Redirect To Homepage When No Session Exists For Web User?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web app with loads of pages and most of them require some session variables in order to function.i want to put some defensive code in my master page's page_load or init events to detect if the user has a session (meaning any session variable instead of a particular variable) and if not redirect them to the homepage to start all over. whats the best way to do this? should i use session_end instead?a simple solution for this would be best.EDIT:so i am guessing the master page is the place i want to add this to?

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C# - Put Code To Redirect Users Without A Session To The Homepage?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web app with loads of pages and most of them require some session variables in order to function.

i want to put some defensive code in my app. where is the best place to put somethign like:

if (Session.Count == 0){

EDIT: how do i check if the current page is defult.aspx?

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How To Redirect 404 (bad Urls) To Homepage

Feb 22, 2011

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User Controls :: Validate Session Set After Login And Redirect User Back To Login Page If It Is NULL

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I have made a web page in which there is login screen when user login it goes next page but my problem is if i directly enter the url of that page it open. I want it should not open unless the user log in... 

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Mar 10, 2010

How i redirect the page to Login page automatically if session Expires .

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State Management :: Redirect User To Login Page If Session Is Null?

Sep 7, 2010

i have 2 page,

1.login.aspx --- 2.welcome.aspx

in my login.aspx im storing username into sesssion as below:

Session["usernm"] = txtUsername.Text;
in my welcome.aspx page
in page_load event
if (Session["usernm"]==null)

here if i manulally paste the url ( http://localhost:4125/Loginado/welcome.aspx) it should go to login.aspx for user credentials

but its going directly to welcome.aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Hide The Homepage Login Panel After User Sign In?

Feb 2, 2011

I created a website, i create a Login panel in "Homepage(default.aspx)" using CSS & Serverside control(ASP.NET, C#), my question is when user login into my website, the default.aspx(homepage) login will be disable or hide. is there any way to do this? i used DIV tags to make a panel. do i use PANEL control to group the login panel?

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Page Redirect On Page_Load IF Record Exists?

Nov 13, 2010

I have an default.aspx page that I'm trying to have redirect the user to a different page depending on whether or not their deviceId is stored in the SQL Server database. It should direct the user to the login.aspx if the record for the user is found or to the newdevice.aspx page if there was no record found. I want this to occur on Page_Load but have not been able to figure it out so far.

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HTTPS ASPX Page Redirect To HTML Page Logs User Out - As If Session Lost?

Sep 10, 2010

Building asp.C# shopping app that is using a hosted payment page to process payments (using posting of data to a hosted payment page). SSL certificate is signed and installed.


Prelim) (HTTPS) Users authenticate using asp Login control

1) Users add items to cart.

2) (HTTPS)Users go to checkout page.

3) Users finalize their order, then click pay now after agreeing to T&C.

4) Server gets cart data (from MSSQL2005) and sets a transaction cookie (expiry set to 20 mins).

5) (HTTPS) Server Response.Redirects to an html page (in the same folder as the login protected pages).

6) Html page reads transaction cookie data and generates form fields.

7) (HTTPS) Html page posts data to hosted payment page (php).

8) User enters payment info and clicks pay now.

9) (HTTPS) hosted payment page posts info back to a .aspx page that checks if payment OK.

10a) If payment !OK, redirects to a declined page.

10b) (HTTPS) If payment OK, sets a verification cookie (expiry set to 20 mins). Then redirects to another html page.

11) Html page reads cookie data and generates form fields.

12) (HTTPS) Html page posts data to hosted verification page (php).

13) Verification page verifies (of course), if transaction ok.

14) (HTTPS) verification page posts data to a .aspx page that checks if verification OK.

15) If verification OK, process orders and do receipt stuff.


This control flow was tested on an unsigned dev environment. SSL was being enforced, if needed on the unsigned SSL certificate. So we'd get prompts that certificate may be bad, but the control flow worked seamlessly.

However, now live with a signed SSL certificate, going from step 5 to 6, we are encountering a situation where some users (not duplicated every time, but verified that it does occur) when they click pay now and are redirected to the html page, they are forced back to the ~/login.aspx page (as if they were logged out).

Things to note:

a) The session did not time out.

b) The browsers have cookies and javascript enabled.

c) I can process the entire flow seamlessly on the same machine with other accounts, and occasionally, the same account.

So, basically, I'm stumped... Is this a viewstate error? A login control bug that won't let me redirect to an html page because it is now using a real SSL? Anyone have any experience with this kind of deal? I'm at a loss for solutions at this point.

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State Management :: How To Check Session Exists

Dec 8, 2010

What is the function used to check a session exists or not?

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.net - String Exists In A Collection Stored In .Net Session State?

Jan 8, 2010

I have an ASP.Net app that retrieves a collection of roles for a given user. Each role is a string. There's rarely more than 2-3 roles for any one person.I wanted to store the colelction of roles in Session state to save the time accessing the DB on each request.I basically want to write code that checks if a given string exists in the collection to test if the user has that role or not.My question is...what's the best way to do this? Is an array the best collection to store the role strings in Session with? Or is a dictionary better? I figure an array will take less memory (I don't really need a key + value) although a dictionary might lookup faster.

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Check User Id Already Exists?

May 22, 2010

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C# - Check User Id Already Exists?

May 22, 2010

I am a beginner coder, i am building a project using C# Asp.Net in which i am registering users with a user id, now my question is that how to check that the user id is already exists in the user table or not when user trying to register, i am using sql server 2000?

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Security :: Add Membership User Check If Exists?

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to create a sync process between an ADSI table and aspnet Membership using Membership.CreateUser. However, I need to see if a user exists before importing. I can import as long as a user does not exist however I am having trouble checking if users exist and only importing if they do not. Here is my code so far.


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How To Check If File Exists On User Machine

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C# - DirectoryInfo And Path.GetDirectoryName - Exists Method Returns False While Exists?

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to check whether a folder exists or not if not create. I'm sure this folder exists, but for some reason I get "false" when I check with "Exists" method.

The only reason I think could be because of the W: drive? I moved this application to production site and even there it returns false.

while I'm type in Windows explorer on my localhost and on the server "W:/Webs/ASPPages/cropper/uploads" it opens this folder. So my localhost and IIS server has W: mapping.

for test I tried to create the folder then it says can't find the path...

userFolderName = @"W:/Webs/ASPPages/cropper/uploads"
//I also tried @"W:WebsASPPagescropperuploads"
//I also tried @"W:WebsASPPagescropperuploads"
//I also tried "W:\Webs\ASPPages\cropper\uploads"
DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(userFolderName);........

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Redirect From ASP To Session?

Jan 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Check If Record Exists In Table And Prompt User

May 27, 2010

Using C#.NET and VWD 2008 Express

I'm looking for a hand with:

When inserting, i would like to check if the record exists in the table, then if it doesn't, insert it, else either redirecting to a different page, or showing a message box saying "Record already exists" ...

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User Still Exists In Roles.GetUsersInRole After DeleteUser() With DeleteAllRelatedData = False

Jan 13, 2010

I have an account called "admintest" which is "admin" as its role. I called the following line to delete the user with deleteAllRelatedData=false because I just want to mark the user as deleted (I may need to retrieve users' history later)

bool result = Membership.DeleteUser("admintest", false);

After that, I call the following line to get the user:

string[] users = Roles.GetUsersInRole("admin");

But I still get "admintest" in the users array.

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C# - To Check The Entered Email Id Actually Exists Before The User Submits His Information?

Aug 24, 2010

In the new user registration page, how to check whether the email id entered by a user is valid? I want to check the entered email id actually exists before the user submits his information. do not give code for checking email id string using regular expression, I want to check whether the entered email id actually exists.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Check User Exists In Which Group?

Sep 3, 2010

After entering user name, i want check user belonging to which group, group is some thing like role based

if group is something group1 , then i want redirect hime to page 1, if groupis 2 then page 2 like that

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Web Forms :: When The User Press The Button If The Email Exists Want To Show A Message Box Him?

Feb 10, 2010

I am creating a newsletter and I have got a problem. I have 2 text boxes. In one textbox the user types his name and in the second one the user enter his email address. When the user press the button if the email exists I want to show a message box him that the email address already exists. If the email does not exist I want to insert his email on the database and show a message that he has been inserted in the newsletter list. Just to let you know guys I am using C#

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