Redirect User Back To The Original Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an edit page which is used from different sources. After editing I would like to redirect user to original page. Earlier I used ID (given as a parameter) and Action (hard-coded) to redirect user to certain page, but problems occurs when many different pages can access the same edit page.

Should I store complete URL and pass it as a parameter? Are there any known issues with that (string length etc.)?

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C# - Redirect User Back To The Original Action After Login

Jan 26, 2011

The sequence of actions that I am trying to accomplish is below.

Context: user can add products to its own account.

User tries to add a specific product. (He/she is not login at this point.

In the code behind, I need to redirect the user to login page before I can add the product to user's account.

After login, how do I take the system back to the logic to finish up the action in step 1.

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Web Forms :: On Logout Redirect User To Login Page If User Clicks Back Button Of The Browser

Jul 9, 2010

after user loggs out if he clicks the browsers back button then users had to be redirected to login page

doenst matter how many time the user clicks on back button take him to login page

how to achieve this let me know

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Security :: Redirect User To Login Page And Back

Nov 19, 2010

How would I go about to solve this:

When the user clicks a button and the user has been inactive for too long (session is gone), then redirect the user to the login page and back to the current page after logging in?

Is there a built in solution to this or do I have to do it manually? If so, how?

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Web Forms :: Redirect User To Original Request After Successful Login

Mar 30, 2010

I have a site where if someone selects an item from the menu it checks if authenicated using formsauthentication. If not it will take them to the login.

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User Controls :: Validate Session Set After Login And Redirect User Back To Login Page If It Is NULL

Apr 26, 2013

I have made a web page in which there is login screen when user login it goes next page but my problem is if i directly enter the url of that page it open. I want it should not open unless the user log in... 

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Accessing Original URL In IIS7 404 Redirect Page?

Feb 21, 2011

I have an .aspx page as my custom 404 page on a site set up on IIS 7. I need to retrieve the original URL that the user was trying to access in order to do some processing on the 404 page. The trick is that I need to specifically handle 404's that do not contain a .aspx extension (e.g http://mysite/testurl), which do not get routed through ASP.NET's custom errors section. I can configure IIS to point to my custom 404, but at that point I do not know how to get my original URL?

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Web Forms :: Redirect Loggedout Users Back To Login Page When Back Button Is Pressed

Jul 7, 2012

i m having problem with logout code in with c#. this logout code should end session, disable browser's back button and and if somebody try to login by paste the url of any user account page.i used this code in login page

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["name"] = TxtUserName.Text;

and in logout i used this

protected void logout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

nothing happening back button is still visible

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CSS For Mobile Sometimes Reverts Back To Original?

Feb 23, 2011

So most of the time my stylesheets appear properly. The standard/original one always works flawlessly, however it seems sometimes the mobile one is disregarded when looked at from a mobile device

I have them designated as follows:

<link href="CustomStyleSheets/standard.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="CustomStyleSheets/mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 799px)" />

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C# - Get Original Data Back After It Has Been Databound?

Jul 15, 2010

I've databound some data to a datagrid and I'm wanting to be able to get the original data back.

I've databound the data as follows in one section of my code.

IEnumerable<MyClass> myClasses = GetMyClassesFromDatabase();
DataGridForMyClass.DataSource = myClasses;

When I've clicked a button, I want to be able to do stuff with the items in the datagrid.

How do I, given the DataGridForMyClass, retrieve the original list of MyClass?

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URL Rewriting And 301 Redirect... Redirects To The Original URL

Feb 18, 2010

In answering another persons question here on SO, I discovered that there is a small "bug" in my global redirect code.I have wired up a Global class to an HttpModule. It's job is to detect "http:/www." in the URL and redirect the user to the NON www. version

Protected Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Force Removal of WWW
Dim application As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)

when it redirect a page, the goal is to have it go to (the rewritten page) but instead it's going to (the original page).I tried doing a bit of a hack by changing

Dim newUrl As [String] = UrlRegex.Replace(url.ToString(), [String].Format("{0}://", url.Scheme))
application.Context.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
application.Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx", ""))

Dim newUrl As [String] = UrlRegex.Replace(url.ToString(), [String].Format("{0}://", url.Scheme))
newUrl = newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx?Slug=", "")
newUrl = newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx", "")
application.Context.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
application.Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl)

not something I want to do anyways since it's a hack, but it didn't work anyways.

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Web Forms :: Trying To Redirect Back To Parent Page From Popup

Mar 2, 2010

once i click on add button i just need to close the popup window and redirect the new page back to the parent, but what happened the page opens upwith the popup screen.


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Web Forms :: How To Redirect Back To That Page Where Session Was Expired

May 7, 2015

URL... it will show me this page but if i click on reply it will through me back to login page , ok i assume that would be a session variable checking for validation , but after login , it must take a user to default website , but it won't , it takes a user back to the page where he clicked the button and was thrown away ... i want to achieve this thing , how is it done ? bcx in my application my login url is Login.aspx , and my default url after which everytime users get into after successful login is dailyLog.aspx , now if he after login goes to abc.aspx page and session expires there , he gets back to login page , but after Re-Login , he again gets back toURL... because at LoginBtn Click event i have redirected him to DailyLog ,  but that's what i don't want , i want my default page to be DailyLog , but if session expires user would be send back to abc.aspx page ... 

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Web Forms :: How To Back To The Real Redirect Previous Page With The Same Parameter

Jan 14, 2010

I use button " text=Back" and in the code i write the ...


and this page "show_pro.aspx" is linked with tow pages send value in manner "Get"

the question :

How can i back to the real redirect previous page with the same parameter send when i click button ' back '?

what can i write instead of this code ....... Response.Redirect("show_pro.aspx"); ??

note : i use c# coding

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C# - Uploadify - Passing Information Back To The Original Form?

Mar 3, 2010

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What would the best way to handle this be?Here is the uploadify control:

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var contestID = $('[id$=HiddenFieldContestID]').val();[code]...

This took a while for me to figure out. But in retrospect it is extremely simple. For this reason, I mad a video tutorial to help newcomers get started quickly and understand how this awesome control works.

Video Tutorial from start to finish:

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VS 2008 Want To Give A Warning On BACK Button And REDIRECT To HOME PAGE?

Jan 22, 2010

I've got a HomePage.aspx page - user clicks "NEW PROJECT" and they get brought to the NewProject.aspx page.

While on this page they click CONTINUE buttons on the page that move you through 3 stages of CASE creation.

If they click BACK - the BROWSER BACK button - I want to pop up a warning.


Going back will return you to the client homepage, and all data entered for this project will be lost. Do you wish to proceed?

If they click NO they return to where they just were - as if they did not click BACK.

Is this possible?

If not - can I make BACK just return to the HomePage.aspx - as if all the NewProject.aspx postbacks were not new page entries in the BROWSER history.

Flickr does something like that. When you click on the "in the last minute" link and see recent photos - then click reload several times - each of those reloads does not go into BROWSER BACK history. If you click BACK you are back onto the initial [URL] home page.

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Web Forms :: Implement Back Button Functionality - Redirect To Previous Page

Mar 9, 2013

I have 3 page




In admin.aspx and Search.aspx I have button that when users click On button they go to register.aspx

I put one image button=IMGBack in register.aspx that I want when users click on it they back to lastpage

I mean if they was in admin.aspx when they click on IMGBack they back to admin.aspx page and if they was in search.aspx they back to search.aspx  page

I want do some thing  like this button (<--) in google toolbar when we click on this button we come back to last page that we visited.

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Javascript - Get Callback Info Back To Original Calling Function?

May 7, 2010

Let's say you have a Javascript function that calls a web service method. So that webservice completes and calls a callback function, which has the result.

How do I get that result back into the original function that called the web service method? Essentially, I'm trying to "synchronize" an asynchronous call.


This is what I'm trying to do. I'm validating based on the return value of a web service.


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C# - Gridview Editing - Auto Resets Back To The Original Table?

May 4, 2010

I have a gridview (Edit and Delete enabled) that shows a table. A Text Box and A Button. When I type something in the textbox and click the button, the button runs the datasource.filterexpression and filters out the rows. The question whenever I click on the edit button after the filter has been applied The grid auto resets back to the original table? How can I solve this?

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Convert Textarea Wrapped Json Data Back To Original?

Nov 5, 2010

Lots of people recommend to wrap the MVC JsonReturn result in a textarea to play nicely with jquery forms etc.

That part makes sense but how do I get the json object back in my client jquery code?

The client jquery plugin should look something like this:

// Doesn't work since data is "<textarea>{"error":true,"msg":"foo"}

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User Controls :: How To Redirect To Login Page If User Directly Visits Page In MVC

Jun 11, 2013

i am developing one application in mvc my problem is after login it will redirect to some page if i copy url and paste it in another browser its showing error in application but i need to display home page? 

how to solve this ?

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User Controls :: How To Redirect User To Next Page By Incrementing Page Index

Sep 27, 2013

how can i make next or previous button in for example, in collection will display all product that i sell...and i want the URL appear like this "/collections/other-fashion?page=1", when user click next, the URL change to "/collections/other-fashion?page=2" it i have to make many form? i just want to use 1 using vb languange

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Forms Data Controls :: Clicking Edit Changes GridView Back To Original Query?

May 28, 2010

I have a gridview that I have bound to a sqldatasource. However I have the gridview changing data shown per a drop down list and textbox so I can choose how I am searching.

My code includes changing the select command of the data source and rebinding the gridview.

My issue is that if I implement the edit button and click edit the grid view seems to resort back to the original select command that was entered when I created the datasource.

Is there any way to get the gridview to do what I want it to?

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Modal Popup Drag / Drop - When Release The Mouse It Returns Back To Its Original Position

Mar 7, 2013

SO I created a Panel to use to drag my modal popup, but any movement of it when you release the mouse it returns back to it's original position. What causes this behavior and how to stop it? Using Master Pages, but staying inside the content area.

<asp:Panel ID="pnlOwner" CssClass="pnlBackGround" runat="server" Width="450px">
<asp:Panel ID="pnlOwnerDrag" runat="server"><b>Select Endorsements:</b> </asp:Panel>
<div id="divOwner" style="height: 250px; overflow: auto;">
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="cblOwnerEndorsementsPop" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList>

[Code] .....

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Oct 21, 2015

I have a login page and a dashboard page. Now user first login and then redirect to dashboard page. User press browser Back navigate button and now it's again on login page.

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