Restoring Dynamically Created Javascript Table Structure
Feb 9, 2011
On runtime I am creating table structure using javascript and appending it to the div which is placed in an update panel. Problem here is, when I use button control, onClick of the button it posts the page to server and whatever javascript tables I have created it goes off. When I use html input button (input type="button") I don't face this problem and tables also stay there. But I have to use button to take necessary actions on the server side. Is there any way that I can restore the structure or use button control alongwith dynamic javascript.
I created dynamically a table with 3 rows not by using table tag. I need to find these rows in scripting, in button click, if any of these rows is empty then need to generate an alert message like enter current row.
Im creating a table dynamically in my codebehind to display some statistics. The table is in a usercontrol. When the page first loads, its created and displayed correctly. If I do something that generates a postback, the table subsequently disappears, this is because its created inside a !IsPostback. How can i ensure that the table, once its been generated, stays visble on the page ? I dont want to generate it each time the page loads as it involves a lot of calculations on the database which will slow the pageload down.
i wrote a function to create dynamic table in code behind on selectedindexchanged of checkbox,that is when user will check 2 checkboxex 2 tables will be generated with textboxes,Then on button click i want insert values of these textboxes in database,for that i want to find textbox using findcontrol,but i could not find it,
So i called same function of table creation on page load,but then it shows error that textbox is having duplicate id
I am coding online sales a website but I've a problem on main page I have to show products I made it as 4 columns table but there is over than 100 product and i need paging for that. How can I fix it like 20 products per page.
In my code I create a table dynamically and I try to restore the table after a postback. But although I recreate the table during the Page_Load event with the same id's before,the table doesn't appear with the same state and values as before.
I think it will be a typically beginner error, but I wasn't be able to locate the error whereas reading different posts and tutorials related to this topic.
I'm maintaining a dynamically generated table in ASP.NET, which allows users to move items up and down in the table. What this essentially does behind the scenes is just swaps around the 'sortorder' which the table is sorted by. I have checks to see if a row is the first/last column, and if so only display up/down (whatever's relevant). An issue has crept up now and I have no idea why. For some reason, most of the time (not all of the time strangely) the up and down buttons don't work. Using 'Up' as an example, the current record does get set to the 'above' rows sortorder, but the 'above' row doesn't take the below rows sort order. Now I've set my breakpoints throughout my code, and strangely everything gets set fine. It's just when I call SubmitChanges() to the LINQ data context, that it seems to put the wrong value into the database. Also what's strange is that I think that if you click it again, it actually works. But it doesn't work properly as the number is still out by a bit.
Here's my code: if (Request.QueryString["dir"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["dir"] == "up") { var currentrecordup = (from s in dc.InvoiceItems where Request.QueryString["val"] == select s).Single(); int valsortidup = (int)currentrecordup.sortorder; var prevrecordup = (from s in dc.InvoiceItems where s.sortorder < valsortidup orderby s.sortorder descending select s).First(); int prevsortidup = (int)prevrecordup.sortorder; int tempval = valsortidup; currentrecordup.sortorder = prevsortidup; prevrecordup.sortorder = tempval; } else if (Request.QueryString["dir"] == "down") { var currentrecorddown = (from s in dc.InvoiceItems where Request.QueryString["val"] == select s).Single(); int valsortiddown = (int)currentrecorddown.sortorder; var nextrecorddown = (from s in dc.InvoiceItems where s.sortorder > valsortiddown orderby s.sortorder ascending select s).First(); int nextsortiddown = (int)nextrecorddown.sortorder; int tempvaldown = valsortiddown; currentrecorddown.sortorder = nextsortiddown; nextrecorddown.sortorder = tempvaldown;} dc.SubmitChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditInvoice.aspx?id=" + Request.QueryString["id"]); } The sortorder column in my table is an int field that allows nulls.
I created a table dynamically with its row cell contain textbox. Now I need to show a hovermenuextender popup window on each rows textbox. I spend more time for this. But not getting till now.
This is my code for dynamically created table private void GenerateTable(int colsCount, int rowsCount) { string qry2 = "select lchannelname,ltransformdata from latestchannel where lenable=1"; DataTable dt = ob.getDetails(qry2); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("combined", System.Type.GetType("System.String"), "lchannelname+ ' '+ltransformdata")); //Create the Table and Add it to the Page Table table = new Table(); table.ID = "Table1"; Page.Form.Controls.Add(table); int flag=0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TableRow row = new TableRow(); row.Width = 200; TableCell cell = new TableCell(); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.OliveDrab; cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.OliveDrab; cell.BorderWidth = 1; cell.Width = 200; tb.Width = 200; // tb.ReadOnly = true; tb.Text = dr["combined"].ToString(); tb.ID =flag.ToString(); cell.Controls.Add(tb); row.Cells.Add(cell); table.Rows.Add(row); AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender hrv = new AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuExtender(); hrv.TargetControlID = tb.ID;
Here I am confusing for which way is using for popup panel1 hrv.PopupControlID = Panel1.ID; hrv.PopupPosition = AjaxControlToolkit.HoverMenuPopupPosition.Right; Panel1.Controls.Add(hrv); flag++; } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int numOfColumns = 1; int numOfRows = ob.selectLatestEnableCount(); GenerateTable(numOfColumns, numOfRows); }
I want to popup this Panel1 on textbox through hovermenuextender <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="125px"> <div style="border:1px outset white;padding:2px;"> <div><asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="~/images/close.png" runat="server" /> <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkButtonHide" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Hide Channel" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="lnkButtonHide_Click1" /> </div> <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/element_up.png" /> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonUp" runat="server" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Go Up One Pos" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="LinkButtonUp_Click2"/> </div> <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton3" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/element_down.png" /><asp:LinkButton ID="lnkButtonDown" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" Text="Go Down One Pos" ForeColor="olivedrab" OnClick="lnkButtonDown_Click1"/> </div> </div> </asp:Panel>
I have created table into database dynamicaly,while inserting records into that dynamic table i faced problem.
The name "STD000001" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted. this error occured.
I created dynamic table by ,
declare @STUDENT_Table varchar(50) set @STUDENT_Table = [dbo].[GetStudentTable](@SchoolID) exec (@cmd) [code]....
this stored procedure.....
Should i give any permission while creating dynamic table.
Say for example, I have script like below whereby everything is same except the table name and each table name will append an incremental number, is it possible for me to have a for loop to dynamically add the incremental number?
I am unable to reterive dynamically created table cells back color which has been changed by the click event of the cell.I am adding table cells dynamically on page and also setting cells back color. So when the page is loaded, table has number of cells with different colors.Table cells back color can be changed by clicking on it through java script. On page post back event, i am jutst getting those colors which were set before the click event.For example:When the page is loaded, cell1= red and cell2=red.If i click on cell2 then it will change to blue so now cell1= red and cell2 = bluebut on post back i am getting cell1= red and cell2 = red.Table is recreated on post back event.
i created dynamically a table with in a function... this table is added to a panel. and this panel is in ajax updatepanel... statically i have given no of rows as 3, for that table... in page_load my table with 3 rows is created.... but i cannot identify this table in another button click event...
Assume you have a page in ASP.NET where it makes sense to use JavaScript/jQuery to modify the DOM with values that will eventually be read by the server on submit. For example, you have a form that allows end users to add/remove objects (like dependents on a health insurance form or assets on a loan application). What are some ways to ensure that these items are detected and retrieved by the server once the information is submitted?
I've tried a few things that work, but none of them seem perfect so I wanted to see what the community had to offer. Also, I'm not looking for suggestions that avoid dynamic DOM elements (like use a Wizard, etc.). I'm specifically trying to improve my technique with dynamically created DOM elements.
in an aspx pege, on Page PostBack we generally get thsoe control that were created either in aspx or code behind (dynamic controls ). But in jQuery its common practice to craete new set of controls on the fly. Supose i have created 10 spans with some id and text . So, can we get these spans on server side on Page PostBack ?
I have a table thats created dynamically, the table gets its contents from a custom class I've created that gets statistical data from a database. As the table is generated dynamically, I've put the contents class (the table data) into a session object and I populate the table initially inside a !IsPostback then on the page init I get the data from the session (its empty on the firts page load). I am now getting this error: Multiple controls with the same ID 'controlnamehere' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. How can I avoid this?
My problem is that I have an ASPX page which contains an ASP:Table. The rows for the table is added dynamically on Page_Load. One column in the table contains TextBoxes, BUT when I type something on a TextBox and cause a postback, I am unable to find the value just entered. And above that the table is not displayed after the postback.Can anyone help me please? I want to keep the table viewstate with the modified textbox values, so that when i post back to server, I can intercept these new values.
i am working on Accounting this software i am to implement voucher entries form.In this form on page load a table (two rows and four columns) should be created after that one row should be appended to that table dynamically on button click event.
I've a JavaScript function in my page through which i make some elements in the page as 'JQuery UI droppable'.
function setDroppableTargets() { $(.cssDockZone).droppable(); }
But the elements with the class cssDockZone is created dynamically upon user interaction. So in the code behind i create the control first and finally at the end i register a scriptblock which calls setDroppableTargets().
But the javascript function is invoked before the controls are created eventhough i register the script at the end (after creating the controls) and i cross checked it by getting the elements with class name '.cssDockZone' and i getting it as 0.
I am dynamically creating controls from javascript. Now i want to access this is server side.
I assigned all the control values from dynamically created controls to hidden field and accessed that in server side. For this i need to create many hidden fields as much as dynamically added controls.
Once again i am faced with an issue. I must allow a user to add as many pieces of data as they wish. I have therefore employed some javascript from an tutorial
I would now like to return the data from the dynamic fields through the c#(.cs page)
I've tried creating checkboxes, literalcontrols and textboxes. I need to generate checkboxes dynamically, depending on how many types of <whatever> the user has put in. I know how to do this (I think), but the problem is the controls don't work as they should.
If I create server controls, then for some reason I can't change the value with javascript. If I create client controls, then something appears to happen with the id so the server can't fetch the value (it doesn't recognize the id, allthough it's there in the html)
I can't use a regular checkbox with autopostback because there is to much happening at page load. On other pages on the site, this works, but on those pages the controls are not created dynamically.
I have a small form with some static elements that I am able to access with javascript the bring up a popup. 4 textboxes are generated and attached to a updatepanel. I've been trying various methods of validating the contols without generating postback.
I found anytime i registered a javascript to the scriptmanager the page must refresh.
Ive came into a problem when using partial page update. The javascript doesn't fellow. What i want to do is when i call a partial page update some of the update have controls that require a javascript code to be executed. When the partial update is done that javascript isnt here and cannot be found. So what is the best way to make a javascript file to fellow a partial page update ?