Drop Down Menu Float Visible Over UI CONTROL Like TEXTBOX, Select Boxes, And Iframes?

Mar 9, 2010

Issue is Menu is not overlaping or float, above the IFrame i am design the menu with table and Div tag in Usercontrol From and i called Usercontrol from in the Index.aspx.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Style The Menu Control To Allow The Menu Items To Float To The Right Of The Container?

Feb 3, 2011

Currently I have a menu control on my webform in ASP.Net 4.0 :

<div class="PNMenu">
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="PNSiteMap" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="PNMainMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="PNSiteMap" RenderingMode="List" Orientation="Horizontal" CssClass="PN-PrimaryNavMenu" >

I am trying to style the menu control to allow the menu items to float to the right of the container, however I am unable to do so as whenever I am styling the a, ul or li it keeps getting overidded by asp.net and floats everything left.



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Forms Data Controls :: Space In Text Boxes & Drop Down Lists / Text Boxes Gets A One Tab Spacing?

Jan 20, 2011

Using C# and SQL as the database.I have a page with a gridview and some text boxes and drop down list boxes. A user selects a record from the grid view I query the database and fill the text boxes and drop down list boxes.

Some fields get updated periodincally thus there is no data in those fields in the database until some time.

A strange thing happens.When filling data some text boxes gets a one tab spacing .

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Making Menu Item Visible Or Not Visible In Master Page?

Jan 25, 2011

I have five menu items that i have created as a user control and placed on the master page. Now i want one of the menu items to be visible only for particular user role and not visible for others. Here is what I did. Its not working though.

Dim DST As New DataSet
DST = dataObject.RunSPReturnDataSet("uspUserProfile '" & Session("UserID").ToString & "'", "mytbl")
'Dim US As New DataSet

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Web Forms :: Menu Control: Submenu Visible On Mozilla But Not On Internet Explorer On Production?

Jan 10, 2011

I have just put a site on a production server for testing.However,the submenu is not visible in internet explorer but is on mozilla.The submenu is visible when run from the local host.

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Forms Data Controls :: Develop A Custom Data-bound Control Which Will Contain, Few Text-boxes, Drop-down Lists And Labels?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to develop a custom data-bound control which will contain, few text-boxes, drop-down lists, labels, and other standard web-server controls. And, I want to be able to load this control from a web page on button click. When the user enters any data to any of its child controls, i should be able to save, and also retrieve when the data-bound control is loaded again. Also, the data in the child control should retain their value on postback. What approach should i follow?

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Float Aspx Menu On Center Of Screen During Horizontal Scroll?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a static aspx menu. (horizontal)

I have content on the screen the sometimes requires horizontal scroll.

I would like to keep the menu the width of the visable screen and centered while scrolling. AKA. the menu would stay in the same position on the screen even when the user scrolls.

EDIT: I'm relaly looking for simple. Even something that would just keep the menu items aligned left would work for me. So the menu bar can go all the way accross, but the items in it would align left, so the right most part fo the menu bar would be empty on longer screens...

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Populate All Text Boxes And Make Them Visible Once A Button Is Clicked?

Mar 10, 2011

I was looking for some better way of coding to populate all text boxes and make them visible once a button is clicked, is there a better way of doing this than I describe below?

The scenario

I have a letter like format on a page with labels displaying address, name etc and it was recommended that on this page some of the information should be able to be edited. The idea I had was to keep the labels displaying the information but then when the edit details button is clicked the labels disappear, text boxes will appear and be populated with the same text as the label to allow the user to edit the details.

I seem to repeating lines of code but changing one thing each time

on page load

Dim Sname As String = Request.QueryString("Name")
lblStuName.Text = Sname
tbStuName.Text = Sname
Dim Saddress As String = Request.QueryString("Address")
lblAddress.Text = Saddress
tbAddress.Text = Saddress
tbAddress.visible = false
on edit button
tbAddress.visible = true

on the save button

sqlStatement = "UPDATE StuTable SET Name = '" & lblStuName.Text & "', Address = '" & lblAddress.Text

My code seems very repetitive in many parts, I was looking for a better coding style to do this can anyone suggest a better way to do it? Is my idea sound right way to do this or can anyone suggest a better way it can be implemented?

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Menu Control - How To Have One Item Visible Only If Textbox1="yes"

Mar 8, 2010

I have a menu control has say 5 items on it. I want one of them visible only when the textbox1.text="yes" on the page. How to code it? Currently I use enable= true but still the item appears just disabled. I want it to disappear at all if not "yes".

View 5 Replies

C# - MVC Handle Drop Down Boxes That Are Not Part Of The Model?

May 21, 2010

I have a small form which the user must fill in and consists of the following fields.

Name (Text)
Value (Text)
Group (Group - Is a list of option pulled from a database table)

Now the Model for this View looks like so,

public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public int GroupID { get; set; }

Now the view is Strongly Typed to the above model.

What method would one use to populate the drop down list? Since the data is not contained within the Model (It could be contained in the Model) should we be using Temp/View data? A HTML Helper? What would be the ideal way to achieve this.

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Web Forms :: Menu Control ... Cannot Select Item At 4th Level

Nov 8, 2010

I have this control on a page. The selections are static. The "maximumlevels" is set to 6. When I click on an item at the 4th level, I can see the postback occur but the "click" event doesn't fire! I'm totally baffeled. I've tested this in the Page Load event. At this point the PRIOR menu selected value shows. On the next menu_click, the previous selection shows. The first menu item is "selected" and has a value of "Overview". The fourth level item has a value of "Child". No matter how many times I selected that item, my check in the Page Load shows the value to be "Overview". I've tested the 3rd level items and on click, I can see the prior menu item value. When I click a 4th level item, the value never changes from the last 3rd level or higher item selected.

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MVC :: Display Drop Down And Text Boxes Inside A Grid

Feb 2, 2011

I want to display the whole row of the table inside a grid as one row. so I have a table that has First name last name Age scoresInside a Telerik MVC grid I want to display

First Name and the name of the person in the text box, beneath the first name , I want yo display Last name and the name of the person in a text box, same thing with age and I want to display scores in a drop down list box so that users can look at the value and edit at the same time. I only want to display one record at a time.

I can display one record at a time, but i am not sure how to edit the records and show the empty text boxes and drop down list inside the grid.


I tried the above code, but that displays the text boxs in one row. i need to display one text box for name and then directly beneacth it, i want to display lastname and test box and then drop down list box right next to the text box.

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How To Change The Appearance Of The Items Such As A The Text Boxes And Drop Down Lists

Feb 3, 2011

how i would go about creating the following page.


Id just like to know how to change the appearance of the items such as a the text boxes and drop down lists. And is the the backgroud around the boxes an image?A link to how to do this would be useful if yous cant go into detail on how to do this.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Menu Control Item Is Not Highlighted After Select?

Jul 13, 2010

I am facing one problem regarding asp.net menu control '

see this link

In that we added a menu control in the left side for category.Loading this control using XMLData source

I have added the code below


In tha XML data source transform file is a xslt file

so coming back to the issue.. When we click any menu item, the corresponding menu item is highlighted.

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Validation - Validate Integer And Float Input In Textbox?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using below code to validate interger and float in asp.net but if i not enter decimal than it give me error

<asp:TextBox ID="txtAjaxFloat" runat="server" />
<cc1:FilteredTextBoxExtender ID="FilteredTextBoxExtender1" TargetControlID="txtAjaxFloat" FilterType="Custom, numbers" ValidChars="." runat="server" />

i have this regex also but its giving validation error if i enters only one value after decimal. [URL]

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SQL Server :: Pass Textbox Value (date) Into Procedure As Float?

Feb 10, 2011

We have an application we are maintaining, cant make changes to the database, but new form was created and need to pass the values into the table now..

there are 2 columns in the table that are to store the date, but the datatype is set to float.

When i try to pass the values into the procedure in my code behind i get errors that says

"input string was not in a correct format"

my procedure is expecting float, my class method is expecting float, my parameter.add is passing it as float cmd.Parameters.Add("@sdate", System.Data.SqlDbType.Float).Value = sdate;

So im guessing that on my page code behind where im calling the insert method and passing in my textboxes, i need to make some adjustments.. just not sure what they are..

float stDate = System.Convert.ToSingle(txtSdate.Text);

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Drop Down Menu In A Grid View Control For Entering New Data?

Nov 3, 2010

I wish to use drop down menu(based on a table of my database) to update/insert data in a web form. The data is then fetch in to SQL table (Express).ow to do it ?

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Web Forms :: Validate Integer (Number) And Float (Decimal) Values In TextBox?

May 9, 2013

i have textbox it should accept only integer or float values..........

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Web Forms :: Use The Radio Button To Control The Visible And In Visible In Textfield?

Oct 12, 2010




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C# - Hyper Link To Set Drop Downlist To Visible

Apr 3, 2011

if there is a way upon clicking on a hyper link to set drop downlist to visible in code behind or asp?

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server">View More Workout Programs »</asp:HyperLink>

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Web Forms :: Select Multiple Check Boxes At A Same Time Using C#?

Feb 22, 2011

select multiple check boxes at a same time using c#? send me the codings.....

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Hierarchical - Multi Select Controls That Use Check Boxes In C#?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to be able to select multiple options on a web form, but those options are hierarchical. For example:

Option 1
Option 1 a
Option 1 b
Option 2

The user should be able to select Option 1, or Option 1a, etc. Selecting Option 1 a should automatically select Option 1.

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Configuration :: Menu Not Visible?

Apr 7, 2010

I opened a website in vs2008 and compiled. Everything looks great locally, but on an IIS server, the menu has stopped being displayed. This site has never had menu issues.

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AJAX :: Drag And Drop Toolkit Controls Are Not Visible On Aspx Page

Nov 19, 2010

I have just added ajax tool kit to my VS 2008.When I drag and drop any ajax control on to aspx page it is not visible on aspx page.why?

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Web Forms :: Menu's Sub Menus Are Not Visible In Ie?

Mar 31, 2010

my menü's sub-menus are not visible in ie. but in FİREfox and chrome is visible

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