SQL Server :: People And Addresses - One To Many Or Many To Many?

Aug 13, 2010

We're debating on the architecture of this university database project. We can't decide if we should relate the tables as -> "one person to many addresses" or "many persons to many addresses". We understand that there will be duplication of some data in the "one_to_many" schema. How bad would that be. "many to many" is obviously more normalized. Are there any trade offs for either setup? We expect there to be 100,000+ people.

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Security :: Prompt Network People But Not Outside People?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a question.aspx page that allows "guests" and "admin" to use. If guest access the page, it says Submit, if admin access it, it says "Approve" on the button control.

My question is, when guest accesses that page, I don't care about their credentials, but when admin accesses that page, I want them to log in first. And the Admin users are the ones that work in our company with the same domain and such. Anyone that access outside would be "guest".. how can I prompt people in the same network when they try to access that page? I need that AD credentials to do some programming in code behind.

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SQL Server :: Call Column - Send Mail To Email Addresses

Jan 15, 2011

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Web Forms :: Sending Mail From Dynamic Addresses Via Google Smtp Server

May 12, 2010

I have developed a colleg web applicaition. I have used my gmail account as my smtp server to send back to the client passwords from "Password recovery" link. The problem is that , I am able to send messages only from my gmail account. I want to know whether I can send messages using different e-mail addresses of the clients retrieved from the database instead of sending the mail using my own.

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Count How Many People Are Seeing The Page

Feb 16, 2010

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Send Mails To Different People Within The Organization

Feb 19, 2010

In every organization there will be mail access project. I want to know the sample application. Can u please tell me the sample application. I know how to send the mails from asp.net page, by using one email id. means by setting the mailer host, username and password details in web.config file. But i need to send from different email id's to different id's.

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Warning: Only Smart People Click Here?

Apr 23, 2010

so theoretically, i have multiple companies using my application, and each company has multiple users. Now data is stored in a sql database and certain parts of it are changed enough whereby it has to be "reselected" by every user after a specific amount of time. ill call this the "highly dynamic data." (I already sorted out the 'users by company' effeciently with a cluster index in the companyID column for the tables)

lets say that each session will "check" if it has to be updated every 15 seconds. How will it check? If someone submitted a change to the "highly dynamic data" in the sql database then they will also submit the "time of change" to an .xml database. Moreover, each session has a "last updated" session variable. The session that submitted the change will update his "last updated" session variable at the time of the sql update. However, all other sessions will have out dated "last updated" session variables. and every 15 seconds each session checks the xml database to see if their "last update" is current. If it is not current then it does the sql database update, else, it does nothing..is this a good mechanism for efficient updating? The goal is to keep the sql database as free as possible and reduce strain on the server?

edit: oh yeah, how would i implement the timing factor here? firstly, i assume the 15 second counter shouldnt be concurrent with all other users, otherwise the server would be a cluster-f*** every 15 seconds so how would i incorporate some randomness for each session?

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Web Forms :: Get People In The Textbox Before The Deletion

Oct 19, 2010

checkboxlist textbox from a data transfer,I want those people in the textbox before the deletion.


The second update, not deletion textbox

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Security :: Get All People Objects For Each OU Returned?

May 13, 2010

AD : Get All people objects for each OU returned


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Actually *do* In AnkhSVN When Two People Edit The Same File Under SVN?

Aug 6, 2010

Our code is in SVN. We develop using Visual Studio and the AnkhSVN plugin.Having used VSS before SVN I was used to the idea of locking files so other users know not to edit it while you are (in fact I thought this was the main point of source control, to prevent lost data from these conflicts).I've been told this rarely happens and cases where you can't work because another dev is locking you out are more frequent (which sounds like a principle that might only apply to a certain subset of dev projects). But anyway, SVN is better and we're using it.

So when I do edit a file, and go to check it in, and find out the other user has edited it too, what do I actually do?Surely there's a better way than saving a copy of my file, reverting changes,updating it from server,then merging my changes back in with winmerge? When I right-click the file and click 'merge' I'm told I should update first, so that's obviously not what I need.Update: partial answer OK, it sounds like I just hit update,then SVN merges non-conflicting changes automatically,and should let AnkhSVN know about any conflicting changes to allow some kind of resolution.Does anyone know how this works in AnkhSVN - what I'd actually do?

(if not I'll try it myself, accept the current top answer and update this question with the second half for posterity).

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How To Host The Web Application On IIS 7.0 So That 100 People Can Be Accessed Locally

Feb 11, 2010

How to Host the Web Application on IIS 7.0 so that 100 people can be accessed locally.

Request you to provide steps on how to go ahead with it.

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How To Stop Two People Booking The Same Appointment Time

Feb 1, 2011

As the title states, how can i stop two users from booking the same appointment time.

Example, two users logging, on there screen they can both see that a 1pm appointment is available. They both try to book themselves into that appointment time.

How can i stop this from happening and ensure only one user can book it, then refresh the screen to show the next available booking time to the other user.

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DataSource Controls :: Accessing The Same Database Many People At Once?

Sep 21, 2010

I made a website, 1 database; We have 4 cumputers, the 4 are using the same website and saving datas at the SAME TIME.

The problem that i have is that when 2 people click in the save button at the same time, only onces is in the database, but the others get lost.

Visual Studio 2010, Framework 3.5, MS-SQL 2008, C#.

The conecction is in c#, everthing is in c#.

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.net - Use Custom Member Properties For People On My .NET Website

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to make an asp.net website using Visual web dev and C# that accesses data in an SQL database. For my site, I need to be able to save and access additional user properties such as age and gender. I have been playing around with the built in .NET Login tools but I don't understand how to keep track of the additional properties (age, gender...) I could store all the users information in my own database but how do I correlate the users data in my DB to the usernames in the member database that is automatically created?

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Security :: How To Create User Account For Big Group Of People

Aug 25, 2010

I need to create individual account for a big group of people (around 200) from an Excel spreadsheet. What is the best practice? It will take too much time to create account using web form. I think there must be a way to do it. I tried to use Stored procedures created by ASP.NET.

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Security :: Making Set Up A Way For Select People To Be Able To Create An Account?

Mar 12, 2010

I am setting up a website, and I want to set up a way for select people to be able to create an account. What I want to do is make a field for a security code, that when entered, will take them to the create new user page. I do not want just everyone to be able to set up a user account, as it would expose wholesale prices to the general public.

For example, Business X wants to set up a wholesale account. They contact the business owner, and when the owner verifies the business is legitimate, she can give them the security code to enter. Once the correct security code is entered, it will then take them to the account set up page.

I have VWDEE2008, and have used the Administer Website tool, and am familiar with using that.

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How To Make A Web Site Where People Can Play Low - Tech Games

Jul 17, 2010

I have developed some web sites using asp.net and vb.net plus sql server. Now I aim to make a web site where people can play low-tech games (think online scrabble, typing one word at a time and sumitting it, maybe against the clock and maybe against an opponent).

Generally this would probably be done using Java, but would it be possible to do this kind of thing using asp.net and ajax?

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State Management :: Want People Not To Be Able To Create Link To Certain Pages?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm creating a website where I want people not to be able to create link to certain pages.The site work like this: The user do a serch for a document and click the link to view it, then he can view the document. If the user somehow adds the URL to favorites he should not be able to view the document when he at some time later tries to view the document. In addition if the user sends the URL to other people they should not be able to view the document.

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Installation :: ERROR: There Are Too Many People Accessing The Web Site At This Time

Jun 16, 2010

I have been trying to fix this issue for several hours now, and I was hoping to find out if someone can shed some more light on it. I get the above error on ONLY ONE virtual root in my IIS 5.1 installation. I have other web sites I am developing in .NET 2.0 and 3.5 and they seem to work fine. This is a development workstation with only 1 user, and I get this error continuallyevery time I access only 1 of my web sites - even after rebooting the machine. It makes no difference what order I access the web sites in - this one always fails and the other ones always succeed.

Note that the web site does not use frames and the changes I made to it yesterday (just adding some javascript and a few span elements to support BuySafe's new 3-in-1 guarantee program) were very minor.OS: Windows XP/IIS 5.1Dev Environment: Visual Studio 2005/.NET 2.0Browser IIS 7.0Every page on the internet I have read about this seems to indicate it must be something with the "HTTP Keep Alive" setting. I disabled this setting but it made no difference at all.I keep full backups of my machine and I restored my OS/IIS partition from a few days ago (including the full IIS metabase), but I still continue to get the same error.The error suddenly started occuring today - I just made some updates on the web site and deployed them to production yesterday (and neither my test or production servers are exhibiting this behavior). It happened after a power failure and my UPS software forced my Lenovo T500 laptop to sleep. When the power failure occurred, both VS 2005 and a browser with this web site were open on the machine. The machine woke up and the programs were all still running, but I was no longer to access this web site.I had a problem like this years ago and I ended up rebuilding the machine from scratch. Please give me an alternate solution.Full Error Message:The page cannot be displayedThere are too many people accessing the Web site at this time.Please try the following:Click the Refresh button, or try again later. Open the localhost home page, and then look for links to the information you want.HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connectedInternet Information ServicesTechnical Information (for support personnel)Background:This error can occur if the Web server is busy and cannot process your request due to heavy traffic.More information:icrosoft Support

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Email All Addresses In Aspnet_membership?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to create a mailto hyperlink that contains not just one user address but the entire contents of the email column in the table aspnet_membership table.

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ADO.NET :: Triyng To Generate A Report That Analyzes What People Are Searching For On Website?

Nov 19, 2010

I am triyng to generate a report that analyzes what people are searching for on my website.I've managed to generate a report on exactly what people are searching for (full phrase), and another report that lists the appearance count of each word.The final report I need to create involves analyzing the occurances of two words.I have an SearchLog object, which I can load into a List<SearchLog>, each record containing information on a search performed on my website. The SearchLog object obviously contains a property for the search phrase, amoung other properties.Lets say there are 2 search logs I pull from my database:

1. Trash Bag Liners

2. Garbage Bag Liners

My query would need to return the following:

Bag Liners: 2

Trash Bag: 1

Garbage Bag: 1

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How Do People Deal With Membership/role/profile In Real Webiste

Dec 31, 2010

I don't like asp.net profile provider store all profile info in one or two row in the database, but I want to use membership/profile API for authentication purpose.Customize membership/role/profile provider requires big big upfront efforts, which may cause more mess later.So how do people deal with that normally?

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Security :: Strategy For Multiple People To Edit Different Records On One Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been developing a database system that stores test results from two different machines. (It's a foundry, each machine tests for the amounts of a collection of elements in a piece of metal. One machine does the tests on iron, the second on aluminium. Both produce the same list, but each machine will have much more of some elements than others.)

I used folder security to limit who has access to what folders, so there is a general page for anyone to view results from any machine in the root, one folder has a page to allow people in a particular group to edit/correct the iron results, and a second folder has a page to allow another group of people to edit/correct the aluminium results. Now, we've picked up a third machine which tests aluminium samples too, and it belongs to a third group of people. What is the best or recommended method to allow this third group to edit samples from the third machine only?

1) Should I have a third folder, and copy in the page from the other aluminium folder, and tweak it so it only shows and allows edits to results from this new machine? This seems like the quickest, easiest method, but a waste of effort as it's mostly duplication of existing work.

2) The other option I see is to keep one aluminium editing page, but to limit the results that are shown to the ones that the current user should be allowed to see. (One page which shows one group of people one half of the results, and shows a second group of people the other half of the results). Is there a way to achieve this that is almost as easy as using folder-based permissions?

3) Is there another way that I'm missing?

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Capturing Website Visits/IP Addresses?

Jan 9, 2010

does anyone know a simple VB.net routine to capture the number of website visits, and even IP addresses of visitors, on an ASP.net based website? My web host has limited capabilities for such information.

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Security :: Blocking IP Addresses For Certain Countries

Jun 9, 2010

I have a client who wants me to block his site from certain countries. Each month I add all the new IP address ranges for these countries into a sql database. If the user has a blocked IP address, the site directs them to a phoney 504 error page. This way it doesn't appear that the site is being blocked, but rather is just having difficulites. Thats the way we want it.

It works fine however, there are some users (5%) who get a 500 error. No rhyme or reason. It works across all browsers and operating systems. I have no way of finding out why from my hosting service. I can't dupliate it. I have the following code that runs at Page_Init


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