Recommendation For .NET Webforms Validation Framework?
Mar 4, 2010
I have worked with the .MVC framework using validation frameworks such as xVal or FluentValidation.
Is there anything similar available for webforms as well? I have got a few projects which have to be done using webforms.
What I'm asking for is some kind of integration with the webforms infrastructure. I could just use one of the mentioned frameworks in order to validate the (view/page)models, but I still would have to do a lot of form validation in the page.
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Most of the information i come across relates to dependency injection whilst in a MVC environment. And have also read that some frameworks such as Structure Map only work with webforms using version 2.0 or earlier. So the kind of things i need to consider are whether webforms will be continuous support, and the ease of configuration for someone relatively new to the pattern.
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rules: {
<%=txtPostCode.UniqueID %>: {
minlength: 2,
required: true
<%=txtContactEmail.UniqueID %>: {
required: true,
}, messages: {
<%=txtPostCode.UniqueID %>:{
required: "* Required Field *",
minlength: "* Please enter atleast 2 characters *"
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Aug 20, 2010
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And for this I have tried the following solutions-
I have added the .dll file in my project's BIN folder and for Matt Gibb's solution I have also added the tagMapping code to web.config file. But for both of the solution, when I ran the project I noticed it doesn't have any effect on the validation controls.
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Aug 29, 2010
I know this question has been asked million times but I think my situation is different here.I am using .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, there is no form action on the page and it's not happening when I try to submit the form quickly. I am not on a web farm either.I have a page with two GridViews. One Gridview acts as a master gridview and second as detail gridview. First Gridview has autogenerate select button and clicking select would bring related records in detail gridview at the bottom. I have a refresh Link button at the top. Everything works fine. I click refresh button and it works fine too.Ok when problem start happening when I leave the page idle for like 10 minutes or so and then I click Refresh button only then I get this "Validation of Viewstate MAC failed" error.
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Jan 8, 2011
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This is the code I have so far.
Session("RequestID") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtRequestID.Value)
Session("FirstName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstFirstName.Text)
Session("LastName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstLastName.Text) [code]....
What can I do to make this work? According to all the websites I have visited it should work.
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm using DotNetOpenAuth as my membership system, and the way I have it working now seems to be working quite well. What I'd like to do however is build into my website the ability to check user credentials against the AuthCookie rather than a session. In the membership provider, I can check for the username like this
string UserName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
''# which returns the OpenId ClaimedIdentifier
What I'm wondering is if there is a way to extend this so that I can retrieve custom properties from the AuthCookie rather than having to create my own session object. Currently I have this setup.
Namespace Domain
Public Class UserSessionModel
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property RegionID As Integer
Public Property Username As String
Public Property Slug As String
Public Sub New(ByVal user As User)
_ID = user.ID
_RegionID = user.RegionID
_Username = user.UserName
_Slug = Replace(user.UserName, " ", "-")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
BaseController (inherited by all controllers)
Protected Overrides Function CreateActionInvoker() As System.Web.Mvc.IActionInvoker
''# Create a UserInfo object for the logged in user
''# and store it in a session state.
If Session("UserInfo") Is Nothing AndAlso User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim user As Domain.UserSessionModel = New Domain.UserSessionModel(OpenIdService.GetOpenId(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).User)
Session("UserInfo") = user
End If
Return MyBase.CreateActionInvoker()
End Function
Then in my views I do something like this
Dim user As MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel = DirectCast(Session("UserInfo"), MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel)
<%: Html.ActionLink(user.UserName, "Details", "Users", New With {.id = user.ID, .slug = user.Slug}, Nothing)%>
What I really need to be able to do is remove the Session stuff all together and just simply check the AuthCookie for my custom properties ID, RegionID, Username, and Slug. I can already get the "ClaimedIdentifier" out of the AuthCookie using HttpContext.User.Identity.Name... I just need to be able to extend it.
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Nov 1, 2010
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Dec 25, 2010
I am using one datalist control for uploading multiple images.I hv used one Asp:FileUplaod Control and one button in one itemtemplate.I am using reqired field validator and regular expression validator for file upload cntrl I am assigning validation group for both of them on ItemDataBound event of my datalist so that each upload cntrl hv same validaton group as required field and regular expression validator.Now what i want to do is - i want to show my error message in validation summary which is right at the top of the page.I want one know how to write javascript that will assign validation group of my control in datalist on which i click ?
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May 18, 2010
I host a website that has recently been upgraded from .NET Framework 2.0 to .NET Framework 4.0. Within the website, I have an instance of BlogEngine which still requires .NET Framework 2.0. Each website is in it's own application pool. My issue is that when I browse to the blog portion of my website, I receive a 500.19 error with the following information...
The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration The web.conf file that is listed in the error message is the config file that belongs to my root website which is running .NET Framework 4.0. How do I get the two websites to run together in the same website using different versions of the .NET Framework?
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Jan 6, 2011
I have this cenario:One server (machine) that have framework 3.5. And one site (website) developed for framework 3.5.This site can not be modified (rebuild in other FW version, or others changes).
I'll developer a new webapplication (WAP) in framework 4.0 (using microsoft visual web developer 2010).
As I know, the new webaplication work in the server, if I install framework 4.0 in the server.
My question is: Can I install the framework 4.0 on the machine that already have framework 3.5. And continue have sites working with other frameworks version?Or, should I develop my new webapplication in framawork 3.5 ?If I can install the framework 4.0, do I need make some specify configuration during the installation?
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Jun 18, 2010
what is Features added in Framework 2.0 over the framework 1.1? i want in Details?
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Feb 6, 2010
Difference between .net framework 2.0 and .net framework 2.0 with service pack 2
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Apr 23, 2010
We are developping with .net framework 2.0 on our dev station and we deploy on web server and client desktop a 3 tiers smart client app. what is the impact of ugrading to .net framework 2.0 sp2 on our web servers WITHOUT upgrading on dev station and compilation servers?
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Jan 5, 2011
I recently I have upgraded my web application from 1.1 to 3.5.
Now the problem is support DLLs used in this application still in 1.1 only.
There is no way to change it. While accessing from 3.5 it is not showing any error msg.
But not giving expected results.
Is there any way to run this particular assembly in 1.1 and other in 3.5 ?
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Mar 26, 2011
I have an old Web application which is using net framework 2.0(build with vs2005), now i need to move the old Web application to production server which has .net framwork 3.5 installed. Do I need recompile the web application with vs2008 or i can just go head move the the Web application without recompiling, it will automatically work?
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Oct 7, 2010
I am migrating my application to MVC3 and getting this error message Validation parameter names in unobtrusive client validation rules must start with a lowercase letter and consist of only lowercase letters or digits.How can I ovoid it without going and modifying all my ViewModels
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