ObjectDataSource Databinding: Getting Object Properties By Select Method Call - How To Access Value

Feb 22, 2010

I am using an ObjectDataSource control to call a MapInfo object. This object has two properties:

public IList Visits
public int TotalAvailable

The select method returns an IList but the TotalAvailable property is also populated. I have set the TypeName in the ObjectDataSource to the MapInfo object but because the Select method only returns the IList I don't have access to the TotalAvailable.


Is there any way to access this value. I know it is being populated in the MapInfo object but all that gets returned from the Select method is the IList

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Similar Messages:

ObjectDataSource Does Not Call SelectCount Method?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to implement simple DataGrid and ObjectDataSource bundle with paging

my .aspx file

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >


for some reason asp.net cals SelectMethod2 with (0,0,"") parameters and does not call GetCount.

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C# - ListBox Is Null In Select Method Of ObjectDataSource?

Jan 14, 2010

I couldn't come up with a good subject. I have a simple ASP.NET 3.5 form. If you follow the numbered comments, I explain how I am stepping through the code when I run the page in debug mode. Both of the below functions are methods declared in the code behind file of the page, both are in the same _Default class. The ManagersListBox is declared in the Default.aspx page. Why is it that in the context of the GetSubordinates, the ManagersListBox is null? It's as if it disappears for a moment and then reappears after returning from the GetSubordinates method. Obviously the solution is to parameterize GetSuborindates, but that is not my concern. I am trying to learn how ASP.NET works and I would really like to understand why I am seeing this behavior "disappearing object".


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Forms Data Controls :: Stop Databinding When There Is An Error In The Select Method?

May 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist (drpClients) bound to an object datasource (odsProgramClients). In the dropdown's databound event, I load a dynamic table based on the selected item in the dropdownlist. This all works well. However, if I force a problem in odsProgramClients select method, it continues to the databound event of the dropdown and attempts to load the table, even though dropdownlists underlying select method failed. I wish to stop the databound event from firing if there is a problem in the select method. I have code that traps the error in odsProgramClients select method.



How do I stop the dropdownlist from databinding, if there is an error in it's underlying datasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Delete Method Passing Null Values To Objectdatasource Underlying Object Delete Method

Apr 12, 2010

I am using VS 2008 SP1. My also have included CSS Friendly adapter [URL] in my project ( I mentioned this because my GridView Empty data template is not showing when using GridView's CCS Friendly adapter). I have a GridView and a DetailsView. When a record in GridView is selected its details information is shown in the Details View. Type of Data source I am using is ObjectDataSource. My Insert and Update methods works perfectly. It is only the Delete method that is passing null values to the underlying object delete method. My source codes for both the UI, BLL, DAL is shown below


My Business Object code is below :


My Data Access Layer Code is:


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VS 2005 Select Method In Objectdatasource Showing Last Value Repeatedly

Jan 4, 2010

I have to display the contacts in gridview.I'm using objectdatasource. I have given the select method of objdatasource below:


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports system.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class Contactmanager
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("localConnectionString").ToString)......

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DataSource Controls :: How Use The Select Method To Get The Rowcount With Objectdatasource

Mar 22, 2010

i have this class

class MyDal
IList<MyData> GetAll(string orderBy, , int count, int firstIndex, out int totalRowCount);

i'm using an objectdatasource with MyDal to bind values to a gridview.

i want know if there's a way to configure the objectdatasource to use the parameter totalRowCount without calling the SelectCountMethod.

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DataSource Controls :: Get Child Properties Using Parent Object Error / Cannot Access A Disposed Object

Feb 17, 2010

On DBML I have two entities as Parent, Child. I am trying to assign Child class properites in a Parent.


I am getting the following Error:

Cannot access a disposed object.

Object name: 'DataContext accessed after Dispose.'.

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DataSource Controls :: Objectdatasource With A Generic Select Method - How To Pass The Type

Mar 14, 2011



The GetList method is as folllowing:


Now i can populate my gridview trough code by this: //gvwDiensten.DataSource = new BindingList<diensten>(dataManager.GetList<diensten>().ToList());But i would like to use an objectdatasource, so i created this:



But when running the page i get:

ObjectDataSource 'dsDiensten' could not find a non-generic method 'GetList' that has no parameters.

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C# - How To Access ObjectDataSource Object After Bind To GridView

Feb 4, 2010

I have a GridView, I bind it to ObjectDataSource. ObjectDataSource takes data from a database's table. Each row in table has unique ID.

I have a button in each row of GridView that should remove this row from database. My ObjectDataSource returns Object, this returned object contains ID (and some other information, like name, user etc.) however I do not show this ID on my grid.

how can I get these ID after user chooses to delete row, I need to know what I should remove.

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Web Services - AJAX: How To Access Object Properties

Dec 15, 2010

My web method returns object 'User' that has a lot of properties.

In my 'OnComplete' function I am receiving those object.


Question: How can I get values of object properties?

The code above provides me with '[object Object]' text instead of real object value.

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Javascript - AJax JSON Call Error When Trying To Access The Properties Of Class

Oct 7, 2010

I am making a JSON call to web method which is defined in code behind. The web method returns a class object.The class returns 3 properties one of type list and 2 integers. I am accessing these in the following manner:

success: function(result) {
if(result.LookCount > 0)
var Info = "";
for(var i = 0;i < result.LookUps.length; i++)
Info += CreateLookUpGrid(result.LookUps[i].Client,result.LookUps[i].ClientOrg);

alert(result.LookCount) -> alerts undefined and when i alert result it shows me the compelte result string which has all data. So the data is returned correctly by web method. But I am unable to access it.

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Access To Embedded Mediaplayer Object Properties Server Side?

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to either access the properties, such as 'url', of a embedded media player object server side to change them? Or possibly dynamically create a new media player object with a different 'url' each time?

I am trying to change the property based off of a selectedindexchanging event of a gridview object.

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How To Create A Shallow Copy Of An Object So That It May Be Serialize And Sent Via A Web Method Call

Feb 16, 2010

I would like to serialize the properties of the HttpBrowserCapibilities object so that it may be returned via a web method call. Currently the object cannot be serialized:Cannot serialize member System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase.Capabilities of type System.Collections.IDictionary, because it implements IDictionary. ...which is understandable. However, I would like to simply copy out the properties and their values to a hierarchy, i.e.


I'm starting to think I would need to use reflection to copy this object, but I haven't reached a conclusion. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep this simple?

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VS 2005 - Call A MS Access Method / Function?

Feb 11, 2010

I am working on my company intranet and trying to integrate it with our existing MS Access applications.

I need to provide the ability to have the client click on a link/button from an aspx page and have it call a function in the MS access application to look up the corresponding record.

I came accross the thread [URL] but that is not really what I want as the ADP application will already be running on the client I just need to pass it a value.

Alternitively if I could start a new instance of the ADP passing it a parameter on open to find the correct record that would be a compromise.

View 19 Replies

Html: Unexpected Call To Method Or Property Access?

Jan 6, 2011

I am trying to use Rounded Corner buttons in my ASP.NET website using AjaxControlToolkit's RoundedCornerExtender. When I use this on a Buton control, I get an error saying "htmlfile: Unexpected call to method or property access" to which I can Break/continue.

When I run the sites, it gives me an error "Unexpected call to mathod or property access".Here's the screenshot: [URL]

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Databinding - ObjectDataSource Binding With ASP.NET Gridview Auto Adding Parameters?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a gridview databound to an objectdatasource. Everything worked great until I changed 2 columns from asp:BoundField to asp:TemplateField. These are the UPC column and the Part column. I wanted to show a link button for each of these fields that take the user to another page. Now asp.net expects these two fields to be parameters on the update store procedure. Why is this? How do I get it to not assume these columns need to be passed to the store procedure?

Here is the code for the grid view:


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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinding To Business Object And Retrieving That Object Later?

Jun 17, 2010

Again, I am new to the ASP.NET world, and I come from a Windows Forms background. I'm working with an ObjectDataSource that retrieves a collection of business objects. With the collection, I am going to be binding it to a CheckBoxList and other various controls. The business object that I am using is an Employee.

To get all of the employees, I create an ObjectDataSource and set the "Select" method. I then set the DataSourceID of the CheckBoxList to be that of the ObjectDataSource. When I load the page for the first time, I see all of the employees. Now, the user goes through this page and selects all the employees they want to see information about (by checking the box next to the employee name). Finally, the user hits the button called "Display." Upon postback how do I get a list of those employees? I've tried the following solution, but I'm not sure if it's the best practice in obtaining all those employees again. Here's my solution...

In the CheckBoxList, I set the DataTextField to the Employee's name. I also set the CheckBoxList's DataValueField. This property is a little different. I set this to be a UNIQUE IDENTIFIER, which can distinguish this employee from other employees. Now, when the user hits the button "Display" I use my ObjectDataSource again and MANUALLY call ObjectDataSource.Select(). I cast the returned value as a List<Employee>. Finally, I iterate through all list items in the CheckBoxList...


If the item is selected, I parse through my list of employees that was returned from the bjectDataSource.Select(). I use the item.Value and compare it to each employee's "key." If the key is found, I know that the employee is selected. I put this employee in another list called EmployeesSelected.

Finally, I take EmployeesSelected (which is a List) and set my GridView's .DataSource and call .DataBind() on the GridView.

Is this the "best practice" of re-obtaining the Employees that are selected on my page, or am I making this too complicated?

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Web Forms :: Using Properties With Databinding Syntax?

Feb 1, 2010

In an ascx control, it's possible to expose properties - let's assume the property name is a string property with a get accessor called DataField. If the ascx control contains a bindable templated control like a FormView and the FormView has a template that uses the two-way databinding syntax, why can't you provide a reference to the property in the call to the Bind method? I see that using the Bind method in a databinding expression causes the page parser to generate a method that is something like the following:

public System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary @__ExtractValues__control8(System.Web.UI.Control @__container)

In which, I see the following line:

@__table["Some_Field"] = TextBox1.Text;

Now, this method (@__ExtractValues__control8) is an instance member on the same generated class that defines our DataField property, but when page parser goes to compile the control, I receive the following error:A call to Bind was not well formatted. Please refer to documentation for the correct parameters to Bind. I assume from this that the page parser requires a string literal to be provided, but I don't understand why.

View 8 Replies

C# - Where To Initialize The Usercontrol Properties Before Databinding?

Jan 10, 2011

How can I write the C# code (aspx) to initialize the user control with some default property values? I mean where/which event? I have a user control with a gridview that I bind on container page. On page load of the container page I bind the data. I tried writing the initialization code in initproperties but it didn't work. Please suggest where can I set the default values for my usercontrol?

Edited:As suggested by DOK.. I already have a property and I change width of one of the DIVs. Here is the code that is not working.

public int CollapsiblePanelWidth

this works only if I set the width on calling program. Otherwise the default value of style="width: 105px;" is not added.

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C# - Is It Safe To Access .net Session Variables Through Static Properties Of A Static Object

May 10, 2010

Is it safe to access asp.net session variables through static properties of a static object?Here is what I mean:

public static class SessionHelper
public static int Age

Is it possible that userA could access userB's session data this way?

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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource - Update Method To Pass Entity To The Method In BLL Class?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an ObjectDataSource that I want to perform updates using a business entity i.e. Type="Object"). Since the values for the entity are within a user control, I have stored a reference to the control in Session and in the updating event, set the new instance to the value of the entity from the user contol property (which also pulls values from the form viaother properties of the control):

Protected Sub MasterDataSource_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs) Handles MasterDataSource.Updating
Dim entity As New Login()
Dim accountControl As AccountInfo = TryCast(Session("AccountCtrl"), AccountInfo)
entity = accountControl.Entity
e.InputParameters.Add("entity", entity)
End Sub

And here's the markup for the datasource:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="MasterDataSource" runat="server" EnableCaching="true" CacheDuration="10"
SelectMethod="SelectAll" UpdateMethod="Update" TypeName="Data.DAL.LoginDAL">

My question is, how can I get the update method to pass this entity to the update method in my BLL class? It seems the Update method requires an ID or reference to the original object to use in determining whether any changes have taken place, but I don't really want to do this. In other words, I just want to use the Update event on my ObjectDataSource to pass my entity to the method ("Update") I set as a property and then let this business method handle the update of the data. Shown below, is the BLL update method I want to call:

Public Overloads Function Update(ByVal entity As Login)
If entity Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("entity")
End If
MyBase.Update("UpdateLogin", entity.Username, entity.Password, entity.FirstName, entity.LastName, entity.Role, entity.Region, _
entity.Email, entity.Title, entity.TierID, entity.Street, entity.City, entity.State, entity.Zip, entity.Mobile, entity.Phone, entity.Fax)
End Function

When I try to call this as it stands now, I get an error: ObjectDataSource 'MasterDataSource' could not find a non-generic method 'Update' that has parameters: ID, entity. Previously, I'd set up a long list of parameters of basic data types (string, int, boolean), but this is rather cumbersome and I was hoping to use an entity for this (FYI, I also got the same type of error when I tried this approach, but with the ID as the
last parameter in the list). Perhaps what I'm doing here is atypical to how the ODS is normally used?? Has anyone done something like this successfully?

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VS 2008 Why Listview Selecteditem Template Call The "select Query" Method Two Time

Apr 29, 2010

why listview selecteditem templete call the "select qry" method two time..?

i used objectdata source for show selected item templete which use select method of dataaccess leyer..

View 6 Replies

Visual Studio :: When Change Any Existing Method Or Property In Business Object Or Data Access?

May 11, 2010

I am working on Vs2005 and asp.net 2.0. I have a solution with 4 projects (business object, components, data access, webclient)When I change any existing method or property in Business object or data access, it is not reflecting in the application. I have deleted the existing references to the project and added them after the new build. I always get errors like "method not found or No overload method "It seems like old verion of dll is still there in the reference.

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Forms Data Controls :: Object Data Source Calling Select Method Twice?

Jun 15, 2010

I have extended GridView in order to have consistent look & feel, paging and sorting. However, when the page is first time loaded, the select method is getting called twice. It works fine when i move between pages in pagination.

Note, i am using Asp.net 2.0.

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