SQL Server :: Pass Textbox Value (date) Into Procedure As Float?

Feb 10, 2011

We have an application we are maintaining, cant make changes to the database, but new form was created and need to pass the values into the table now..

there are 2 columns in the table that are to store the date, but the datatype is set to float.

When i try to pass the values into the procedure in my code behind i get errors that says

"input string was not in a correct format"

my procedure is expecting float, my class method is expecting float, my parameter.add is passing it as float cmd.Parameters.Add("@sdate", System.Data.SqlDbType.Float).Value = sdate;

So im guessing that on my page code behind where im calling the insert method and passing in my textboxes, i need to make some adjustments.. just not sure what they are..

float stDate = System.Convert.ToSingle(txtSdate.Text);

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