Return All Values From Table If Query String Is Empty
Jan 1, 2010
I have a page that lists products from a table based on the querystring. So if I say foo.aspx?fam=1 all the products from family 1 will be listed. How can I make my code list all the values if query string is empty? My SQL command would have to be different...can't really see how I can do this.
I have the following code that i call from the page behind code.
when no records are in the table i get an error message
conversion from type DBNULL to type Decimal is not valid
I would prefare if the procedure did not throw this error message and returned a value to notify me that no records found when zero records returned
Public Shared Function invoicetotal(ByVal CustEmail As String) As Decimal ' Dim selectcommand As New SqlCommand Dim CONNECTION As SqlConnection = MaintainDB.GetConnectionString Dim sel As String _
When user requests http://localhost/WebApp1/Default.aspx, txtApplicationPath.Text should be assigned "/WebApp1", while txtAbsolutePath.Text should be assigned "http://localhost/WebApp1/Default.aspx", but instead both textboxes display empty strings.
I have developed a web application 3 months ago to show facebook users by searching username. To access facebook, I have downloaded facebook dll and got application key, and secret key from facebook. My web application was working fine and displaying records from facebook. yesterday onwards, my application is not working fine. I could not get response when I search by name. I have tested the fql in the facebook testAPI tool online. That time i can get response. but the same fql i used in my appliation but it could not get response from facebook when I search by name. If i search by uid i can get response from facebook. here is my code.
facebook.Components.FacebookService fb = new FacebookService(); fb.ApplicationKey = "bfeefa69afdfe81975f0d6136ace3009"; fb.Secret = "9b672d682e1d8befd06382953fc2615b"; fb.IsDesktopApplication = false; //the below fql gives response as xml. //select name, profile_url from user where uid = '1730923544' -I can get response for this fql. //the below fql does not give response as xml. But it gives empty string. //the below fql does gives us response as xml when i try in facebook testAPI. //select name, profile_url from user where name = 'Suresh Rajan' -I couldn't get response for this fql. string s = fb.fql.query("select name, pic_square, profile_url from user where name = 'Suresh Rajan'"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) Response.Write("Empty Response"); else Response.Write(str1 + " ");
I'm trying to Exit the Page_Load event if the user did not come from a specific page. If it did I want it to populate the fields based on what i passed from the other page. Here's my code:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Request.QueryString Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ElseIf Page.IsPostBack Then NCMRNumber.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString("NCMRNumber") NCMRLabel.Text = NCMRNumber.SelectedValue Dim SQLDataview As DataView = DirectCast(SortInstructionsSQL.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView) For Each DataRow As DataRowView In SQLDataview SupplierNameLabel.Text = DataRow("Supplier").ToString SupplierContactLabel.Text = DataRow("SupplierContact").ToString SupplierPhoneLabel.Text = DataRow("SupplierPhone").ToString PartNumberLabel.Text = DataRow("PartNumber").ToString DefectDescriptionLabel.Text = DataRow("DescriptionofDefect").ToString Next End If End Sub
this is my sql query and its work fine in my code but it only check ParentDeptID IS NULL it not working when ParentDeptID field is empty how can i check it
("select DeptID,DeptName,(select count(*) FROM HrDept " _ & "WHERE ParentDeptID=sc.DeptID) childnodecount FROM HrDept sc where ParentDeptID IS NULL ", _ objConn)
i call FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage() to redirect to login page. but there is one problem: this method adds a return url to query should i disable this?
For coonverting Linq to DataTable I am using the following Extension Method(Taken from Stackoverflow)
The Extension Method creates XML file.But for null values no element is created in XML file.Say if Commission field is null then commission element is missing in Xml generation.
I want to insert element with empty string for null values (ref type) and (0.00) for decimals and (0) for integers. where do i need to make change?
If I have JSON like this and pass it to the engine I am using to create a PDF file, the word "null" appears on the PDF. This isn't really my example, but I googled "json replace null empty string" and this was a hit, which is a good representation of my data, also:
We use a rendering engine that creates a PDF from a fixed template and variable data in the form of a json string. But our customers don't want to read that the id is "null", they want to read that the id is blank. In my C# program, the json is just a string, so I can easily do something like this:
jsonString = jsonString.Replace("null,", ",");but the issue is I can't replace null-comma with a comma, because then it's invalid json.
how to I make the rendering engine *and* my customer both happy?
I am trying to set up a page that has two behaviors. I'm seperating them by URL: One behavior is accessed via /some-controller/some-action, the other is via /some-controller/some-action?customize. It doesn't look like the Request.QueryString object contains anything, though, when I visit the second URL...I mean, the keys collection has one element in it, but it's null, not 'customize'. Anyone have any ideas about this or how to enable this. I'd like to avoid manually parsing the query string at all costs :).
I have a SQL query I'm running in an ASP.NET page. The final parsed SQL needs to contain a list of string values in the WHERE [columnname] IN [values] format. For example, the final query might look something like this:
However, the string values in the WHERE clause need to be dynamic. Normally I use parametrized queries to make my code convenient and safe, so conceptually I'd like to do something like this:
String[] productCodes = { "ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL" }; SqlCommand cmd = "SELECT PRODUCTNAME FROM PRODUCT WHERE PRODUCTCODE IN (@ProductCodes)"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProductCodes", productCodes);
However, this sort of functionality doesn't appear to exist in .NET. How should I go about implementing this? I could use a foreach loop on the array and run a query with a single value as a parameter for each value, but there could potentially be a hundred or so different values in the array and it seems like querying them separately would be very inefficient.
I've read another question where someone suggested a solution for strongly-typed int parameters, but that method would make me nervous about SQL injection when used with String values, especially since the client may very well be able to influence the input values.
i dont understand where is the problem with my code. i need to pass the request_id to another page but it is always passing the integer values as 0. whenever it comes to pass integer values it is passing it as 0 even if i perform conversion of string to int.
I'm using parameterized sql query to get data from database
string query = "Select * from employee where employee_city in (@value)";
strign city ="'NewDelhi','Bangalore','Mumbai'";
I'm using following code to achive this
But this is not giving the result. If run the query in SQLServer query window as "Select * from employee where employee_city in ('NewDelhi','Bangalore','Mumbai')", records are there.
But the same query will not return any records from ADO.Net.
i am working on a web form. now i am opening a pop up window using Now i want to send the id to that new window. the link button is in my Data list view so that my code is something like this:
I'm trying to implement URL Rewriting into my existing application and have managed to get the page and links working except that my destination page does not get the query string values.Mycde is based on the example below: I have a default.aspx page with links to another page; directory_item.aspx?Item_Id=1&Category_Id=1 directory_item.aspx?Item_Id=2&Category_Id=1 and so on... The code in my web config is as follows;
Append Query String Parameter Values in Current URL.
I have added Hyperlink in data list.which is Bind with their Respective data.When I Click that Hyperlink it Will Pass Url like this.
Area_id,Cuisine_Id and Veg_Id Bind in Datalist
I want to Built a Filter Page Which Includes Area_id, Cuisine_Id and Veg_Idso when i Click to Hyperlink of Area then url like this. [URL] And then After i click to hyperlink of Cuisine then URL Like this.
Similar Way
So Basically I want Filter Data With Clickable query Strings Parameter Values
Problem : How can i Make Url Like this and it is Dynamic
I am using SQL Server2005 with I want validation at server side to restrict duplicate entries, Here i am using two tables companies and Branches. In Branches Table i had maintain a foreign key of CompanyId. In Branches the BranchName can be duplicate but not for the Particular CompanyId
I have a query string which contains the value of more than one Array, I want to pass these values from Page 1 to Page 2 and then distribute the array values into new arrays on Page 2.
Here is what I have so far.
Page 1
Page 2
All that I get returned in EFFinal and IFFinal is System.String?
I am trying to update my table ARTICLES and it has a field COUNTER, Everytime a user enter this ARTICLES, the page_load event runs a LINQ to SQL query taking the QueryString as parameter, increasing the COUNTER field in 1.