Security :: Strategy For Multiple People To Edit Different Records On One Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been developing a database system that stores test results from two different machines. (It's a foundry, each machine tests for the amounts of a collection of elements in a piece of metal. One machine does the tests on iron, the second on aluminium. Both produce the same list, but each machine will have much more of some elements than others.)

I used folder security to limit who has access to what folders, so there is a general page for anyone to view results from any machine in the root, one folder has a page to allow people in a particular group to edit/correct the iron results, and a second folder has a page to allow another group of people to edit/correct the aluminium results. Now, we've picked up a third machine which tests aluminium samples too, and it belongs to a third group of people. What is the best or recommended method to allow this third group to edit samples from the third machine only?

1) Should I have a third folder, and copy in the page from the other aluminium folder, and tweak it so it only shows and allows edits to results from this new machine? This seems like the quickest, easiest method, but a waste of effort as it's mostly duplication of existing work.

2) The other option I see is to keep one aluminium editing page, but to limit the results that are shown to the ones that the current user should be allowed to see. (One page which shows one group of people one half of the results, and shows a second group of people the other half of the results). Is there a way to achieve this that is almost as easy as using folder-based permissions?

3) Is there another way that I'm missing?

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Feb 26, 2011

i have edit problem...still i giving u a code of index that showing a records or multiple table how can i edit that record?

TaskManagerDataContext _Context = new TaskManagerDataContext();
public ActionResult Index()
var userId = Guid.Parse(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
TaskRepository getTask = new TaskRepository();
var taskInfo = getTask.GetByUser(userId).ToList();
return View(taskInfo);
// Class TaskRepositor
public List<TaskDetailModel> GetByUser(Guid userId)
var getTask = from taskData in _Context.Tasks
join projectData in _Context.Projects on taskData.ProjectId equals projectData.ProjectId
join typeData in _Context.TaskTypes on taskData.TaskTypeId equals typeData.TaskTypeId
join statusData in _Context.Status on taskData.StatusId equals statusData.StatusId
where taskData.UserId == userId
select TaskDetailModel.CreateModel(taskData.TaskId, projectData.ProjectName, taskData.TaskName, typeData.TaskType1, statusData.Status1);
return getTask.ToList();
//Class TaskDetail Model
public class TaskDetailModel
public static TaskDetailModel CreateModel(int id,string project, string desc, string taskType, string status)
return new TaskDetailModel
Id = id,
Description = desc,
Project = project,
Type = taskType,
Status = status,
Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString()
public int Id { set; get; }
public string Description { set; get; }
public string Project { set; get; }
public string Type { set; get; }
public string Status { set; get; }
public string Date { set; get; }

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Actually *do* In AnkhSVN When Two People Edit The Same File Under SVN?

Aug 6, 2010

Our code is in SVN. We develop using Visual Studio and the AnkhSVN plugin.Having used VSS before SVN I was used to the idea of locking files so other users know not to edit it while you are (in fact I thought this was the main point of source control, to prevent lost data from these conflicts).I've been told this rarely happens and cases where you can't work because another dev is locking you out are more frequent (which sounds like a principle that might only apply to a certain subset of dev projects). But anyway, SVN is better and we're using it.

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(if not I'll try it myself, accept the current top answer and update this question with the second half for posterity).

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<bunch of html>
</bunch of html>

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Jan 20, 2011

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1. can membership & roles be used, once user is logged in, to display links to all the areas of the web app he is allowed access to?


2. besides having access to a particular page, a user should, as mentioned before, be authorized to either enter new, edit, print and/or just view data.
3. Is there a preferred/better method to handle this besides using membership & roles?

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Jan 14, 2011

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Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to design my logic to do this but I want to create a dataSet which will have records from several databases, The records all have the same layout.

I am reagin the connection string paths from a table in a database.

I am asking for your help in trying figure out my logic.

Should I use the connectionString builder in conjunction with a loop to Connect, read a record into a dataset Until therer are no more records to be read from my databse table with the database name/paths tables ?

Here is my beginning code which deals with one database:


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C# - How To Edit / Update Records From A Database Using Textbox

Mar 21, 2011

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I am buliding the shopping cart appliCation in C#.I want to edit the quantity field in grid view in shopping cart for a product.How do I?

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