Plotting Locations From Database On Geographical Map (city Scale)?

Feb 21, 2011

I have to do the following.

There is a database (SQL Server) with locations (longitude and latitude values). I need to plot the route on the map (Google or otherwise) based on those locations extracted from database. Plotting lines and map are on ASP.NET webpage.

What would be the most and cost-effective way to accomplish the task above?

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Web Forms :: How To Add Country State City Using Different Pages To Database

Feb 15, 2013

I have one page Country.aspx through that i add country in my database... I have another page name State.aspx through which i can add states in my database..

Now The country i have added in database through first page when i want to add states in database i want that added country to be shown in drop down list in my state.aspx page..

here in state.aspx page i have one drop down for country which i select and one textbox for state which i want to can i add states with when i click on save the state should be saved in database

how can i do that??

I have taken three different tables name country,state and city for that and 3 different pages country.aspx,state.aspx,city.aspx ..


<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h2>Add Country</h2>
<tr> <td>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Country:"></asp:Label>


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Social Networking :: Search Locations In Database And Display Markers In Google Maps

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<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var markers = [
<asp:Repeater ID="rptMarkers" runat="server">


My DB Schema - 

My DB Sample Data -

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I have three files which are necessary to mention:

APSX Page called contact-us

Javascript file called googleMaps

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Works perfectly fine, but i would like to load in XML data which will no matter the size 10 or 10,000 to plot the markers on this contact-us map using the javascript file.I know there is a solution but as there are a number of solutions and possible ways of doing this, i need to know a dummy's guide to understanding the correct or simple way of doing this.XML Document as shown below:


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Web Forms :: Plotting Multiple Marker In Google Map

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I found a good tutorial from you about plotting multiple location using Google map.


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Mar 16, 2010

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I have used (and paid for ;o) the excellent control from Simplovations to do alot of what I need to do, namely working with my data as normal in the code behind, getting a DataSet of my locations and plotting the points to the map. It has been great, but I want to know how to do it with out using a third party control. My main reason for wanting this is to be able to cluster my pins and hopefully learn a bit of Javascript along the way. Does anyone know how to do this or can point me to any tutorials or articles online that can help me on my way. I have been searching the net for days now and can't find anything :(

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MS Chart - Reading Data From Textfile (separated By Delimiters) And Plotting Out The Graph

Jul 19, 2010

My whole project is about reading data from textfile(the readings is separated by delimiters) and plotting out the graph. But somehow i am meetnig some problems as i think my method is wrong... It's something like this..what should i do?

Private Sub CreateChart()
'Create some dummy data
'Dim random As New Random()
'For pointIndex As Integer = 0 To 9
' Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(random.[Next](20, 100))
Dim h, g As String
Dim lc As New StreamReader("C:Tempdatalogger" & date1.ToString & "int_ana_" + date1.ToString + ".txt")
Dim ff As String '= Label5.Text & ":00"
'Dim sr As String = lc.ReadToEnd
Dim line6 = lc.ReadLine
Do While Not line6 Is Nothing 'loop until end of file
If IsNumeric(line6.Chars(0)) Then
Dim fields5() = Split(line6, ";")
'Dim fields5() = Split(s.Substring(sr.IndexOf(ff)), ";")
h += fields5(0) + vbCr
g += fields5(3) + vbCr
End If
line6 = lc.ReadLine
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
For pointIndex As Double = 0.0 To 2.0
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(h, g)
'line display chart
Chart1.Series("Series1").ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
'set the bar width
Chart1.Series("Series1")("PointWidth") = "0.1"
'Show Data points labels
Chart1.Series("Series1").IsValueShownAsLabel = True
'Set data points label style
Chart1.Series("Series1")("BarLabelStyle") = "Center"
'Draw Chart as 3D Cyclinder
Chart1.Series("Series1")("DrawingStyle") = "Cylinder"
End Sub '****End of Graph

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NAS Storage
SAN Storage

Put a service (WCF) in front of the files and have the app talk to the service bonus of being reusable across many applications Assuming I'm going to store on filesystem and not in database (I've read those disccusions here), which would be a more scalable solution?

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Render A Scale (like A Ruler) Into A Picture?

Nov 8, 2010

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Now i want to render a scale into these pictures. For example lets say 1px = 1cm.It should look something like in this sample picture:

Is it possible to realize somethin like that and how?!

I tryied to google something but i could not find anything!

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Practices For SQL Inserts On Large Scale In Reference To Ad Impressions?

Feb 20, 2010

I am working on a site where I will need to be able to track ad impressions. My environment is ASP.Net with IIS using a SQL Server DMBS and potentially Memcached so that there are not as many trips to the database. I must also think about scalability as I am hoping that this application becoming a global phenom (keeping my fingers crossed and working my ass off)! So here is the situation:

My Customers will pay X amount for Y Ad impressions These ad impressions (right now, only text ads) will then be shown on a specific page.The page is served from Memcached, lessening the trips to the DB When the ad is shown, there needs to be a "+1" tick added to the impression count for the database

So the dilemma is this: I need to be able to add that "+1" tick mark to each ad impression counter BUT I cannot run that SQL statement every time that ad is loaded. I need to somehow store that "+1" impression count in the session (or elsewhere) and then run a batch every X minutes, hours, or day.

Please keep in mind that scalability is a huge factor here.

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C# - MS Chart Control Scale - Line Graph Show 12 Months?

Jun 7, 2010

On my X Axis, I have months. The chart shows up to 11 points, i.e. Jan - Nov of the same year, but when I add 12 points (Jan - Dec), it will do an auto label thing and change the interval for every 4 months.

How can I change the graph so that it shows 12 months before it does the auto labels?

Here is the server control code I am currently using.


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One Hyperlink In Many Different Locations?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to implement a hyperlink in many locations on my website, however I just want to have it defined once not several times over. What is the best way to achieve this?I started down the road of listing it in the node of web.config but I was only able to get that to list as a literal and wasn't successful in having it end up as a hyperlink.I don't know much about master pages, but what I do know about them seems to me that they aren't the answer for this task because they wouldn't allow for that hyperlink to be located on some pages and not others and in different locations on some pages than others.

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Two Buttons Posting To Different Locations?

Dec 10, 2010

I have an asp .net form and within it two buttons. One button posts to a page, the other posts to self. I don't have an issue, but some users report that upon pressing the first button that posts to another page, then pressing back in browser, the button that should post to itself and do stuff code behind posts to the other page. a bit of code here but its standard stuff


<asp:Button ID="btnPreview" runat="server" PostBackUrl="xpreviewmycard.asp" Text="Preview" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />
<asp:Button ID="btnsend" runat="server" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />

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