Pressing Back Prefills Inputs With Value From Right Before Submit

Jan 4, 2011

With the following htlm:

<form action="#">
<p><input type="text"></input></p>

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Javascript - Focus On Submit Button Using JQuery When Pressing Enter In Textbox?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a page with multiple textboxes and each has a button associated with it. This works as a search 'hub', I suppose, where the user can search by ID, name etc. When entering a search term for e.g. name however, pressing enter 'clicks' the very first button on the page (ID search), causing an error if the associated textbox is empty (which it would be if someone meant to search by name). I have attempted to rectify this using JQuery, and have written the following:

$('input:text').click(function (e) {

I'm simply using the click event so that I can monitor where focus is redirected, but eventually I would use .keypress. However, nothing happens upon clicking a textbox and I can't see for the life of me what is wrong with the JQuery. To elaborate on the problem, the .NET code used looks similar to the following throughout the page.

<td style="width:100">Company ID</td>
<td style="margin-left:3px;">
<asp:TextBox ID="...TextBox" runat="server" Width="230px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button CssClass="Button" ID="...NameSearch" Text="Search" runat="server" /></td></tr>

This is generating this (view source):

<td><input name="...TextBox" id="...TextBox" style="width: 230px;" type="text"/></td>
<td><input name="...NameSearch" class="Button" id="...NameSearch" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('...NameSearch','')" type="button" value="Search"/></td>

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Web Forms :: HTML Regular Form Cannot Submit Data When Pressing Enter Key

Mar 26, 2010

I have a form that I am using with jquery for an application... everything is working fine but I have one issue....I do not want the form to submit when the user presses the enter key... if they press the enter key it will reset the whole sequence and I am running through an array that is placed in the system memory of the client(client-side javascript)is there a way to capture this event properly? Are there other ways that could submit the form?

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Multiple File Inputs / When Post Back Request Files Collection Is Always Empty?

Jan 5, 2011

I am using and requirement specifies i use html input to post files to server rather than asp:fileupload.[ Reason : Add more html input file controls similar to CPanel file manager.(i.e) clicking on link adds another file input from which user can select another file*.But when ever i post back Request Files collection is always empty.*

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="documents.aspx">
<input type="file" name="attachment" id="attachment" onchange="validate(this)" />
<span class="none">Filename should be within (1-25) letters long. Can Contain only letters
& numbers</span>
<div id="moreUploads">
<div id="moreUploadsLink" style="display: none;">
<a href="javascript:addFileInput();">Attach another File</a></div>
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" />


var upload_number = 2;function addFileInput() {
try {
var fileUpload = document.getElementById("attachment");
var elemSpan = nextElement(fileUpload).cloneNode(true);
var elemDiv = document.getElementById("moreUploads");
var d = document.createElement("div");
var file = document.createElement("input");
file.setAttribute("type", "file");
file.setAttribute("id", "attachment" + upload_number);
file.setAttribute("onchange", "validate(this)");
} catch (err) { alert(err);}}

the validate(this) is a function that validates file types on client.When validation succeeds then the link to add more file inputs is enabled. Could someone throw somelight on this.

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList Selected Value Lost After Pressing The Submit Button?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a Drodownlist , hich is being filled with data from tables at Page Load with the check that Postback is false. Now I want to insert the selected value of dropdownlist to the table, but after pressing the Submit button, its numeric value is getting lost and is substituted with a "" (blank). How do i persist its value.

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Forms Data Controls :: >>>Load Gridview Using Objectdatasource After Pressing A Submit Button?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm using objectdatasource to get my data. it works fine. Thecurrentway how it works. When the page opens it loads the gridview.but I don't want this.I would like to load the gridview after I press a submit button. so infact after postback...I tried to remove the select Method in aspx and set programmaticallyin the submit button eventhandler but then I get an error thatSelectmethod is not set.Can someone advice me how I can load the gridview usingobjectdatasource after pressing a submit button?

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Web Forms :: Pressing Back Button In Browser - Keep Former Values

Jun 10, 2010

I have a Deafult.aspx page with a form and a button. The form consists of a drop down list and a radio button list. When I click the button I submit the form to a different page, search.aspx. When I click the back button in the browser. Somehow the radio button list values stay the same as when I last clicked them (not any special configuration by my side), and the drop down list gets back to its default value. My radio button list has a on select event that changes the values of the drop down list. The problem is, as I mentioned, the radio button list keeps its former value when I submitted the page, and the dropDownList doesn't. So they are incoherent.

How do I make them both get back to their default values? (as this is no postback... right?) or how do I keep their former values. FYI, the problem doesn't occur in internet explorer. In chrome this happens. And in fire fox, it just gets back the dropdownlist is ok, but the radio button list's default selected index isn't even selected.

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Prevent Viewing A Restricted Page On Pressing Back/forward Button?

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to implement Login/Logout functionality in my website without using inbuilt functionality of Login controls in ASP.NET. In some pages, which require the user to be logged in, I have written this in Page_Load

if (Session["cod"] == null && Session["admin"] == null)
Response.Redirect("You need to Login.aspx");
if (Session["cod"] != null || Session["admin"] != null)
LinkButton1.Text = "Logout";
if (Page.IsPostBack == false)

But while I was testing this, I noticed that when I press the Back/Forward button on the browser, these pages are viewable without being logged in. How do I prevent this?

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Web Forms :: Pressing Back On Internet Explorer - Previous Page Appears

Jul 18, 2010

I have an ASP.NET problem. When I press Back on Internet explorer, the previous page will be appeared. I need to prevent this page form appearing. How can I do this

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Save All The Inputs To MS SQL DB From The Page Inputs?

Sep 2, 2010

I need to save all the inputs to my MS SQL DB from the ASP.Net page inputs...

When i save this information, It has to check whether exists or not...

If its exists then it shows The Customer already exists..

If it does not exists it needs to show like , Thank You for register with us.. , and after 5 secs it automatically redirect to some other pages...

This all can be done under update panel...

Here i am using,

tr_exists.InnerHtml = "Thank you for register with us..";

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State Management :: .Net Website Logged In Pages Still Displayed By Pressing Back Button In Mozilla Firefox Browse?

Jun 18, 2010

I want know, If an error has occurred and website is redirected to the Custom Error Page and is also logged out. If back button of the Mozilla browser is pressed, previous logged in page is displayed. I have also used

in Page_init on Custom error page. Also set the values of .ASPXAUTH and other cookies to 1 but again page is not going to the Login Page. These cookies could also not be removed.

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Difference Between Redirecting To A Page And Coming To The Same Page After Pressing Back Button?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a page in which I am not using cache by using this code:


Now I want to know: Is there any difference between coming to this page using a proper link or coming back using browser back button, or is there any way to detect this?

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How To Create Back And Submit Button

Mar 25, 2011

I created a form. This is that.

<form id="MyForm" runat="server">
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#EFEFEF">
<h3>Card Detail</h3>

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Web Forms :: Online Form With Next , Back And Submit

Nov 1, 2010

if I need to design an online form , which from the bginning to the final submit have a few step of next allow back and the just imput is not lost( inside the session)

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MVC :: Form Submit Does Not Post Back - Browser Specific

Mar 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC App. The forrm has a "button control declared like this "<button name="" text="">I handle this in the post back in the controller. Though it works fine in development machine in IE, it DOE NOT work when i deploy to prod box. I tested it in Firefox and it works just fine

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MVC :: Post Back My Screen On A Button (submit) Click?

Feb 21, 2011

Iam tyring to post back my screen on a button (submit) click. I am trying to develop the view using Razor syntax.I've added the following code to create a form tag and postback the cshtml file.


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Web Forms :: Submit Button / Post Back As Confirmatory Page

Jul 17, 2010

I use submit button to post to database which successfully show in gridview but i also want to use thesame button to show a post back as confirmatory page that you have successfully submited a post please, how can i go about the code to perform these function, i use property section of the submit button to do a post back to confirmatory page , the page show but message fail to show in grid view. a simple example of what i was trying to do is this, when u write a post in this forum now , u press a button to submit a post and a confrirmatory message is send to u. what is actually performing the two functions.

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MVC A HTML.BeginForm() With Many Inputs?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a HTML.BeginForm() to change user's data (email, password etc) but I want to separate the contents at the same page, I mean that there will be:

MainContent with submit button and also
- a HTML.BeginForm() with fields to change password + submit button
- a HTML.BeginForm() with fields to change email + submit button

the thing is, I want to allow user to change his password without sending all form data to the controller, only data from the password fields.That View inherits from my buisness object with properties (Login, Password, Email etc)

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MVC2 Multiple Submit Buttons, Submit Value Null With FireFox And Chrome

Oct 20, 2010

I have a form with multiple submit buttons:

using(Ajax.BeginForm("Submit", "myController", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post" }))
{ %>
<button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_a">a</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_b">b</button>
<% } %>

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MVC :: Can Dynamically Add Or Remove Inputs On The Form

Feb 4, 2011

do have a very particular question and if you want to answer it go straight to the end. But I do welcome comments and advices hence the lengthy post. we deal with a lot of forms and some of these forms are quite lengthy and have many fields. We also have a requirement - in addition to top level fields - to be able to have variable number of repating rows - as we call them. For example, let's think of a customer which has name, surname and age while it can have zero or many addresses (say 0 to 10) so the user must be able to add or remove contacts from the form while filling it in.

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SQL Server :: How To Log All Inputs For Each Stored Procedure

Sep 29, 2010

I have upto 16 calculators(I mean 16 stored procedures) in one database.How do I log all inputs for each calculater(each stored proc)?.Most of the variables are not populated in the output table so it became hard to reproduce.The variables are not consistant across all the 16 procs . Do I need to set up new table for these inputs?

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Web Forms :: Store Radiobuttonlist Inputs Into MS SQL?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm setting up a radiobuttonlist where registrants to my site will be telling me how they found out about my site. What is the best way to store those answers in an MS SQL database?

Should I embed the radiobuttonlist in a control that I could then "connect" to my database (should I use DetailsView? FormView? I'm assuming not GridView or ListView---because I only want to display one record at time?)

Or should I not use an ASP.NET control---and just write a script in VB that binds this control to my database (even though I'm only just learning VB, and would prefer to use ASP.NET controls as much as possible).

Again, all I want to execute is a simple way to display options with corresponding radio buttons---and then store the results for each individual user into the SQL record that corresponds to the user's UserId.

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C# - Multiple Submit Button With Validations / Cannot Submit Subscription

Jan 4, 2011

In ASP.NET when we have multiple input section with required field validator (Like on header for login with userid & Password is required and second on footer for subscription) when we click on subscription login section's userid required field validator activates and say userid required & i can not submit subscription.

when i submit subscription details login section should not have concern with this. how to avoid this conflicts.

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Web Forms :: How To Handle Html Inputs In The TextBox

Feb 20, 2010

I have a requirement that user can input HTML tags in the ASP.NET TextBox. The value of the textbox will be saved in the database and then we need to show it

on some other page what he had entered. SO to do so I set the ValidateRequest="false" on the Page directive. Now the problem is that when user input somthing like :

<script> window.location = ''; </script>

Now its values saved in the database, but when I am showing its value in some other page It redirects me to "" which is obvious

as the javascript catches it. But I need to find a solution as I need to show exactly what he had entered. I am thinking of Server.HtmlEncode. Can you guide me to a direction for my requirement

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Use Normal Asp Inputs Instead Of Telerik's Automatically Generated Ones?

Oct 26, 2010

How can I change

<telerik:RadTextBox runat="server" ID="txtUserName" Width="238px" EmptyMessage="Lütfen 'Kullanıcı Adı' nızı giriniz.">

in normal asp input form because in teleriks format I can not use

onFocus="javascript:toggleMsg('msg-2')" or

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