SQL Server :: Table Locked / Can't Click Into Cell And Edit Data?
Oct 17, 2010
version of sql management studio did not lock me out from a table. Why does this R2 version, after I say open all rows in a table, not allow me to then click on any cell I want to edit data?It appears just the top 200 rows will allow this. How do I change this setting? What is the purpose of locking like this anyways?
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I have try many ways in trying it such as using customized tool: Telerik (RAdGrid,Scheduler), DevExpress , ComponentGo! and also PilotScheduler but all does not fullfill the business requirement. May be the requirement for solution is too rigid. Below is my table design
Date1 | Date 2
Shift1 | Shift2 | Shift3 |Shift1 | Shift2 | Shift3
Mch 1 Product1 Product3
Mch 2 Product4
Mch 3 Product5
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What is the problem:
Not stored in the database.
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Mar 18, 2010
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