SQL Server :: Writing And Deploying SSIS Data Transfer Packages?

Mar 2, 2011

How to write and deploy SSIS data transfer packages. ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Deploy SSIS Packages From SQL Server 2008

Feb 26, 2010

I have a number of existing SSIS packages on SQL Server 2008 and want to deploy them to another server. What is the easiest way to deploy multiple packages to another server?

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DataSource Controls :: Installing (sql Server 2005) SSIS Packages On SQL Server 2008?

Feb 25, 2010

Previous developers have developed a .SSISDeploymentManifest file (SQL Server 2005) to install SSIS packages which prompts a Package Installation wizard. I tried to install it on SQL Sever 2008 (it works on SQL Server 2005), but it failed with the error: "Storing or modifying packages in SQL Server requires the SSIS runtime and database to be the same version. Storing packages in earlier versions is not supported".

How do I install 2005 SSIS packages on SQL Server 2008? I have all the .dtsx files, not sure how to install them?

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SQL Server :: Import Data Into Table From Another Table Using Ssis Packages?

Dec 27, 2010

i've created one package using ssis ..

That is used for transferring the data from the tableA to tableB daily at evening..

now my problem is ..

i've huge amount of data i.e upto 2GB of data while transferring for first time

the whole amount data is transferred.. and now i want to transfer only the daily updates

i.e what data i've entered today that much only it should transfer instead of whole data (2GB)..

how to do it .

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C# - Running SSIS Packages Programmatically?

Sep 2, 2010

I have spent days trying to solve this problem and still stuck with this and I have posted some questions already on this website, but didn't get satisfactory answers. I am trying to be more clear this time and hope to get a better answer. I have gone through this article already [URL] and here are my issues (I need to run the SSIS package from ASP.NET) option 1 is not suitable for me, because it may recycle worker process if it consumes memory is also not suitable because of security issues in creating a new process and passing the context to new process looks very complicated for me (according to the support article) option 3 is not suitable because using SQL Server Agent to run SSIS package is not allowed by the company I am working for(I guesss it requires installation of db engine on application server, not sure). but SSIS is installed on the application server. option 4&5 will have the same issues as options 1&2.

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Security :: Webservice Security And Windows Authentication - Invoke SSIS Packages From Web Service

Dec 15, 2010

I have to invoke SSIS packages from web service in the most secure way. I think that windows authentication will be secure but i am not sure. I do not have much knowledge about how to achieve this and the information on the internet is very distributed.

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C# - Is It Safe To Use Server.Transfer() To Transfer A Request To A Static Image (.jpg - .png)?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a class which implements IHttpHandler that is designed to handle image resize requests. It handles Urls like so [URL] Currently the handler looks for myimg.jpg on disk, cuts a 100x100 thumbnail (if it isn't already present) and redirects the client to the thumbnail like so Response.RedirectPermanent("/some/virtualPath/to/thumbnail.jpg");

This has been working great, but I would like to avoid forcing the client to issue a second HTTP request. Is it safe to do the following? Server.Transfer("/some/virtualPath/to/thumbnail.jpg") All the MSDN documentation talks about using Server.Transfer() to redirect to an aspx page, so I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do or not.

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SQL Server :: Replicate The Data From One Server To Main Server Using SSIS?

Jul 28, 2010

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May 6, 2010

Using sql server 2000,How to create the dts packages that runs the stored procedure to output the results in excel sheet?

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Installation :: Runtimes And Packages Needs To Install In The Web Server?

Mar 18, 2011

I have just transfered my site to a new dedicated server. I have a asp.net 2 using VS 2005 and i have uploaded the site to the server but when i try to run the printing using the crystal reports it only displays a blank page.The server(win 2003) have the default installed softwares:

- IIS 6
- SQL Server 2008
- .Net Frameworks 2,3,3.5,4
- Visual Studio Tools for Application 2.0 - ENU

I have installed the Crystal Reports for .Net Framework 2.0 Runtime but still it doesn't work.I just want to ask if what are the necessary softwares to install in the server to run the Crystal reports?

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Jul 8, 2010

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How To Transfer Data From A Page In One Server To Another Server

Mar 20, 2011

i have two servers s1 and s2

In s1 we hav an aspx page called test1.aspx

In s2 we hav an aspx page called test2.aspx

In test1.aspx i have a textbox and a button. I enter data in textbox and click the biutton.

Now the data that has been entered should be shown in a label in test2.aspx

test1.aspx and test2.aspx are in two servers...so how to do it ...

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ADO.NET :: Transfer Table Data From One Server To Another Server?

Dec 2, 2010

how to move a database table from one server to another server database.This is performed

when I click a button in .aspx page like import the table goes and adds to the another server database in web application.

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Feb 9, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Migrating SSIS Package From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2008

Jun 17, 2010

Migrating SSIS package from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008

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SQL Server :: Binary Data Not Writing To Database?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an ASP.NET app that writes binary data to a SQL database. It worked fine using SQL Express, but does not ever write the data using SQL Server 2008 R2. SQL Profiler shows the binary data in the UPDATE query, but nothing happens... no errors, no data saved. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Other data types work fine.

My data type is VarBinary(MAX)...

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Jul 27, 2010

I want to know the best way to transfer data from a view in Oracle database 10g to Sql Server 2008.

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Apr 30, 2010

I have a requirement to fill the pdf file.

We are using Sql server and i want to transfer data from SQL server to pdf file.

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State Management :: Pass Data Between Pages Without Using Server.Transfer?

Mar 15, 2011

I have an update panel with a gridview. When the user hovers over one field in the gridview, a HoverMenuExtender pops up to display more detail of the row from the gridview. The gridview also has a button, that when clicked, uses server.transfer to pass some info via the previous.page method about the row selected.

I can't get these two to work together. Either the update panel will work with the hover menu, or the button in the gridview will work with server.transfer. Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException is the error

Found this article that talke about using Response.Redirect instead of Server.Transfer. But, that won't work for me because Response.Redirect doesn't work with passing data between pages.


So, what I'm trying to do is figure out how to set a button in my gridview to be asynchronus, but can't figure out how to do that with this button from my gridview.


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SQL Server :: How To Use XSD,XSL Over XML In VB.Net In SSIS 2005

Dec 21, 2010

I am migrating a project from C#.Net (Console Application that acts as a server) to SSIS 2005 based one as the task involves around Database. I can able to use only VB.Net in SSIS 2005 version. The problem is, the C# code has XSD, XSL operations over XML along with XML processing such as XML creation/generation, compressing the file, and saving the file into DB. As it looks like the above operations are not achieved without using VB.Net in SSIS, I am blindly converting into VB.Net inside SSIS.

Also, I would like to know how to import/create XSD files in VB.Net in SSIS. It is not like Visual Studio to add a new XSD file and design the same that allows generating the appropriate code.

For your information, I am using Typed DataSet.XSD file in C# which needs to be converted into VB.Net in SSIS. There is no provision to add Typed DataSet XSD files into VB.Net in SSIS 2005.

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SQL Server :: Import From CSV In SSIS?

Sep 27, 2010

i am trying to create a import package to import data from a CSV file. When I create a flat file source and take a look at the preview I see that the fields are mixed up. Some fields are ok, but quet a few arent. When I open the CSV in excel or a other program it looks good, all rows are ok. When i import the CSV in access it is also ok. So I'm a bit confused where the problem lies. all the settings are standard. The strangest thing is that when i replace al the semicolons to for instance tab's the problem keeps.

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Custom Server Controls :: Writing Image Binary Data To The Response

Sep 21, 2010

I've created 2 web user controls. A = User control that displays an image, and B is the user control that hosts A. I'm trying to stream an array of bytes to A, but it seems like the Response.BinaryWrite method completely overwrites any heirachial controls (I can't see any of B's other controls besides the image).

How do I get A to just display the image from the byte stream? It doesn't come from a database, it's an image I created on the fly.

A's code:


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Connecting To Oracle Server In SSIS?

Mar 25, 2011

I have created an SSIS package to fetch the details from an Oracle database and import the details in to SQL servers table. In development region the client provided the connection description for oracle server as shown below: Using the above string
I have selected Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle and gave xxxxx:1543/AU1D as server name and provided the username and password. It got connected successfully. (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxx.abc.XYZ.com)(PORT = 1543))
)(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER=dedicated) (SID=AU1D) )) For Prod environment the Oracle servers connection description is: C10P =(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = yyyyy.abc.XYZ.com)(PORT = 1524)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = zzzzz.abc.XYZ.com)(PORT
= 1524)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vvvvv.abc.XYZ.com)(PORT = 1524)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = C10P. abc. XYZ.com)(FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=SELECT)(METHOD=BASIC)))) Now I don't have the SID to use in the connection.

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SQL Server :: How To Create Simple SSIS

Mar 29, 2011

i need to create a simple package that will: 1. insert a data to table A2. get the identity_scope3. insert multiple rows to table B with the id from table Ai created one, but it only does bulk insert, so i want to redo it again.

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SQL Server :: From Where To Download SSIS Package

Sep 8, 2010

Sql server 2005 is already installes in my machine.., i want to use SSIS now.where can i download SSIS package as add on to sql server 2005.

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