SQL Reporting :: Tune This Custom Code?

Jul 8, 2010

I have developed this code .It is giving sumpoistive ,sumnegative correct .But count of positives and count of negatives it is not showing value...It is not showing error but not giving result..it is giving 0 as count for the coun_positive n for negative aslo..

Please tune my logic...

Public pos_sum AS INTEGER =0
Public neg_sum AS INTEGER=0
Public pos_coun AS INTEGER
Public neg_coun AS INTEGER
if Field>0 then
return Field
End IF
IF Field<0 then
return Field
End IF
if Field>0 then
return pos_coun
IF Field<0 then
return neg_coun
End IF
Function SumPositive() AS INTEGER
return pos_sum
Function SumNegative() AS INTEGER
return (-neg_sum)
Function couPositive() AS INTEGER
return pos_coun
Function couNegitive() AS INTEGER
return neg_coun

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SQL Reporting :: Custom Code In Rdlc Is Not Working

Mar 30, 2010

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MIME Type= image/jpeg

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May 18, 2010

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Jun 21, 2010

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Feb 24, 2010

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Sep 27, 2010

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