Access To Embedded Mediaplayer Object Properties Server Side?

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to either access the properties, such as 'url', of a embedded media player object server side to change them? Or possibly dynamically create a new media player object with a different 'url' each time?

I am trying to change the property based off of a selectedindexchanging event of a gridview object.

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Web Forms :: Access Html Hidden Input Field Embedded From Server Side Code?

Jan 26, 2010

I want to integrate paypal inside my shopping cart. For that it requires a html form to be embeded inside .aspx page with the action to paypal and method is post. Inside that form there are some hidden input filed. I want to assign one of those hidden field's value from server side code so i need to access that filed from server side. But how? Here is my form:

<form action="[URL] method="post" id="PaypalForm">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"/>
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Cannot access a disposed object.

Object name: 'DataContext accessed after Dispose.'.

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public IList Visits
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public static class SessionHelper
public static int Age

Is it possible that userA could access userB's session data this way?

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Passing A JSON Object To A Function On Server Side?

Jun 4, 2010

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var myJsonObject = {
"arg1": var1,
"arg2": var2

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Architecture :: Looking For Better Way To Design, To Use Object's Properties With The Object Data Source?

May 10, 2010

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I'm trying to get a better understanding of how I could've designed my app so that the Object Data Source could work with the properties of my business objects. Please read the other post to see how it's currently being done. Sorry for the link to the other page. I didn't want to post a bunch of duplicate information. I would love to get some suggestions for alternative ways of doing this.

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Databinding - Binding Int Values From Server Side Error / Cannot Create An Object

Feb 13, 2010

Quick question here. I'm sure it's possilbe, just can't get it to work.

I've got a gridview. In have a gridview. The gridview is bound to a list of my custom class. The class exposes a link to an image as well as the image's height and width. I have a Image Control in the gridview. I've bound the Image Url to the correct property. Now, I'd like to bind the height and width properties as well. But everytime I do that I get the following error:

Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit' from its string representation '"<%#Bind("GetImageHeight()")%' for the 'Height' property.

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<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgProduct" ImageUrl='<%#Bind("ImageUrl")%>'
Height="<%#Bind("GetImageHeight()")%>" Width="<%#Bind("GetImageWidth()")%>">


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Access Client Side Controls On The Server?

Jan 26, 2011

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C# - Cannot Access To HTML Elements On The Server Side

Jul 20, 2010

access to HTML elements. On the server side those elements exists in temTemplate of a repeater control.

<asp:Repeater ID="rptList" runat="server" onitemcreated="rptList_ItemCreated">
<div id="accordionGiftLelo">

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AJAX :: Embedded Object/active-x Disappears When Contained Within Updatepanel?

Mar 7, 2011

I have an update panel within it i have my activeX control, below it i have a dropdown that you make a selection from, once you make a selection im trying to pass in different paramters, which really are just the source of the control, since everything else will be the same.. but when i make a selection, the control disappears..

If i remove the update panel and make a selection the control is still visable on the page, at the moment, i dont have much setup, im just trying to get the page layout and framework setup adn working, then i can start plugging in my datasource so actual data is being passed in..

I do have a trigger associated with the updatepanel, but with or without it it still causes the control to disappear..

Just to be clear, it disappearing when i view the page in my browser and make a selection, not within VS. Whats weird is that ONLY that control disappears, the rest of the controls on the page stay visible, the dropdown and buttons.

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How To Access In Server Side AspxGridView Combobox Selected Value

Jan 7, 2011

I want to access selected value of GridViewDataComboBoxColumn in server side at GridViewUpdated event. Do you have any idea about how can it be?Here is columns of AspxGridView

<dx:GridViewDataComboBoxColumn Name="Sprint_id" Caption="Sprint" FieldName="refSprint_id" VisibleIndex="8">
<PropertiesComboBox ValueType="System.Int32" DataSourceID="sdsSprintler" TextField="adi" ValueField="sprint_id">

Combo can fill but i couldnt access the selected item in GridView updated event

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How To Access Server Side Code From Client Program

Aug 7, 2010

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<a id="Taggloud" runat="server" class="lblTagCloud" onClick="TagOnCloud_Click">click</a>

Here I'm calling the tagonCloud_click function that's defined in server side(code behind). How can i call that function?

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Web Forms :: Client Control Access From Server Side?

Mar 24, 2010

i am using a div in the top of the master page which have the controls for login. When the user succesfully login to the application the visibility of the div should be hidden. can i achieve this is in server side.

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One Website To Access Both Ajax And Server Side Web Service

Oct 15, 2015

I am building 2 WCF projects. On is server side and the other is AJAX (you can see here the ultimate trouble you have to go through to make it work in another domain: URL....

As we may give the website to an outside developer group I want to be able to have a small log function that will go through server side (because i don't know if the dev's will jst put the user - pass in javascript if they have the option) and write a cookie with a 10 minutes enabled pass and everything else will be in Ajax - Javascript.

To do so I need to have WCF on both forms server WCF web.config and AJAX WCF web.config. (also note that Global_asax is taking place and it may interfere).Can it be blend in web.config somehow. Maybe breaking the web config in multiple pages?

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Web Forms :: How To Access HTML Control Value From Server-side Code

Mar 20, 2010

I have to access my html control and get its value from my server-side code. Is there anybody who could suggest how I could do it?

My html control is very simple: <input type=text>

But the thing is: I can't make it <input type=text runat=server> cause in this case my jquery functionality (datepicker) does not work.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Controls For Silverlight, Specialy MediaPlayer

Mar 31, 2010

how to get controls for Silverlight, specialy MediaPlayer.

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