Redirect From ASP To Session?

Jan 25, 2010

I am redirecting from a classic ASP page to an ASP.Net page on a different webserver. The landing aspx page seems to start a new session after postback i.e. my session variables which are set when the page is first hit after the redirect, are being reset after a button on the page is clicked. How do I work around this?

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Similar Messages:

Set Session Timeout And Auto Redirect?

Sep 20, 2010

I am creating web application. In that I want to set session timeout (not idle timeout). If a user logged in that time the session time will start and it automatically should detect session timeout the page should redirect to another page. How can I acheive this.

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MVC :: Redirect To Login After Session Is Expired

Feb 8, 2010

i am new to the MVC 1.0 development. in my application i am using ascx files to display in the JQUERY UI Tabs, when session is Expired i am rediretin it to the Login page.but the Login page is dispalying in the Tabs.

Code :

return RedirectToAction("login",

i want to dispaly login page as a whole page not in the TABS.

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Session - Save Textbox On Redirect?

Jul 15, 2010

I am new to and I am trying to save the state of some textboxes on redirect. I have a dashboard interface with drilldown. The main dashboard page has a date range option (textbox for both start date and end date) for the information displayed and I need to save the date range chosen by the user. I know that I can put the info into a session variable to use in the page that I am redirect to, but when I hit the 'go back' button on the drilldown page it returns to the main dashboard page and the textbox value is lost. I ahve also tried saving the viewstate, but could not get that to work either. What is the best approach to solving this problem?

edit: In case it matters, I am actually using the jQuery $(location).attr('href', url); to do the redirect because some of the chart objects I am using cover html or asp hyperlinks in IE.

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State Management :: Session End On Redirect?

Jul 6, 2010

Our project contains the folder structure. when I redirect to page in different folder, session automaticaly ends. How can I prevent this?

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Web Forms :: How To Login And Redirect To Same Page And Use The Session

Jun 18, 2010

I have 1 master page and Home.aspx page. Home.aspx page is using the master page.. In master page i have two textbox and and menu control and button. Textbox are used for login and password. by default Home.aspx opens.....Now when user login then i check the user exist of not in my master page codebehind and then redirect to Home.aspx but this time i want the textbox and button not to be visible. In master page i used session to store the login is true or not and the usertype and then redirect to Home.aspx. but i am not able to use the session.

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Web Forms :: Session Expire And Redirect To Another Page?

Dec 2, 2010

I need to redirect my application when there is no action for three minutes. I used session timed out period in the web config file. But When I am working with my content page its not working, because my content page is inside a update panel which is in the master page, so the content page not getting refresh at all, so the session expires.

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State Management :: On Redirect Session Goes Null?

Jul 30, 2010

In certain pages when i try to rediect to a perticular page the Session automaically gets assigned to null, have no idea why is this happening.-No where I'm using Session.Remove or Session.RemoveAll.-Also not even using EnableSessionState="true" or "false" as by default it will always be true, I know...

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State Management :: Session And Response.Redirect?

Jan 4, 2011

I have an issue of losing an InProc session variable when I call Response.redirect. I have seen a number of posts related to this, but haven't found a solution. My code is essentially:

Session("MyVariable") = "SomeBoolean"
Response.Redirect("NewUrl.aspx", false)

When I try to read Session("MyVariable") on the NewUrl.aspx page, it doesn't exists.

What's odd is that this doesn't typically happen in my local environemnt, but hapens quite often, if not all the time, on the shared server this application resides on. I saw some info about web farms and load balancing which could cause an issue. I am fairly certain this app is not part of a web farm.

A little background, in case there is a better method than using Session State...

I have created the ability for an administrator of this applicationto log in as any other user using a "Skeleton Key" password. When the admin does this, I store a boolean in session which refers to the fact that they are logged in and "Impersonating' another user. This gives the admin additional access that the user would not normally have. Anyhow, that is why I store a sessoin variable.

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C# - Put Code To Redirect Users Without A Session To The Homepage?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web app with loads of pages and most of them require some session variables in order to function.

i want to put some defensive code in my app. where is the best place to put somethign like:

if (Session.Count == 0){

EDIT: how do i check if the current page is defult.aspx?

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State Management :: Redirect If Session Expires?

Jan 7, 2011

i have a website and i know that the session expires and it gives me instance of object not set error.

I have a masterpage could i do it in there on page_load?

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Redirect To Homepage When No Session Exists For Web User?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web app with loads of pages and most of them require some session variables in order to function.i want to put some defensive code in my master page's page_load or init events to detect if the user has a session (meaning any session variable instead of a particular variable) and if not redirect them to the homepage to start all over. whats the best way to do this? should i use session_end instead?a simple solution for this would be best.EDIT:so i am guessing the master page is the place i want to add this to?

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Security :: Logout From Session And Redirect To Login Page

Jan 26, 2010

I have an option in my website to logout from session and redirect to login page. So I get redirected and if I try to login again it seems like it tries to redirect me to login page over and over, until I click some page in menu and login and it does works. so, doesn't the login control always redirect to same DestinationPageUrl? here the logout code:


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State Management :: Set Session Timeout And Auto Redirect?

Sep 20, 2010

I am creating web application. In that I want to set session timeout (not idle timeout). If a user logged in that time the session time will start and it automatically should detect session timeout the page should redirect to another page. How can I acheive this.

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Security :: Create Session On Login And Redirect From Other Applications

Sep 29, 2010

I have created custom a MembershipProvider, SessionIDManager, and SessionStateStore since I need to use custom legacy sessions and logins.. When the Application is ran, it runs the GetSessionID in the SessionIDManager(which is correct) The problem then is if there is no session meaning the GetSessionID method returns null, it tries to create a new session using CreateSessionID.. I want it to redirect to the login application(another application). We only create and store session information for logged in users and the "session id numbers" come from a file that is pre-populated with "session id numbers"(I didnt design this and its out of my control).. So its not feasable to give everyone who visits the site one of the "session id" numbers. I also need for users with an "invalid" session(when checked through Validate()) to be redirected to the login page.

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Security :: Redirect To Login Page After Session Timeout?

Nov 22, 2010

i would like to redirect user to login page after defining session timeout

how to redirect the user to my login.aspx and how to set session time out within web.config

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Configuration :: Setting Redirect At Web.config While Using Timout Session?

Feb 24, 2011

i set in web.config timeout session for 1 min.and after it expires i want it to move the user directly to the home page i have tried:

<!--// session timeout-->
<authentication mode="Forms">


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C# - HttpContext.Current.Session.IsNewSession Still True After Redirect?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to redirect to the same page with different query string parameters

HttpResponse resp = HttpContext.Current.Response;


To avoid further processing after redirection i check if

HttpContext.Current.Session.IsNewSession == false

but for some reason i found that this is not always the case after redirection

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C# - Redirect Users To A Logged Out Page Once The Session Has Expired?

Jun 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me how to detect when a users session has exipred in asp? I want to redirect users to a logged out page once the session has expired.

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Visual Studio :: Losing Session When Debugging After Redirect?

Mar 14, 2011

OS: Windows 7

VS: VS 2010 Pro SP1 - IIS Express

I am debugging my project, the first page is a login page which I login and I can see from debug that the session is being set, after the redirect to the homepage the session seems to be lost and I am taken back to the login page.

If I run outside of VS on our sandbox or production server the login works fine. It only seems to be my machine w/ VS that does not like the sessions.

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State Management :: Create A New Session Id Using C# And Without Using A Response.Redirect?

Aug 17, 2010

is it possible to create a new Session Id using C# and without using a Response.Redirect(...Page ... ). I want to create a new session Id on page load.

Reasons for doing so:

I have a testing application that creates IFrames to act as users. the problem I have is that with Multiple Instances (or Multiple IFrames running the same application "Default.aspx") all IFrame's are using the Same Session ID. I have variables stored in the Session ID that I need to be seperated from IFrame to IFrame. Ex:

IFrame 1 gets passed a query string of a client ID "1"
IFrame 2 gets passed a query string of client ID "2"

WHen the IFrame 2 gets loaded the session state of IFrame 1 inherits the IFrame 2's session's making the Client ID in Session 1 = "2". See what I am getting at?

I want to be able to have each IFrame create its own Session State. I guess there is 2 questions to this, 1.) is it possible to create a new Session State by abandoning the original and by doing so will that abandon both session ID's and just create an ID for both IFrames being the same ID? 2.) How can I do this if it is possible :-)

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Web Forms :: How To Redirect To Home Page After Expiring Session

Jul 16, 2013

I have set sessiontimeout=10 after timeout. I want to show alert message and when I click with Ok button I want to redirect home page ....

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Web Forms :: How To Redirect Back To That Page Where Session Was Expired

May 7, 2015

URL... it will show me this page but if i click on reply it will through me back to login page , ok i assume that would be a session variable checking for validation , but after login , it must take a user to default website , but it won't , it takes a user back to the page where he clicked the button and was thrown away ... i want to achieve this thing , how is it done ? bcx in my application my login url is Login.aspx , and my default url after which everytime users get into after successful login is dailyLog.aspx , now if he after login goes to abc.aspx page and session expires there , he gets back to login page , but after Re-Login , he again gets back toURL... because at LoginBtn Click event i have redirected him to DailyLog ,  but that's what i don't want , i want my default page to be DailyLog , but if session expires user would be send back to abc.aspx page ... 

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Session Values Null After Redirect Except When Running In VS Debug Mode

Jan 11, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that takes user input across several forms. Sort of like a wizard. On the first form, the user enters information then clicks the "Next" button. In the Click event of the button I save some information to the Session object (via Properties in the Master page). I then Redirect to the next page. Here is an example of what I am doing:

protected void NextButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs args)
//Go to the next form
Master.SessionVal1 = Value1;
Master.SessionVal2 = Value2;
Response.Redirect("~/TheNextPage.aspx", false);

In the MasterPage.cs..

public long Value1
get { return (long)Session["Value1"]; }
set { Session["Value1"] = value; }

public long Value2
get { return (long)Session["Value2"]; }
set { Session["Value2"] = value; }

Pretty basic stuff. When I run this in debug mode in VS2008 it works perfectly. When I push this to a test server (IIS7) I get NullReference exceptions when I try to access Value1, Value2, etc. which is stored in the Session object. UPDATE: I have discovered that if I migrate the code to one server I get the problem as described above. BUT, if I promote to another server it works as expected. Both servers are Windows Server 2008 with IIS7. I have looked at the application pool settings and the state management settings and I do not see any differences.

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State Management :: Session Timeout Redirect In Ajax Calls?

Oct 25, 2010

If a normal session timeout occurs we could handle the session timeout.

But say we are using a lot of ajax calls, webhandlers etc. How would we catch session timeout here and redirect to error/login page.

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