SQL Server :: Select Query Doesn't Return Values?
Oct 28, 2010
for some reason it doesnt return any values.
before i've added the inner join it worked perfectly.
i couldn't find my mistake, though i passed over it several times.
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<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds_produtos" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer2 %>"
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yYear = DropDownList1.Text
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=CHRIS-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TorGHL;Integrated Security=True")
Dim cmd As String
cmd = "SELECT BarDetails.*, MenuHeadingId AS Expr1 FROM BarDetails WHERE (MenuHeadingId = 2)" & "WHERE " & yYear & " BETWEEN " & "(" &
StartYear & ")" & " AND " & "(" & EndYear & ")"
Dim dapubcb As New SqlDataAdapterDim sqlcomm
New SqlCommand(cmd, connection)
dapubcb.SelectCommand = sqlcomm
Dim dspubcb As New DataSet("BarDetails")
dapubcb.Fill(dspubcb, "BarDetails")
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Oct 24, 2010
In my asp.net page I pass paremeters to a stored procedure and then inside a try blog the foloving line: affectedRows = ssqldbsorce.insert
never returns expected result from stored procedure.
Inside stored procedure event if I explicitely write the following line "return 5" for example, it never returns 5, only -1, 1, 2
For example here a very simple one without output parameters(I still should be able to return a value without output parameters, right?):
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[createUser]
@regCode varchar(10)
SELECT * FROM dbo.reg_code WHERE reg_code=@regCode
---other statements, and for the sake of the example lets return 5
Is there something wrong with doing it thi way, here is also a tutorial, according to which it should work just fine: [URL]
Is there another way maybe in the assp.net page to capture the value in the variable from a stored procedure.
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Jan 29, 2011
Here is the deal. I need to create a Stored Procedure that has 2 SELECT statements. Now in ASP.NET, I know that a DataSet can have multiple tables and the DataAdapter can do just that. I am stuck with a scenario where I need to get a value from the first SELECT statement which will later be used in the second SELECT statement. I am creating a SP that passes one parameter (@AnswerID). Which should give me 2 resultsets. See below SELECT statements.
So how do I get the QuestionID from the first SELECT statement?
Basically I am creating a Questionnaire that has Question Dependacies. So from the above SQL statements I would like to display the Question Title with it's relevant answer options but depending on the previous Answer selected hence the @AnswerID parameter.
The reason why I want to use 2 SELECT statements is because I don't want to have 2 roundtrips to th server. So in my code the DataAdapter should return 2 resultsets and fill the DataSet.
If there is any another solution that can prevent 2 roundtrips to the server, I would most definitely like to know how to do it.
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Jul 5, 2010
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I assume that what I need to do is to capture the values that the user selected in the "check box list" and put them in a variable. Then I need to format the "Where" statement in the query and add a "Parameters.AddWithValue" command.
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is it possible to search one database table and look for matching entries using 2 different usernames? if so how would i do it?
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Nov 16, 2010
SELECT * FROM tblstock WHERE Devicestatus=('Active') AND Model like '%"&criteria &"%'The statement above is a snippit from my code. My problem is that the search won't understand a space between say two words.?so if the user puts in DELL COMPUTER it won't return anything!? But if they put in DELL on its own it finds the record that says DELL COMPUTER?!!I'm just a bit confused that's all...
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Oct 14, 2010
i have been having trouble trying to find out what is wrong with my sql select query... i wanted to select a sessionID by comparing the tourID and dates. the dates datatype at the database is datetime and the value of itemSessionDate is in string. i tried to convert itemSessionDate to date and dateAndTime but it gave me mm/dd/yyyy while the date in my database is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. so i thought i can try using the itemSessionDate string as it has the same value as the one return from the database. but it keeps on goin to the if not reader.hasRows and quit the statement
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Jan 24, 2011
I have been utilising a SELECT query such as the following:
BSFLBWF_1.Severityx, BSFLBWF_1.Openx, BSFLBWF_1.Closex, BSFLBWF_1.Closurex, BSFLBWF_1.Customerx, BSFLBWF_1.Availabilityx, BSFLBWF_1.KPIx,
CONVERT(Decimal, BSFLBWF_1.Minsx) AS Expr1, BSFLBWF_1.Unusedx, BSFLBWF_1.FirstIntx, BSFLBWF_1.RepeatIntx, BSFLBWF_1.Corex,
BSFLBWF_1.OffPeakx, BSFLBWF_1.NonCorex, BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex, CONVERT(money, BSFLBWF_1.SchoolChargex) AS Expr2, CONVERT(money,
BSFLBWF_1.LANMLEChargex) AS Expr3, BSFLBWF_1.KPIFailx, BSFLBWF_1.Overridex, BSFLBWF_1.Reasonx, BSFLBWF_1.Contactx,
WHERE (BSFLBWF_1.Closex IS NULL) AND (BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex = 'School' OR
BSFLBWF_1.DedTypex = 'LAN-MLE')
The rest of the query continues as the above albeit selecting the same data from different tables and works fine.
The issue I have is that I want to Select some more data (another SELECT query) but with a different Where clause e.g. WHERE (BSFLBWF_1.KPIx NOT LIKE 'KPI%' OR
BSFLBWF_1.KPIx NOT LIKE 'Proactive%') AND (BSFLBWF_1.Availabilityx LIKE '')
The problem is that this WHERE clause returns data which the above in bold has null values for (and thus doesnt work). Im still selecting the same data its just the WHERE Clause has changed. Is it possible to run such a query? If so, can it be done via a sub query?
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Feb 16, 2011
While using an insert query for a certain table, can I used a select statement to know whether there's an already existing value in the stored procedure using a return value where insert occurs? Or do I need to separate a procedure?
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