One Hyperlink In Many Different Locations?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to implement a hyperlink in many locations on my website, however I just want to have it defined once not several times over. What is the best way to achieve this?I started down the road of listing it in the node of web.config but I was only able to get that to list as a literal and wasn't successful in having it end up as a hyperlink.I don't know much about master pages, but what I do know about them seems to me that they aren't the answer for this task because they wouldn't allow for that hyperlink to be located on some pages and not others and in different locations on some pages than others.

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Two Buttons Posting To Different Locations?

Dec 10, 2010

I have an asp .net form and within it two buttons. One button posts to a page, the other posts to self. I don't have an issue, but some users report that upon pressing the first button that posts to another page, then pressing back in browser, the button that should post to itself and do stuff code behind posts to the other page. a bit of code here but its standard stuff


<asp:Button ID="btnPreview" runat="server" PostBackUrl="xpreviewmycard.asp" Text="Preview" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />
<asp:Button ID="btnsend" runat="server" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />

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Add Custom Locations At Runtime Without Modifying Web.config?

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I have an xml file with custom routes that I'm creating routes from on Application_Start in Global.asax. Some of those routes require authentication, some don't. Currently I have "location" entries for all those routes in web.config to control authorization.

I wonder whether there is a way to configure locations on application start at the same time I configure routes, so that I don't need to have entries in web.config.

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Rewrite Rule To Map Locations To Static Files

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What I want to do it rewrite urls for a bunch of static pages in a locations folder such that


maps to the physical file if it exist in the locations folder eg.


Is this possible with url rewrite. I can't get the rule to work.

<rule name="Rewrite Locations">
<match url="^([_0-9a-z-]+)/*" />
<add input="/locations/{REQUEST_FILENAME}.aspx" matchType="IsFile" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/locations/{R:1}.aspx" />

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Where To Store File Locations In 3-Tier Architecture Website

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Plotting Locations From Database On Geographical Map (city Scale)?

Feb 21, 2011

I have to do the following.

There is a database (SQL Server) with locations (longitude and latitude values). I need to plot the route on the map (Google or otherwise) based on those locations extracted from database. Plotting lines and map are on ASP.NET webpage.

What would be the most and cost-effective way to accomplish the task above?

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Configure Entity Framework Metadata Locations For A Web Application?

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to configure Entity Framework 4 in the Web.config file using this ConnectionString


I would like remove the "*" and add the actual path for my dll file.

How to find the path for a dll in Visual Studio with no add-on? (I am pretty new in .net)

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Web Forms :: Find All Locations Within Polygon Of Latitude And Longitude

Mar 15, 2014

I have array of lattitude and longitude which is derived from one type of polygon, now i want to find all latitude and longitude from my database which are inside this polygon.So how can i achive this?

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Social Networking :: Find Near By Locations For Address Using Google Geo API

Oct 28, 2013

I am doing a web application in Asp.Net, to retrieve Near By Address from Google Maps API.

For getting this, I am using the below Link: [URL] ....

From this I am getting Places which are surrounded by Radius of 5 kms. My Problem is that,

I am passing "types" parameter here. This parameter is supporting the keywords from below link only: [URL] ....

But I want to send "types" parameter as of my wish, like either as street/area from Street Column in my Database.


types=area or street or place

I was struck at this point.

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Visual Studio :: Error CS0433 - Type Exists In Two Locations

Jan 10, 2011

I am using VS 2010 with an ASP.Net web application (FW: 3.5). When I run the app in VS, I get the following message:

c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
oote7d09027703efd1App_Web_commandmodule.aspx.98f065d9.hwdz-ui2.0.cs(150): error CS0433: The type 'ASP.commandmodule_command_master' exists in both 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary
oote7d09027703efd1App_Web_command.master.98f065d9.5f4zhfs0.dll' and 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files

I have deleted the temporary files/folders and as soon as I run the app, I get the same message and the files reappear. This is a show stopper and I do not know where to turn. I have searched the web, but the only thing I found was suggestion to delete the folders, which did not work.

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Social Networking :: How To Center Map As Per Marker Locations In Google Maps V3

May 2, 2013

I have wriiten the following code to avoid zoomout of the markers and to place the makers center to the map.

var bounds=new google.maps.LatLngBounds();map.fitBounds(bounds);map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter());

The above code is working correctly.But when i wrote setInterval function to drop the markers after a specific interval of time , the above piece of code is not working and the map is not getting displayed.This the code i have written

window.onload = function () {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

[Code] ....

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Data Controls :: Display Locations In GridView And Google Maps

Apr 10, 2014

There is 1 ASP.NET checkBox, 1 Button, 1 Gridview in my web page with GeoMap.Requirement is:When I check the "CheckBox", and click on "Button", ALL the locations(Latitude, Longitude also saved in DB) saved in DB should show inside "GeoMap" as well as in "GridView".I had done it using "DropDown" (showing particular location NOT ALL) but finding difficulty using "CheckBox" (to show ALL location at once)...

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Convert Plain Hyperlink In Html Hyperlink?

Jun 28, 2010

how to "discover" hyperlink in some text and convert that hyperlink in html hyperlink with (or javascript). For example, if a user enter this text:

You found it at [URL]

How can i found and convert in html like :

You found it at <a href=''>http....</a>

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Forms Data Controls :: Placing Objects In Specific Locations Of A DataGrid?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a page in my web app that is aquiring an aggregate of data from my SQL Server. What I want to do is display that content into categorized columns in a DataGrid based on the ID number of the record. Each category would have a category name (header) and have listed underneath the subject with the NavigateURL pointing to another page to display the full content.

For instance:

Grocery Stores (ID:100)
Hobby Shops (ID:101)
Furniture Stores(ID:102)
Call mom (ID:200)
Make Dr. Apt. (ID:201)
Wash dog (ID:202)
Dinner with Pam (ID:300)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (ID:301)
Brunch at the hotel (ID:302)

how to seperate the topics based on the ID like in the above example from one query. I'm using one query to reduce the amount of connections to the SQL Server in hopes of making it more efficient.

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Social Networking :: Google Maps V3 / How To Draw Route Between Two Locations (points)

Nov 14, 2013

I have 4 to 5 rows of latitude and longitude  now I want it to display in map showing the path (line on map)

example: I have this 

1> 12.32333232,20.334343542



now I want it to show on google map and drow lines based on the latitude and longi

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Social Networking :: Display Different Color Markers Based On Types Of Locations

Apr 30, 2013

I am doing a graduation project ..... it suppose to be with google maps first i used ur code to show multiple markers and i did the code that  get the location by ur ip address but when i mergine these codes together none of them work..i just need when i open my website  the map centered on my location and and showing the markers in that area this is the code that i found for  location by ip address

<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.geolocation) {
} else {
alert("Geo Location is not supported on your current browser!");


and another thing how to change the marker i wanna put any image but every marker has his own image according to table is db  marker type = 1 then the image is..... . png ETC.

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Social Networking :: Get NearBy Locations Of Address Within 5 Kms Using Google Maps GeoCoding API

Oct 29, 2013

I am doing a web application in Asp.Net, to retrieve Near By Places.

For getting this, I am using the below link : [URL]....

From the above link i am getting the places with in 5 kms having the output in the form of displaying locations in Google Maps.

But i want to give the above link as input and i need to get my output as in the form of XML format by using C# Coding or Javascript in ASP.Net.


<Address> <Area>
        Keshavanagar Colony, Srinagar Colony Rd, Yousufguda, AP, India ‎
       </Area> </Address> <Address> <Area>       
       MCH Park Area, Padala Ramareddy Colony, Yousufguda, Hyderabad, AP, India 

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Social Networking :: Google Maps API V3 - Calculate Distance And Plot Route Between Two Locations

May 7, 2015

I want to  create a google maps that it can Calculate Distance, Travel Duration, draw (plot) Route  between two locations and display Directions. Now I want to hide Directions Panel.

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Social Networking :: Search Locations In Database And Display Markers In Google Maps

Oct 21, 2015

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var markers = [
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMarkers" runat="server">


My DB Schema - 

My DB Sample Data -

How do i display a particular marker on the map based on my search based on the koid or city field?

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Architecture :: Need A Function Or Store Procedure Which Returns Only Locations Near By 10kms Of Given Longitude/latitude Parameters?

Feb 26, 2010

I have many locations stored with addresses and longitude/latitude information in my database.I need a function or store procedure which returns only locations near by 10kms of given longitude/latitude parameters.It is not neccesary to be a sql query but I am fine with any other solution.

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Social Networking :: Google Maps V3 - Calculate Distance And Travel Duration Between Multiple Address Locations

May 7, 2015

Its relate to series of question again. I have datalist bind sql server whcih is fetching 3 address like

Address 1

Address 2

Address 3 

After data list I have textbox which is based address like "Based Address"

I have the below script which calculate distance between 2 textboxex.

I want to to calculate the distance between base textbox and address in datalist item so result will like this

Base Address Pune

Datalist address

Address 1 Bombay result distance between pune and bombay 200 Km

Address 1 Kolkota result distance between pune and kolkata 500 Km

//*********DISTANCE AND DURATION**********************//
var service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();


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