SQL Reporting :: How To Do Custom Authentication

Jan 20, 2011

I have done it as mentioned in the readme file in the samples folder. But after completing all the steps when I open my browser and give in the url http://<servername>:<portnumber>/Reports, it shows the following error:

The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer.

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Similar Messages:

SQL Reporting :: Forms Authentication Sample Is Not Working In Reporting Services

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to implement custom sercurity modal in Reporting Services and i am not successfull. I am getting instance count error at below line.

// Loop through the instances of the server class.

ManagementObjectCollection instances = serverClass.GetInstances();

I posted my question in the below forum and could not get answer yet.


The link i used for forms authentication is as follows:-


What could be going wrong? Why i could able to cross "scope.Connect();" AND "serverClass.Get();" and getting below error

and could not get any instances. I saw a help link of similar problem and given full permission, but could not get instances at all.


Exception Info:-

serverClass.GetInstances() {System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection} System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection
+ Count 'serverClass.GetInstances().Count' threw an exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' int
IsSynchronized false bool


const string WmiNamespace =
ootMicrosoftSqlServerReportingServicesv8"; // ORIGINAL
ootMicrosoftSqlServerReportServerv9Admin"; // NEW ONE
ootMicrosoftSqlServerReportingServicesv9Admin"; // NOT
const string WmiRSClass =
//@"MSReportServerReportManager_ConfigurationSetting"; // ORIGINAL
// @"MSReportManager_ConfigurationSetting";
@"MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting"; // NEW ONE
string fullWmiClassName = WmiNamespace + ":" + WmiRSClass;
ManagementClass serverClass;
ManagementScope scope;
//scope = new ManagementScope(WmiNamespace, connOptions);
scope = new ManagementScope(WmiNamespace);
// Connect to the Reporting Services namespace.
// Create the server class.
serverClass = new ManagementClass(fullWmiClassName);
// Connect to the management object.
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Could not get WMI information. "
+ ex.Message);

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SQL Reporting :: Reporting Services Print Icon And Windows Authentication

Jun 16, 2010

It seems the Print Icon in Reporting Services is now throwing up a Windows Authentication box. Even when entering my domainusername and password, nothing happens. It just keeps popping up?

Our reporting service URL is a http://IP Address/........

Not sure if that has anything to do with it. We did add the I.P. in the Local Intranet Zones but still nothing works.

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SQL Reporting :: Passing Authentication Using The ASPX Control?

May 4, 2010

I have WebServerA running an ASP.Net website. I have ReportServerB running Reporting Services and hosting reports. Users authenticate to WebServerA using Windows Authentication and all sites have identity impersonate=true. Reporting Services on ReportServerB is also set to Widnows Authentication.

Viewing reports directly via the /ReportServer or /Reports URLs works fine. Viewing the reports in the ASPX control works fine when you're on the local machine (on the console of WebServerA or when running the ASPX on a developer workstation). Viewing the reports in the ASPX control from another machine results in a 401 Unauthorized error in the report control.

I assume something needs to be done with respect to SPNs to make this work. I'm not interested in a solution that involves writing code inside the ASPX page to handle authentication.

What SPN is needed? For WebServerA or ReportServerB? For what account (SPNs seem to want an account associated with them)?

Searching for answers on this issue is a bit cloudy due to repeated posts about a loopback registry change, which isn't my issue. My issue is with handling the double hop for authentication. There seem to be a number of other solutions involving allowing anonymous access to Reporting Services, which is not viable for me.

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SQL Reporting :: Forms Authentication With SSRS 2005 / IIS 6?

Jun 21, 2010

Has anyone successfully implemented forms authentication with SSRS? It seems like a lot of the documentation out there is just wrong or doesn't indicate which version of IIS / SSRS is being used.

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Authentication - Integrating Security / Reporting Services

Feb 16, 2010

I have an ASP.Net website with the standard forms auth membership database, and then a Reporting Services instance with a bunch of reports on it.

How can I integrate the security between the two servers? Worst case, I could just frame in the reports with some code and pass a universal set of credentials to the Reporting server, but I lose security granularity...I could pass the current set of credentials the same way, but then I have to keep the two db's synched. There has to be a better way.

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SQL Reporting :: Authentication Propmt While Accessing Report Manager?

May 6, 2010

I have installed Reporting service 2008 on windows server 2008 which is in domain.In report manager i have created domain user and given browser role. when the specified user access
http://10.20../reportsit authenticated without promting login credentials.the User is also in domian.when the another user which is not added in report manager only getting Home screen.I want authentication propmt to be shown when user access report manager.

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SQL Reporting :: Authentication In Opening Report With Visual Studio 2005

Jul 16, 2010

I am developing a intranet for our company and right now have a problem on loading my report. I developed my report with Visual Studio 2005 and try to load it with Visual Web Developer. I downloaded ReportViewer as well. My database connection is Windows Authentication also. Here is my code in Visual Web Developer:

Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Security.Principal
Partial Public Class ShowReport
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New MyReportServerCredentials()
End Sub

Private Sub form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles form1.Load
Dim strReportURL As Uri
strReportURL = New Uri("http://SERVERNAME/reportserver")...........................

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How To Custom Reporting For End Users

Apr 8, 2010

Is there a third party tool or something similar that will allow users to create reports on their own without any programming? One code base but custom reports for each user in the system that they create.

View 7 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Rdlc And Custom Datasource?

May 18, 2010

After being thoroughly frustrated with the typed datasets using the xsd designer, i built a custom class as an alternative. When I built it, I used the ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType and ComponentModel.DataObject so that I could access them from the wizards. In the aspx file where the rdlc resides, using the wizard, I can select an objectdatasource and set the typename and selectmethod and add the object to the file. But when I go into the reportviewer, it doesn't show up as a project datasource for me to be able to add it to the reportviewer even after rebuilding the website. A few google searches didn't help so here I am asking if anyone can point me down the correct path.

View 5 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Tune This Custom Code?

Jul 8, 2010

I have developed this code .It is giving sumpoistive ,sumnegative correct .But count of positives and count of negatives it is not showing value...It is not showing error but not giving result..it is giving 0 as count for the coun_positive n for negative aslo..

Please tune my logic...

Public pos_sum AS INTEGER =0
Public neg_sum AS INTEGER=0
Public pos_coun AS INTEGER
Public neg_coun AS INTEGER
if Field>0 then
return Field
End IF
IF Field<0 then
return Field
End IF
if Field>0 then
return pos_coun
IF Field<0 then
return neg_coun
End IF
Function SumPositive() AS INTEGER
return pos_sum
Function SumNegative() AS INTEGER
return (-neg_sum)
Function couPositive() AS INTEGER
return pos_coun
Function couNegitive() AS INTEGER
return neg_coun

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C# - Custom Forms Authentication In MVC?

Jan 3, 2011

I want to use authentication on my site in order to login to the Admin section. I already have my database schema, I don't want to use the ASP.NET membership tables for SQL Server. I have three tables: Employees, Roles, and EmployeesInRoles.

I'd really like to keep this as simple as possible, but I'm having trouble finding a solution. I just want to use forms authentication with my tables so employees can log in, log out, change their password, etc.

View 2 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Custom Code In Rdlc Is Not Working

Mar 30, 2010

I am maintaing binay data in sql table field-'StImage' . Actually i don't know how to show image from database field.

After lots of googling i tried to make it a reality .

I have dragged and droped a 'Image' control into my table in MyReport.rdlc[Design]

I set the following properties to the 'Image' control

MIME Type= image/jpeg

Then i have added the following code to the 'Code' tab of Report Properties window




View 4 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Custom Code For Rdlc Report?

Feb 4, 2011

In my report I want to display the dollar amoumt in textboxs.

So I set the textbox property Format as currency.

My question is that I want to reports show brackets for negative dollar values. Ex : ($100) but

i want to report only display the negative values -$100

View 3 Replies

Having Custom ErrorPage In Windows Authentication

Feb 15, 2011

I am using Windows authentication in my asp.net project. We need to implement the security based on the configured GroupNames.

To simulate the Project environment i have 3 pages in my application .

1.TestPage.aspx 2.Main.aspx 3.ErrorPage.htm

When logged in user is in group or role "MyDomainDatawarehouse" i need to give access to Main.aspx page.If User not in that group and user tries to access the Main.aspx page by typing url in the address bar of Browser then i need to redirect user to the ErrorPage.htm. But this is the place where my code is faling. I guess some thing wrong in the web.config.

Note: All the authenticated users are permittedto see TestPage.aspx irrespective of their roles.

Note : All the .aspx and htm pages are in the same root


View 7 Replies

MVC Forms Authentication With Custom Database

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to get forms authentication working for an mvc site. I have a custom database with a users table, and I would like to do my own password validation. I am logging in my user like this:

if (PasswordHasher.Hash(password) == dataUser.Password)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(email, true);
return true;

The problem is, when the session expires obviously the user has to login again. I am thinking I should be storing this Auth cookie in my users table? Update: I'm obviously in desperate need of more education in this area. I just noticed that the user stays authenticated even after an iisreset.

I guess what I'm asking is how can I get persistent and non persistent authentication working properly. I want a user to not have to login again if they click "remember", and if they don't then their authentication should expire when the forms authentication is set to expire.

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Custom Authentication Doesn't Work

May 11, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade my mvc 1.0 application that had a custom written login. I assign the authcookie like this:


And here if I debug _authRoles has "Admin" in it, and isAuthorized is always false.

If I check the "ticket" it has some: UserData = "Admin".

What can be wrong there? Is it the "User.IsInRole" that is different, or do I need to add something in web.config?

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Security :: Custom Authentication With WCF Service?

Aug 11, 2010

I have created a WCF service that will serve as authentication service for Silverlight client.The problem is that when I make a call to FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie in the Login method below, I get a null reference exception. I am following the 'Securing Applications Built on Silverlight and WCF' (http://www.componentart.com/community/blogs/milos/archive/2009/05/07/securing-applications-built-on-silverlight-and-wcf.aspx)


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SQL Reporting :: Error In Custom Code Of Rdlc Report

Mar 30, 2010

I am having the binary data in sql table field 'ImgSt' .

I want to show the binay data as a jpg image. Therefore i used the for converting the binay data to image



I have also set in 'DataOutput' Tab

the the ElementName='imgSt' which is my Image's name
For the value field of my 'Image' in report i have set

But i am getting the error as the following

' MemoryStream' is not defined

View 3 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Header And Footer In SSRS As A Custom Item?

Mar 30, 2010

I have at least 87 report in my project what i am thinking to create a custom header and footer item in the report. In Header and footer we are showing a image so if we want to change the image then we need to change the image in all my 87 reports so is there any template that we can set in my header and footer so child report inherits from them.

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SQL Reporting :: Custom UI For SSRS (Mimic Report.aspx)?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a project that will allow users to do the following:. Choose one or more reports from the report library.2. Cycle through each report, choosing the parameter values to use to run each report.3. Generate a pdf containing all of the reports in one large file.4. Download the pdf.I'm handling 1, 3, and 4 just fine but running into some problems with item 2. The multi-select parameters are giving me headaches. Basically I want a page that contains the parameter selection piece of the standard SSRS web interface but instead of "View Report" it would fire off a function I've created that saves the parameter values and then reloads the page for the next report in the list chosen by the userDoes anyone know if the Report.aspx source code is available somewhere? I'm currently using a PopupControlExtender, CheckboxList, and Textbox to try and mimic the functionality of the multi-select parameter interface that's provided by SSRS but am having trouble getting the page to postback when the user clicks outside the list
of parameter values (the default SSRS interface does this).

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MVC :: How To Implement Custom Authentication And Personalization Providers

Mar 24, 2010

i am in the process of developing an asp.net mvc 2 social web app and some of the requirements have to do with users authentication and personalization. Site visitors should be able to login using credentials not only by registering to my site but also by entering external account credentials (Live ID, facebook, etc...). Also, users should have a custom profile, where they could enter personal details, preferences, etc...

Is there any good tutorial on how to implement custom membership and profile providers? The default Role provider that comes with asp.net mvc is ok and does not need to be re-implemented.

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Custom Authentication Module Inheriting IHttpModule

Feb 3, 2011

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Context.Items["Username"] = txtUserId.Text;
Context.Items["Password"] = txtPassword.Text;
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, Context.Items["Username"].ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), true, "users", FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
// Encrypt the cookie using the machine key for secure transport
string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(
FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, // Name of auth cookie
hash); // Hashed ticket
// Set the cookie's expiration time to the tickets expiration time
if (ticket.IsPersistent) cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;
Global.asax file:-
void Application_AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.User != null)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity is FormsIdentity)
FormsIdentity id =
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = id.Ticket;
// Get the stored user-data, in this case, our roles
string userData = ticket.UserData;
string[] roles = userData.Split(',');
HttpContext.Current.User = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(id, roles);

I get the following error after signing in This webpage has a redirect loop.

The webpage at [URL] has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

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Security :: How To Achieve Custom Forms Authentication

Sep 27, 2010

In my earlier verison, I used Active Directory to authenticate users which was Custom. In the sense that, I had passed UserName and password along with a token request through datalayer to authenticate against AD. it would eventually check the DomainNameUserName, password against AD and will get authenticated.

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WCF / ASMX :: Kerberos Authentication Custom Binding?

Sep 15, 2010

I am using Kerberos as the Authentication mode for a WCF Client to interact with an ASMX Web Service. I am using customBinding in the WCF Client. I am getting the below mentioned Fault Exception when I invoke the HelloWorld Method by creating a Proxy using SVCUTIL.

`System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: Server unavailable, please try later ---> System.ApplicationException: WSE841: An error occured processing an outgoing fault response. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: WSE914: This instance of derived key token does not support encryption, decryption, or key wrapping. It can only be used to sign or verify signature. Please make sure that the length of the derived key matches the length of the key required by the symmetric encryption algorithm configured for the derived key token manager.

at Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Tokens.DerivedKeyToken.Psha1SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.get_EncryptionFormatter()
at Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.EncryptedData.ResolveDecryptionKey(String algorithmUri, KeyInfo keyInfo)
at Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.EncryptedData.Decrypt(XmlElement encryptedElement)

I am badly struck with this exception and unable to progress further.

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