SQL Server :: Trying To Return The Right Number Of Records Using Left Outer Join?
Aug 5, 2010
I have 9 tables i need data out of.. 8 of those tables will always just return 1 row of fields that i need. the 9th table can contain many records.. So what i need is a few fields out of each of the 8 tables and then ALL records from the 9th table.. so i know that because there will be multiple records in the 9th table returned, that the fields i pull from the other 8 tables will contain duplicate information and thats fine since i will be displaying the individual records from table 9 on their own page..So everything could be for the same vendor, except for the date in the 9th table that contains specific dates and details about each record returned.When i review the execution plan im getting an yellow exclamation icon on a nested inner join and has this message as the warning: No Join Predicate
Here is what i have, but is returning incorrectly, way to may records, seems to be stuck in a loop.. then below that, i have one that returns the correct number of records, but everything except one column is duplicate, all the TR columns should be unique in the values stored in them.. the rest should all be duplicates, just because its the same vendor, so all the other information will be generic information about that record.
This FROM and WHERE return the correct number of records, but the fields are all duplicated except the last column with is transaction_date, seems that the 3 TR fields are being populated with the first records data or something.. not sure.
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Incorrect syntax near 'p'.
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Apr 20, 2010
How to use Left and Right Outer Join in C# using Linq with Eg.
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Nov 16, 2010
I'm having trouble doing a left outer join with multiple generic lists tables. I've been researching for hours and there isn't a whole lot out there on this subject and VB (at least what I found).
I have the following Linq query:
Dim DataForGridview = (From s In S1 _
Join c In C1 On c.ID Equals s.ID _
Join v In V1 On v.ID Equals s.ID _
Select New With { _
.dataFieldID = s.ID, _
.dataField1 = s.dataField1, _
.dataField2 = c.dataField2, _
.dataField3 = c.dataField3, _
.dataField4 = c.dataField4, _
.dataField5 = v.dataField5 _
S1 has a count of 30. V1 has a count of 20. C1 has a count of 10. This query joins the three but ends up with a count of only 10 based on the datakey ID and, of course, only shows those 10 in the gridview.
I would like to show all 30 from S1 in the gridview with blank fields wherever V1 and C1 do not have data. From what I've read I need to do a left outer join. However, all examples I've found are with two datasets.
I've tried multiple times expanding on what I've found by changing it to a group join and also adding the .DefaultIfEmpty() property in the query, but nothing is working.
How can I change the above query to a left outer join with these multiple tables?
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Jan 21, 2011
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* From A
Join B
ON A.JobCode
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Feb 15, 2010
I know I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what it is. I've got a query joining three tables....accounts, payments, and a table linking the two (there is a M:M relationship).I'm trying to pull a list of all accounts in the account table that have a payment that needs to be resequenced, and also the maximum payment priority if there are any payments that haven't been fully paid. If all payments HAVE been fully paid, I want to return a 0.
It's that last bit of logic that I can't get right. If I include that in the where clause, I get only the accounts that have a payment that hasn't been fully paid. If I take it out, I get all the accounts I get, but I get the highest payment priority whether or not the payment has been fully met.
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isnull(max(isnull(crt.pymt_priority, 0)), 0)[code].....
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private void GetResults()
Use an Expression on a Linq Outer Join
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Dim fruit_salad = From myFruit In _DataContext.Fruit_Name
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Mar 2, 2011
I have the following LINQ query that does a left join:
var results = from v in ctx.dat_Visitor
join sp in ctx.vwSP on v.lu_Mentor.ID equals sp.ID into sp2
select new {
My problem is that this LINQ query times out on me. I even upped the default timeout from 15 seconds to 120 seconds and it still times out. dat_Visitor has no more than 10 records in it, but vwSP (which is a view) has somewhere around 100,000 records. I know for sure that the timeout has to do with when I attempt to actually return sp2 in the results. If I change my LINQ query to not return sp2 in the results, then it is quick. Without sp2 the query looks like such:
var results = from v in ctx.dat_Visitor
join sp in ctx.vwSP on v.lu_Mentor.ID equals sp.ID into sp2
select new {
Visitor = v.Name,
Tot = sp2.Count()
Lastly, I'm using the 3.5 framework, but I am having serious thoughts about upgrading the website to 4.0, since I could then use DefaultIfEmpty().
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May 17, 2010
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Jan 29, 2010
I have 2 different datatables. 2 datatables from 2 different servers.
My first datatable is this:
SELECT DISTINCT a.name, a.create_date, a.Modify_Date, a.Object_Id
FROM dbname.sys.objects a
and my 2nd datatable is the same, but from a different server connection string
SELECT DISTINCT b.name, b.create_date, b.Modify_Date, b.Object_Id
FROM dbName.sys.objects b
Basically, I want to compare which procedures are on one server and not the other (dev and prod)
So after I have my 2 datatables i want to create a data relationship on the name and then do a left join to see whats in a and not b.
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May 10, 2010
I am using Access as my database for an ASP.NET project/Vb.NET. However it seems as though Access does not support Full Outer Joins.
Basically I have two tables in one query used to populate a Gridview. I need to list all available companies and their employee count even if that Company does not have any employees and return the result as 0. Is there anyway I can do this in an Access
query. The relationship layout is the tblCompany has a 1 to Many relationship with the Employee table.
Below is what I would like have happen however access does not seem to recognize FULL OUTER JOINS.
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblCompany.Comp_Name, tblCompany.Comp_CompanyID, tblCompany.Comp_CreatedOn, tblCompany.Comp_Status, Count(*) AS [Employee Count]
FROM tblCompany FULL OUTER JOIN tblEmployee ON tblCompany.Comp_CompanyID = tblEmployee.Comp_CompanyID
GROUP BY tblCompany.Comp_Name, tblCompany.Comp_CompanyID, tblCompany.Comp_CreatedOn, tblCompany.Comp_Status;
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a SQL Server database, and I select some rows, how to know the number of records I select ?
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Mar 25, 2011
using sql server 2005.
i need to query a table which normally will return multiple records for the id and I need to loop through probably using a cursor and pull values out from each record to make a string.
what is the syntax for this? i've seen cursors using a set number (EX: loop through 5 times) but I need to create a query so that I can loop through once for each row returned from my query.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a gridview showing values from two tables accommodation and pic (left join on accommodation). If there is no pic uploaded I want to display the row without the pic. So in the gridview I first check to see if the picid is null, if it is i don't render any 'a href' code , if it's isn't i do.
The problem that i'm having is that instead of the image showing up in the gridview itemtemplate i get
','_blank','toolbar=no,menubar=no'))" >
Here is my .aspx code
SelectCommand="SELECT pic.picid, aspnet_Users.Username, accommodation.location, accommodation.type,accommodation.description, convert(varchar,accommodation.createdate,101) as createdate
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Jul 26, 2010
This question is regarding the ASP.NET webservice that i am creating using the DAL-BLL architecture for my final school project.I have a stored procedure, which is a select query with an inner join for 2 tables.Hence the stored procedure returns multi-table value. One of my DAL tableAdapter methods accesses this stored procedure. How do i retrieve the return value in the BLL? Do i have to create a class structure similar to the one supposed to be returned by the stored proc? or is there a direct way to achieve the same?
Here is some more information:I am using the SQL dataset (.xsd) in DAL. So i have a datatable called "Insurance", which has a tableAdapter. One of the queries in the adapter references to a stored procedure, which has an inner join. So my SP looks like:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetInsurancesPaged
@startRowIndex int,
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Aug 3, 2010
I am new to MVC and am trying to join 2 SQL tables together and return them in a Json. One table is OutreachProgram. The other table is UserInfo. I want to return the rows from the OutreachProgram table that match on CenterID with the UserInfo table.
The code that exists now will pull all rows from the OutreachProgram table. I can't figure out how to add the UserInfo table to the query to make it work.
JsonGrid <OutreachProgram> grid =
public Array GetItems(IQueryable<OutreachProgram>
{ return (from r
in source.AsEnumerable()
new {
ID = r.OutreachProgramID, CenterID = r.CenterID, DateOutreachProvided = r.DateOutreachProvided.ToShortDateString(),
NameOfProvider = r.NameofProvider.ToString(),
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May 12, 2010
The DoctorGen Table has primary key DocId and Doctors has Keys set on DocId and MemId. I want to get all records from DoctorGen where UserID = @UserId even if there are no matches in the Doctors Table. I'm not getting any records.
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Aug 5, 2010
I am having trouble with duplicate records. I tested .distinct() in several areas and nothing helps.
I got the search criteria from the PreviousPage. I then used this criteria to search QueryA.
I did a search using QueryA. I took the results, and put the IDs into an array.
I then did a search using QueryB, that matched the IDs in the array. QueryB is used for the ListView and to page records.
Using test records. QueryA results = 2 records. The array.length = 2. QueryB results = 3. ?
What am I doing wrong ?
Some of my Code:
myResults = (from r in QueryA
select r.ID).Distinct().ToArray();
totalrecords = myResults.Length; // = 2
using (ToHealthEN n = new ToHealthEN())
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a multiline textbox which can contain only 500 characters. Now i want to show the user the number of characters left as they are typing into the textbox as is the case when we use twitter.
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