SQL Server :: Get Notification If A New Login Is Created In SQL Server?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a requirement wherein to automate a process that when a new login is created in SQL Server 2005, I need to execute code to add the newly created username to another user table in my database. I am aware of the system tables that can be queried to pull out the list of logins that exist in SQL Server database and identify any newly created logins.

However, I am looking at an alternate solution that allows me to get notified when a new login is created. It would be more like a trigger. Since I am dealing with system tables, I don't want to user triggers on system objects. I have come across SQL Server Notification Service but I am not sure if it would be an appropriate feature to use for such a requirement. If anyone knows of a better solution or if SQL notificaition services can be used for this

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Does Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition support Query notification on views? If not, how should i resolve? Materializing views?Where can i find a limitation list?

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Security :: Login OK On Development Server, But Login Failed On Work Server?

Feb 3, 2010

I have just turned on all membership infrastructure, maked an "Administrator" and successfully logined using standard LoginForm control.But when I uploaded my website on hosting server, I couldn't login anymore.I have MachineKey in web.config. Perhaps I need to set something on server (it is my VDS).

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Sql Server - Want To Show The Notification Only To The User With Usercode=1431?

Dec 15, 2010

my web application has more than one user with unique usercode. As soon as a new record is inserted into the database with some usercode, i want to show a popup only to that user in his browser window. for example insert into mytable(usercode) values(1431) is inserted into my databasetable.if user with usercode 1431,1435 are loggedin. i want to show the notification only to the user with usercode=1431

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Security :: Setup A Notification Bar That Shows Errors When Trying To Login?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to setup a notification bar that shows errors when trying to login. I am using MySql as a backend.

Here is the aspx:


Here is the code behind:


I am not sure if I am over thinking what I am trying to do or what. I was able to get it to show the notification bar but it wouldn't show correctly and then somehow it wouldn't let me login.

The above code is what I came up with after reading some articles, which doesn't work. When stepping through the code, I get an "Input string was not in the correct format" error. I think the reason I get that error is because the password format is "Encrypted".

Either way I try it I can't get the bar to show up with the error, or actually login (I am sure I can remove everything that I 'tried' and it would work.

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Does Access To Server Resources Require Client Process To Login To Server Machine

Sep 22, 2010

Reposting my unanswered in technet.microsoft question?

MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

1) "When you configure to use a particular account as the process identity, ASP.NET attempts to delegate that account. If it is a local account that is identical (including password) to a local account on a remote machine, delegation is possible. If such an account does not exist on the remote machine, to the network it appears as the Windows anonymous account (NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON). In addition, delegation is also possible if the account is a domain account that has access to the remote machine, in which case it uses the domain network identity of that account."

The same frequently repeated story as in case of manually/interactively accessing remote computer (server resource) in workgroup - it is necessary to create local account with the same username, the same password. But why?

If a workgroup Windows client process cannot access resources on server machine without having duplicate of such (local) account on target machine already pre-created,does it mean that client (process, machine, or user) can access server resources only by/after having logged (opening logon session) into server machine? Or, how to understand that such access is impossible without having corresponding duplicate local account on server machine?

The same MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

"NetworkService account. It behaves the same as the System account. This account possesses the network credentials associated with the machine account (domainnamemachinename) in the domain of which it is a member"

Does not any Windows have accounts ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE)? as well as many other common pre-built accounts? Why are they installed (before any joining to domain) but cannot be used for remote network access and client identification ? And what is identity used when the process from workgroup Windows under identity ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) accesses a remote server?

My related questions:

domained LocalSystem vs. non-domained LocalSystem account in Windows-es ? how to check group membership of an "NT AUTHORITY" account ? Is client LocalSystem (SYSTEM) identified by target/server machine? and in which context? Window workgroup LocalSystem vs. domain (AD) LocalSystem [closed]how to better set up machine for development both in workgroup and Windows domain? [closed] interoperating with Windows domain computer from workrgroup Windows [closed] the context of local user of AD-joined machine? Is it of domain machine account or of local machine account? RunAs under domain account from non-AD Windows [closed] how to better set up machine for development both in workgroup and Windows domain? [closed] how to share the same domain machine account with multi-boot workgroup Windows setup?

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Login When On The Server: SQL Server Version?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to implement a regular ol' out of the box asp.net login system on SQL Server for the first time ever, and it's giving me way more grief than I ever imagined. Everything works great on my local asp.net testing server, but I can't get it working on the web server. I just get the generic- Server Error in '/' Application. A tech at my host mentioned that he thought that it was because I was using an ASPNETDB.MDF file created in SQL Express 2008 on a SQL Server 2005 server. I makes sense but I've seen a half dozen or more possible solutions in the many hours/days I've spent researching this but I hadn't heard of that one.

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Security :: Allow Clients To Login To Website And Connect To Specific Server Based On Login

Jul 5, 2010

We have created a windows application which is distributed amongst our clients. The application uses SQL Server 2008 as the back end and each client uses their own database on their own server. The databases are all exactly the same but each clients data is specific only to them.

We would like to offer our clients the ability to log-in to our website which would then login to their own database so that when they are out in the field they can perform similar tasks to what they can do with the windows app.Each of the clients databases has a user table containing their login details, permissions etc.

Our server is running on IIS and has SQL Server 2008 installed but it only contains our data and nothing of the clients.How should we go about this?

What I mean is do we need to make each client have an additional login to our main server which would then hold each clients individual connection strings etc which would then be used to connect to there specific database and then they would need to login again?? Seems like a nightmare for the user.

View 13 Replies

SQL Server :: Create A Login Page That Will Use This Database And Table To Authenticate The Login?

Sep 24, 2010

I dont know where to start, but I have a simple issue that you may be able to resolve.

I have a SQL database that contains a table with user name / password / Account level in it.

What I am trying to do is to create a Login page that will use this database and table to authenticate the login.

I have spent some time looking about for an example, and the nearest that I have found is for an access Database, but I really need this to work with SQL.

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DB Cannot Be Created On SQL Server 2008?

May 5, 2010

I have made Setup For my web application.During Setup i am also create DB for it.In that i am asking for server name,userid,password and db name.It's working gud in sql server 2005.But in one of clients it's not getting connected and throw error of class libarary

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Sql Server 2008 - Getting Error Cannot Open Database "Phaeton.mdf" Requested By The Login. The Login Failed

Feb 11, 2010

I am not used to work with SQL Server(usually I just use express). I run it on windows server 2008, iis7.

I have attached the database to my sql server. I made a web site in iis7 but I get this error message.

Cannot open database "Phaeton.mdf" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.
Connectionstring I use
<add key="PhaetonConnectionString" value="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Phaeton.mdf;Integrated Security=True"/>

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Save A Dynamically Created .CSV File To The Server?

Mar 7, 2010

I was wondering does anyone know how to save a file to the sever without using a fileupload? What I have is a file that is dynamically created as a .CSV file. Here's that part of the code:


How can I save that to the server instead of poping up a Save/Open dialog box?

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SQL Server Won't Open DB Created By Visual Studio?

Jan 8, 2010

I've built an ASP.Net site in Visual Studio, and created the DB inside it (the .mdf file is in the APP_data folder).

Now, when I want to deploy in the customer site, I think about maintaining the DB without open Visual Studio, and by using the SQL Server Express tools (back up etc.).

I've searched how to do this, and learned that I should attach the .mdf file to sql server.

I've tried to do this and failed!

The error is: Unable to open the physical file "< .mdf >". Operating system error 5: "5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 5120)

Now I have 2 options:

1. To give up and deploy the site in the current situation where the DB is an .mdf file and ASP.Net can connect to it by the SQL server express compact (in the proccess).

To extract all the data (I need to think how...) and import it to new DB, this time in SQL Server DB.

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Use Query Created In Sql Server For Crystal Report?

Nov 10, 2010

using vs.net 2005.I have a console application that is displaying a Crystal Report.I want to use a query that I created in sql server mgmt for the data in Crystal reports.some questions:

1. how do I do this?

2. Is is more efficient to do this with stored proc or just enter the query?

3. There are some fields where I need a case statement because so that I can display meaningful text (not the code values that are returned), is it normally more efficient to put the case statement in the SQL or to add logic in the report for this?

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SQL Server :: Microsoft 2008 R2 "Login Failed For User 'NSAdmin' (Microsoft Sql Server, Error:18456)"

Oct 27, 2010

I am facing the problem to acess the Data Base. some time ago i am easily acess the data base by typing the server name(like and type the user id and password from web.config file but now i am find the error.like Login failed for user 'NSAdmin' (Microsoft Sql Server, Error:18456).

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JQuery / JSTree / How To Get Newly Created Node's ID From Server

Sep 13, 2010

I currently have a JSTree all set up to do the creation and renaming of a new node:

.bind("create_node.jstree", function (NODE, REF_NODE) {
async: false,
cache: false, [code]...

The problem is that my success doesn't seem to get hit when I return an integer ID on the create node, thus I can't set it to a global variable. What exactly do I need to return in the function to get back the ID from the server? I'm simply returning a new integer right now.

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SQL Server :: Delete Spaces Created By Combining 2 Fields?

Aug 24, 2010

My users will enter a city/station where an incident occured, and the date. The trigger below does work, but it will occasionally put spaces between the citystation and the date. I think this happens when the citystaion name is not very long, but not sure.

(ex: city____08242010)

How can I make sure that if the incidentid is going to have spaces, that sql deletes those spaces? I need the id to be space free.

TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_AddID1]
ON [dbo].[tblIncidents]

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SQL Server :: Inserting Records Into Table Which Is Dynamically Created?

Sep 16, 2010

I have created table into database dynamicaly,while inserting records into that dynamic table i faced problem.

The name "STD000001" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted. this error occured.

I created dynamic table by ,

declare @STUDENT_Table varchar(50)
set @STUDENT_Table = [dbo].[GetStudentTable](@SchoolID)
exec (@cmd)

this stored procedure.....

Should i give any permission while creating dynamic table.

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JQuery :: Finding A Dynamically Created Server Control?

Jan 12, 2011

I've created a bunch of asp:hiddenfields dynamically at runtime in an asp.net page.

My question is this:

How do I find those hidden fields?

I have an event attached to a control that fires a javascript function, and that's where I am attempting to use JQuery to find the hidden field associated with that control.


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VS 2010 - Accessing Dynamically Created Server Controls

Jun 8, 2012

Ok, so I'm dynamically adding <input type="File" />'s to the page via button click, client-side via Javascript.

Now when I click the upload button I can access the PostedFiles server side, but I also have radio button lists that I've created dynamically as well with no runat="server".

If I were to .setAttribute("runat","server") for the radio lists I create, is there a way to access that client-side created server control, from the server side?

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How To Save The Created Word Document On Database, Or On Server Folder

Feb 14, 2011

I am Generating a Word Document by using Following Code:

StringBuilder str1HTMLContent = new StringBuilder();
str1HTMLContent.Append("<body>".ToString()); [code]....

The word file is Created and popup on windows .How can i save this created word Document on Database, or on server folder?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Dynamically Created Elements In Server Code

May 8, 2010

I have a page where i am creating a number of <span> elements using clientside code.

I am creating the elements using jquery like this


But this returns a null object everytime. I have tried this code on a span that is on the page at the beginning and it works so i guess its something to do with how im creating the control dynamically.

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State Management :: New Session Is Being Created On Each Postback On Live Server?

Nov 17, 2010

This is the strangest problem im facing(may be i missed something). The application works fine locally, but when uploaded on the live server. the session values are not retrieved properly.

i have stored a value in a session in master page's code behind. and afte the page is redirected is to another page, there im not able to retrieve the session value.

why this is hapening.. i remind you this is working perfectly on local server. problem is only when published on live server.

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DataSource Controls :: Connect To SQLServer DB Created In VS In SQL Server Express?

Feb 24, 2010

Is there a way to connect to a database which was created with Visual Studio Express 2008 in Sql Server Express 2008?

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SQL Server :: Created Views To Display Header And Detail Records?

Apr 1, 2011

using sql server 2005

I have to create records displaying orders so the records will be displayed like so (this example has one header order and the order refers to detail records that are stored in another table:

HeaderRecord: Order1
DetailRecord: Order1_Detail1
DetailRecord: Order1_Detail2
CloserRecord: closer for Order1

anyways, I have the Header and Order record displaying OK in that order. I have 2 views, one for header and one for detail records and I am doing a union on them.

what I need now is each time before I display a new header record in my results I need to display a closer record that will display 3 fields derived from the header record.

I am thinking I should create a third view and then have the same joins as the header record and then UNION that to the other 2 views and order by orderNumber so it will stay with the same order.

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