Put On An Ajax Updatepanel In Fixed Locations?

Feb 8, 2011

Are the various subpages that you can put on an Ajax updatepanel in fixed locations or can they be opened and closed in place of one another like forms on an MDI form in Visual Basic?

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Data Controls :: JQuery Scrollable GridView With Fixed Header Not Working With UpdatePanel

Dec 27, 2012

I have a form with multiple update panels in one form. here i have a gridview with update panel where jqery scrolable with fixed header is not working. i saw your post where IsInUpdatepanel: true

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Control / Drag Updatepanel On Asp Page It Is Not Resizable?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using a asp.net 2.0 with visual studio 2005.

I am trying to build a web application using ajax.

but when I drag the ajax updatepanel on asp.net page it is not resizable,so how should i put other controls on it?

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AJAX :: TabContainer And UpdatePanel - Embed An UpdatePanel In Order To Update Each Tab?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using a TabContainer and at each TabPanel i have embed an UpdatePanel in order to update each tab alone.

this is my code:


the problem is that it makes several seconds to update each tab (the same time for every tab) and i asume that this is happening because it updates all the TabContainer and not the selected Tab.

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AJAX :: Add Dynamically Images To A Fixed Height And Width DIV?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to add images and create a slide show in a fixed size div, when I add thumbnail image I would like to have for example 5 thumbnail side by side nad then move to the next row, I am using Ajax ReorderList to add images,how can I achieve this?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Doesn't Update Another UpdatePanel?

Jan 20, 2011

I have two updatepanels on my site (upanProfileSearch and upanMemberList). When I hit the button in the upanProfileSearch it should bind the Data Items in the gridview in upanMemberList and here make a RowFilter on the text in upanProfileSearch. When I make a run to curser, I can see, it happens. It makes a RowFilter. but it doesn't update the gridview. Can anyone tell me why it doesn't update? I have UpdateMode="Always" and RenderMode="inline" on both UpdatePanels.



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AJAX :: How To Change UpdatePanel Content From Another UpdatePanel

Jun 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist, that causes a postback. On the SelectedIndexChanged event, is it possible to force a placeholder that is within a different UpdatePanel to change it's visibility?

For example, when the SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList1 is "1" then show Placeholder1, otherwise hide it.

What I am most interested in is how to configure the UpdatePanels to allow this.

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AJAX :: How To Implement Updatepanel Functionality Without Updatepanel

Nov 11, 2010

How to implement updatepanel functionality without updatepanel?

I am tring to use XMLHttpRequest but I am getting problem while redering a usercontrol containing postback controls in response of an Ajax request.

Here is my code




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AJAX :: How To Trigger Updatepanel Postback From Another Updatepanel

Mar 4, 2011

I have a web user control with one updatepanel (pnlUpdate_2), some controls and one apply button. I display the web user control as a modalpopup in my default page. In my default page i have an updatepanel (pnlUpdate_1) with a gridview and I modify that gridview with the apply button of the web user control. The web user control is for made a custom search of the gridview data. I have a problem with both updatepanels. If I set the updatemode as always in one of them (pnlUpdate_1) and the other as conditional (pnlUpdate_2), the pnlUpdate_1 make a postback in the pnlUpdate_2; I'm not an expert on this but I think that's why the pnlUpdate_2 disappear and reappear after postback of some controls in that updatepanel (not the apply button, it close the modal after postback). I try all the combinations and the problem persists. So I put both updatepanels as conditional and in some way it works; now the problem is that when I click the apply button in pnlUpdate_2 to modify the gridview in pnlUpdate_1 the pnlUpdate_1 not made the postback I get the pnlUpdate_2 postback when I use some control inside the pnlUpdate_1.

How can I postback the pnlUpdate1 from pnlUpdate_2 with the apply button?

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AJAX :: Using Scrollable GridView With Fixed Headers Inside Tab Container Control

Dec 3, 2013

I am working with asp.net tab control currently with two tabs.  The first tab is a list of jobs to be worked.  The gridview id is "gvJobs".  I call the ScrollableGridPlug via

function () {
            ScrollHeight: 450


When i click at the Equip Tab is get a blank gridview.  There is a scrollbar on the left side indicating there is data in the gridview; however there is nothing visible. Additionally is there a way to scrollable function when I click on the appropriate tab?

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C# - Add Shapes To Bing Maps From Locations Stored In A Database (bing Maps Ajax Control)?

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to use the Bing Maps Ajax Control to plot pins of locations stored in a database to the bing map on a web page. All the locations are geocoded and the lat longs stored in the database. I am using ASP.NET (C#), but can't figure out or find any tutorials on how to go about doing this. All I can find are articles on how to import shapes into a map from either GeoRSS, Bing Maps, and KML.

I have used (and paid for ;o) the excellent control from Simplovations to do alot of what I need to do, namely working with my data as normal in the code behind, getting a DataSet of my locations and plotting the points to the map. It has been great, but I want to know how to do it with out using a third party control. My main reason for wanting this is to be able to cluster my pins and hopefully learn a bit of Javascript along the way. Does anyone know how to do this or can point me to any tutorials or articles online that can help me on my way. I have been searching the net for days now and can't find anything :(

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Conditional Update OnLoad Event / Updatepanel To Update On Queue?

Aug 25, 2010

i have a website with three UpdatePanel Control and inside of each UpdatePanels has ONE Gridview and a SqlDataSource Control.

all gridviews are connected to its own SqlDataSource Control. so technically when i run my website all gridviews automatically get their data from their respective SqlDataSource Control and display them accordingly.

but what i need to do is instead of letting all the update panels to load each gridview their data upon Onload event, i need the updatepanel to update on queue, (Technically changing the UpdateMode to Conditional does not solve my problem.) there will be an event which will trigger the updatepanel to update later.

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One Hyperlink In Many Different Locations?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to implement a hyperlink in many locations on my website, however I just want to have it defined once not several times over. What is the best way to achieve this?I started down the road of listing it in the node of web.config but I was only able to get that to list as a literal and wasn't successful in having it end up as a hyperlink.I don't know much about master pages, but what I do know about them seems to me that they aren't the answer for this task because they wouldn't allow for that hyperlink to be located on some pages and not others and in different locations on some pages than others.

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Two Buttons Posting To Different Locations?

Dec 10, 2010

I have an asp .net form and within it two buttons. One button posts to a page, the other posts to self. I don't have an issue, but some users report that upon pressing the first button that posts to another page, then pressing back in browser, the button that should post to itself and do stuff code behind posts to the other page. a bit of code here but its standard stuff


<asp:Button ID="btnPreview" runat="server" PostBackUrl="xpreviewmycard.asp" Text="Preview" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />
<asp:Button ID="btnsend" runat="server" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="card" CausesValidation="true" />

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MVC :: Remember Previous Locations?

Jun 3, 2010

My MVC 2 app is somewhat complicated in that a user can reach different parts of the site in different ways

How can i add a "back" link so that it remembers where it came from?

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Explain File Locations Dll, Applications Etc?

Feb 10, 2011

Can you point me to a site where someone can explain file locations dll, applications etc. I guess it was too easy with asp classic to drop a file in a folder. How does all this file management work with aspx?

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Configuration :: 4.0 Framework - Multiple GAC Locations?

Jan 12, 2011

I have an assembly loaded in the "old location" GAC at C:Windowsassembly. The applications using the GAC are being developed in Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET framework 3.5. Now, I moved all of my applications to a new development server and I'm using gacutil.exe to install the assembly into the GAC on that new server but, it's installing to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassembly. I know the 4.0 framework gacutil.exe installs the assembly to the new GAC location . how to install it to the old location.

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Add Custom Locations At Runtime Without Modifying Web.config?

Nov 17, 2010

I have an xml file with custom routes that I'm creating routes from on Application_Start in Global.asax. Some of those routes require authentication, some don't. Currently I have "location" entries for all those routes in web.config to control authorization.

I wonder whether there is a way to configure locations on application start at the same time I configure routes, so that I don't need to have entries in web.config.

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Rewrite Rule To Map Locations To Static Files

Jul 22, 2010

What I want to do it rewrite urls for a bunch of static pages in a locations folder such that


maps to the physical file if it exist in the locations folder eg.


Is this possible with url rewrite. I can't get the rule to work.

<rule name="Rewrite Locations">
<match url="^([_0-9a-z-]+)/*" />
<add input="/locations/{REQUEST_FILENAME}.aspx" matchType="IsFile" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/locations/{R:1}.aspx" />

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AJAX :: How Another Updatepanel Can Be Refreshed Everytime When A Particular Updatepanel Is Refreshed

Aug 13, 2010

I am using two Updatepanels in ASP.NET AJAX and as soon as there is some event in first updatepanel, it will get refreshed at that time I want my second Updatepanel getting refreshed too. How can I do that ?

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AJAX :: Gridview Within Updatepanel Not Triggering Gridview Outside Of Updatepanel

Jan 14, 2011

I have a page that has a updatepanel around a gridview control that is within my modalpopup. So you land on the page, there is a link that when clicked will open the model popup. Initially the gridview merely displayed saved records you personally choseto save, well when you selected one, the popup would close and the data from that row would be passed to the gridview within the page to display details.. no issue when it was setup that way.. well eventually it was decided to add a delete option within themodal popup gridview so now when viewing the records you can delete it if not needed. works well.. but now with the updatepanel surrounding the gridview when i click on my "select" link it doesnt execute my

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Where To Store File Locations In 3-Tier Architecture Website

Oct 11, 2010

Where to store file locations in 3-Tier Architecture Website?

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Plotting Locations From Database On Geographical Map (city Scale)?

Feb 21, 2011

I have to do the following.

There is a database (SQL Server) with locations (longitude and latitude values). I need to plot the route on the map (Google or otherwise) based on those locations extracted from database. Plotting lines and map are on ASP.NET webpage.

What would be the most and cost-effective way to accomplish the task above?

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Configure Entity Framework Metadata Locations For A Web Application?

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to configure Entity Framework 4 in the Web.config file using this ConnectionString


I would like remove the "*" and add the actual path for my dll file.

How to find the path for a dll in Visual Studio with no add-on? (I am pretty new in .net)

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Web Forms :: Find All Locations Within Polygon Of Latitude And Longitude

Mar 15, 2014

I have array of lattitude and longitude which is derived from one type of polygon, now i want to find all latitude and longitude from my database which are inside this polygon.So how can i achive this?

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