SQL Server :: Reference 2 Columns In A Query?

Aug 31, 2010

reference 2 columns in a query? I have 4 tables

First Table


My first method I tried I thought I had solved it. The last 3 tables are populated through a webform. The query I created definitely produces the output above but I had to create 4 more duplicate tables. The solution was a bit shortsighted as users can also delete items from the last table. So when users deleted amounts it did not reflect on the output. I want to know if the above tables can be used to produce the intended output

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1 1
1 1

1 1
1 1

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top 500

--This column is the issue
,Governing_Class=( case when exists (select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.appid and tqc.class_code not in('8742' ,'8810','7380')
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then ( select top 1 tqc.class_code from
t_quote_class tqc
inner join t_quote_class_premium tqcm on tqc.class_code =tqcm.
where tqc.appid=pi.
order by tqcm.premium_amt desc
......... From tables

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