenarios. how will be the architecture for these two and how is the Data Base (Login) Structure.

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Architecture :: Architecture FOR SAAS ( Service As A Product)?

Dec 22, 2010

I am going to create the SAAS (Software as a service) Application. Can you please provide all the attributes that we have to consider in SAAS application (for example usability, pluggable architecture etc .. )

How architecture should be build for this project, provide sample architecture for SAAS application. This architecture should be easy to upload and upgrade or degrade the features. Error handling should be easy.

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Architecture :: Create architecture design For WCF Service?

Aug 10, 2010

I am try to create architecture design for WCF service.

We have WCF service that we have to expose to third party so then can request with xml and get back xml response.

The wcf service should do the following:

- Accept the request call with xml

- Check xml against the schema

- Parse the xml

- Authenticate the incoming xml by username and password that will be in xml

- Send back the response

If anybody can let me know what kind of design I can use or is there any pattern available that I can take it and then extend it as per my requirement.

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Architecture :: WCF Service Be Used To Receive Data As Needed From A Remote Sender Or Service?

Feb 25, 2011

I am not sure which approach I should use. I have a web application that needs to get/receive data from a third party application that is in a secure remote network. The data needs to be secure during transport. The data layers cannot be exposed and the databases will not talk to each other. The data will be received from remote application on demand, or will get at scheduled intervals.

I have looked at WCF, but not sure if this will work. Can a WCF service be used to receive data as needed from a remote sender or service? Is this a secure way of doing it? I have also looked at SFTP using some XML/XSLT, but I don't think this is the right way to go. In addition, some data may be transported from my web application to the remote application (mostly reports at first). What protocols are used to transfer data between HIPAA compliant applications?

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Architecture :: DAL As Web Service - Adding A Service Reference To Project And Then Using The EF4 Context And Writing LINQ Queries Against The DB?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm currently trying to work out the best way to build this web application, which will then be intergrated on other systems, such as WinForms, Intranets etc.

We hope to include the usual layers i.e. DAL, BLL, BOL and UI but I have been experimenting with Entity Framework 4 and WCF Data Services and managed to get something in place where I was using WCF as a gateway to EF4.

i.e. Adding a Service Reference to my project and then using the EF4 context and writing LINQ queries against the DB


Now with the current setup I would still need to write a DAL Class Library, that interacts with the Data Service, because as I said WCF Data Services only seems to be a gateway, I can't see where to put the code (above) in the Data Service and then how I could these methods.

My questions are: 1. How do I develop a WCF Data Service in such a way to allow this behaviour - I know how I could do it using ASMX web service, something like [Code]....

2. If I am to use WCF Data Services, how is serialization handled (if at all) - again I know how to do something in ASMX web services

3. Again, If I am to use WCF, how do I add Security and only allow my applications to access the web service - for obvious reasons

4. Would it be possible / logical to also include the Business Logic Layer into the web service?

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Architecture :: Using Windows Service In Web Application?

Sep 10, 2010

I wanna embed the windows service in the web application. I have seen few posts in the web. where they generate separate exe for the windows service and use it as an installable.

The same process i tried doing it but it threw an OS error in my server which is windows 2000 and didnt supported the executable.

However the website of mine runs fine in the same server. Thus i was thinking if i cd embed the same code in the web application.

Also, in my case the website of mine takes job for simulation. These jobs are taken for simulation execution and nearly takes 12hrs for completion and if they are not completed within twelve hours then they are supplied extra twelve hours to complete the simulation jobs.

The simulation executables are a series of executable and bat files.

The results of the simulation gets updated in the tables of MySql and hence are displayed to the user.

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Architecture :: Invoke Client From Web Service?

May 31, 2010

I've a web services wich can invoke a pc on the internet when a new event has come.

How do I write the code?

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Architecture :: Building A DISCO Service?

Mar 17, 2011

I've never tried this myself, but am attempting to build a proto-type of a discovery service (much like WS-DISCO Services) for a research project I'm currently working on.

Was wondering if anyone had tried it before with WCF/ASP.NET and have any articles/blog posts to share?

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Architecture :: Make A Local Web Service To Be Available On Internet?

Jan 4, 2011

I have an application running on my Home pc and with which i also have expose a webservice. But it is on my local machine.

My question is that i dont have any webserver purchased and i want to call my this local webservice from any where on internet. Is there any free service available on internet which can proxy my local webservice on internet?

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Architecture :: Validation, Service Layers And Testing?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a quick question in regards to testing my validation. I have been looking through a few MVC examples and have noticed the 'Validating with a Service Layer' tutorial which is pretty nice. It discusses how to abstract your code out etc..My question is, that they have validation occuring in the service layer, if errors occur, the error + message then gets added to a model state dictionary.Now i want to test my model to make sure my business rules are being applied to it, but with this approach, for starters, the Validation method is not in the interface. Now, if the validation method was in the interface, during testing you would have to re-implement the validation on the testing side.Am i missing somthing? Where should your validation code go? I feel like it should go in the model, but then i have to track the errors on the model side.

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Architecture :: Web Service - File Download With MTOM?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a web service I put together that has a custom soap header for the authorization (UserName and Password).I have a function currently that will allow a user to download a file from my site via a web service.I have integrated this download to the membership system of the site.They are using a front end client to perform the download.The files I download are around a meg in size.I would like to show the download progess of the file.I was going to setup MTOM and download the file in chunks.I am trying to get around the authorization of each "chunk" of data that I am sending down to the client.I do not want to hit my authorization process for all of these calls to the web service with the file offset.The authorization header works well for other functions I have put together for this web service.

They set a username and password and then call a function for specific data that I am making available via the web service.Is there an easier method to stream a file to a user and show the download progress of the file?I was going to generate a token and have that token passed per chunk,but I still have to go through my security process.Can anyone assist in the proper design of a webservice to stream a file with progress and passing credientials.

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Architecture :: Ask About Web Service Response Work With Transaction?

Mar 20, 2010

I have a requirement below;Step 1: I must insert and update record with "xx" Running Number into Tables in Database.Step 2: I must send "xx" Running Number from Step 1 go with Web Service and wait the response.Step 3: If Step 2 has a error. I must roll back Step 1 data that I do in Step 1. But If Step 2 is success, everything is Ok.How can I solve this requirement? and How can I write code?

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Architecture :: To Submit Form Data Through Web Service Method?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to submit my form's data to database using asmx Web Service method(Through AJAX extension methods i.e., Script callback method). My form contains lot of data, though only text data.This will be a very fast process,Or should i submit form data in the traditional way ?

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Architecture :: Using .asmx (web Service) Files Locally Within Web App As The Datasource?

Jan 5, 2011

I have been wrestling with web services technology/techniques for part of 2010 - learning how to reate/consume/deploy... I have also been experimenting with third party web controls from ComponentArt. In some of the samples from ComponentArt I observed that they use .asmx files locally to populate their custom data controls (datagrids, comboboxes, treeview controls...). What is interesting (and a little bit confusing to me) is that in the ComponentArt samples they reference the web services directly within their controls in the markup. My question is if this can be done normally with controls that ship with Visual Studio (any version -- I have em all 2005, 2008, 2010). I ask this question because from VS I only know to reference web services by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer to add a web reference.

Here is the services tag used by ComponentArt

<asp:ServiceReference path="FileExplorerTreeViewService.asmx" />

Then in the property grid of a data control -- say a treeview control-- they reference the web service, and when the project is run -- the control is populated with data from the web service.

Do data controls from VS support this technique? My other question is if there is a benefit to using a web service as a datasource for a control and what is this benefit? What is the criteria for using a web service in this manner?

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Architecture :: Create REST Based Web Service Using Asmx?

Apr 12, 2010

Is it possible to create REST based web service using asmx?

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Learning A New Web-oriented Programming Language, Where To Begin

Jul 22, 2010

A bit of background: I am familiar with PHP and Java, did some C, C++ and Lisp (gasp!) back in programming classes but never used them too much. So, I've been wanting to step out of PHP a bit for web development. I have a few reasons for this (in no particular order): there's a lot of amateurish code(rs) in PHP, which somehow makes me look bad; I am unhappy with a few quirks in the language; and I really want to try something new. Here are the options I've been looking at:

Python and Ruby (on Rails): They both seem nice, but it looks like I'll have some difficulty finding webhosts that run these. And it appears that Python scripts aren't as portable as PHP (correct me if I am wrong).SP.NET: I have an issue with Microsoft software kind of existing in their own realm. I mean, MS has some really good tools for developers and if you stay within those tools your life is easy. But if you deviate just a bit out of it, you are on your own. And oh, it's not opensource.

So what do you recommend? And if I go with Python (it's tempting), should I use a framework like Django or web2py or should I go down and dirty with the basics (same thing with ASP.NET and MVC)?

EDIT: What I don't like about PHP:

No namespaces
Implicit type conversions can cause problems
Many silent errors
No unicode support

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Object Oriented Programming Book Required?

Jun 23, 2010

Please can anybody provide me ebook of advance object oriented programming book.

Book must contains most of object oriented concepts in depth.

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C# - Object Oriented N-tier Design Abstracting Too Much?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm building my first enterprise grade solution (at least I'm attempting to make it enterprise grade).I'm trying to follow best practice design patterns but am starting to worry that I might be going too far with abstraction.

I'm trying to build my webforms (in C#) app as an n-tier application.I've created a Data Access Layer using an XSD strongly-typed dataset that interfaces with a SQL server backend.I access the DAL through some Business Layer Objects that I've created on a 1:1 basis to the datatables in the dataset(eg, a UsersBLL class for the Users datatable in the dataset).I'm doing checks inside the BLL to make sure that data passed to DAL is following the business rules of the application.That's all well and good.Where I'm getting stuck though is the point at which I connect the BLL to the presentation layer.For example, my UsersBLL class deals mostly with whole datatables,as it's interfacing with the DAL.Should I now create a separate "User" (Singular) class that maps out the properties of a single user,rather than multiple users?This way I don't have to do any searching through datatables in the presentation layer,as I could use the properties created in the User class.Or would it be better to somehow try to handle this inside the UsersBLL?

below is the code from the UsersBLL:

using System;
using System.Data;
using PedChallenge.DAL.PedDataSetTableAdapters;


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Architecture :: Web Service To Recieve Online Order And Send To Printer?

Apr 6, 2010

I want to make sure my theory of an upcoming project will work. Online ordering form for a restuarant. Order will be for pickup or delivery. no payment online. so gather order information and call web service which lives on a computer at the restaurant, this web service will log the order information into a file then send the order information to a ticket printer in the kitchen.

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Architecture :: Understand Web Service Software Factory With Concrete Examples?

Apr 20, 2010

how do I understand web service software factory with concrete examples? Is it wcf oriented?

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