I have an application with form authontication , the authontication from username and password in Database.
I would like to prevent user after login from go back and go forwoard for a period of time like a session time out? when the user type user name and password correctly he is able to log in to the application but when he/she log out can not be return to the privious page?
Like a session cockies or like that, sorry I'm professional in this way.
I have 2 master pages Default.aspx is from Site.Master and some more pages that are from Admin.Master, I have used the code that to prevent the user from going back to previous pages after logout.
Here is my code
function preventBack() { window.history.forward(); } setTimeout("preventBack()", 0); window.onunload = function () { null };
The problem I am facing Admin.
Master page i.e I have Home.aspx, AboutUs.aspx,Admin.aspx,AddItem.aspx I was unable to navigate between those pages also. how to solve this. I have tried other methods also, but still facing same problem.
I have a login page and a dashboard page. Now user first login and then redirect to dashboard page. User press browser Back navigate button and now it's again on login page.
I've an application in asp.net, and when i click on back button IE browser taking back to previous page,i want to prevent the user going back to previous form.if user try to going back to previous page a meesage pop-up should show saying "You cannot go back to previous page, you have to re-login to see the previous page".
In my application , i'm having a user agreement page which will get displayed when a user login for the first time, in the user agreement page if any user directly type the next page url, application will navigate to the successive pages without accepting the agreement. i want the user to navigated to the same page or login page when he directly type the URL in the agreement page.
i have a page for registration there is a button when it clicked shows panel contain gridview to selcect a value from it/my proplem :
i want to prevent user to click any control in page except those on the showen panel until the user selects a value from the gridview.all the control should be enabled.an example for what exactly i want to do is when you create a post here in this forum and you click (select Tags) button it shows a list.and the rest of page turns to dark color ,how ?
so how to disable the controls and and enable them?i am using C#
I am build Web site using asp.net 4.0 c# ... There are a forum on my website where user can save his personal details. my problem is that when user submit his detail in database and again refresh URL (f5), event again arise and request go to server, double entry saved in database. How I can handle it.
When I click Logout page redirect to Login page but when click to browser arrow back then it will goes back, I want to after Logout cannot going to back page...
im trying to have back button after user fill up all information to registration form...but the problem is all information that already filled ,need to fill again after click on back button ..is there any idea to have back button without need user to fill all form again..???
What is the easiest way to save form data and retrieve it when the user navigates back to the page?
We have an application process that consists of several web forms. If the user clicks to go back a step we would like to auto-populate the fields. I am assuming there is a common generic way to do this without having to mess with individual controls - what is it?
i just like to ask if you have any idea of preventing the Back button of the browser to navigate back to the previous page after a user log in.Ex:After a user successfully logged in to my website and he/she hit the Back button of the browser.I want this to not redirected to the previous page instead redirected to the same page which is my Main page.Also after a user logged out to my website and again he/she hit the Back button of the browser.I also want this to not redirected to the previous page instead redirected to my login page.
How is a page kept where the user last clicked, instead of scrolling back to the top?
I have a page of controls, the user scrolls down to three dropdownlists to fill out, but when he clicks the first one, the page always scrolls back to the top, and he must scroll back down to the dropdownlists again.
on the click of logout_linkbutton.but when i click back button in browser its go back to previous page. But when i click on any control it will redirected to Default.aspx.
I am working on Asp.Net application.I wrote the below JavaScript code to prevent the user to not going to login page on click of browser back button when he logs into the application.It is working fine for me,but from the homepage when i click on browser back button,the flickering appears due to post back.How to prevent the flickering.
I have a button on my web form. When it is pressed, the event method for that button is called as it should be. However before the buttons method is called, the page load event is first called. Is there a way to prevent the page load event from being called when the button is pressed? I know about using !Page.IsPostback in the Page load method. However I wish to avoid posting back to the Page Load method altogether when this particular button is pressed.
I am trying to implement Login/Logout functionality in my website without using inbuilt functionality of Login controls in ASP.NET. In some pages, which require the user to be logged in, I have written this in Page_Load
if (Session["cod"] == null && Session["admin"] == null) { Response.Redirect("You need to Login.aspx"); } if (Session["cod"] != null || Session["admin"] != null) { LinkButton1.Text = "Logout"; } if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { log_bind(); grid1_bind(); grid2_bind(); }
But while I was testing this, I noticed that when I press the Back/Forward button on the browser, these pages are viewable without being logged in. How do I prevent this?
I am running one application where one gridview is there when i am deleting any data there it shows one message for deleting.
for message i used this code:
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "ShowMessage", string.Format("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{0}')</script>", "this row is deleted"));
after that i am going to some other page ,after going other page when i click on back button in browser it is coming in the previous page but the message which poped up before again getting popup.
I have a web forms web application (asp.net 2.0). When the user submits the form I have the submit link actually going away so they can't submit it again. However, they could press F5 and that is causing another insert into the database, which I don't want to have happen.
Is there a setting of some sort that I can set if/when they do press F5 to tell the page - don't submit again?
I have a signup page and Main page in my web site. i want to prevent an user to type directly the Main page URL, user should have access after signup/login.
How to prevent multiple user to be logged in at a time using a user id ?
After login in to website, the same user id not login in any other system it gives alert msg User Alrdy Login.. and also i have another query If user do not click logout and directly close browser..
I have several text boxes in an ASP.NET Web Form. I want to ensure that users are not entering HTML into those text boxes. However, I'm not sure how to prevent HTML from being entered. Because of this, I decided that I want to only allow alphanumeric characters, spaces, exclamation point, sharp sign, dollar signs, percentage signs, carets, stars, and left and right parenthesis. I'm omitting the ampersand because I do not want them entering something like "<script&rt;..."
how i will prevent user to resend data from refreshing URL. actually after posting data to the server and returning back data by the server to the client. if user refresh the url address then again it send back to the server withe previous data. so how can i prevent it by c#, asp.net.