SQL Server :: Working With Stoplist In Sql 2008?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using sql 2008 enterprise edition where in my fulltext daemon filter launcher service is running at database level fulltext is enabledbut I am not getting option to create stoplist in ssms.In storage option
I am getting no option for stoplist dialog box.I am using AdventureWorks2008R2_RTM database.

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SQL Reporting :: Make Spider Charts Using Sql Server 2008 As The Database And Working With Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 10, 2010

I want to make spider charts like this one: [URL] I want to know can I prepare it using reporting service 2008? I am using sql server 2008 as the database and working with Visual studio 2008.

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SQL Server :: Full - Text Feature On SQL Server 2008 RC2 Stops Working

Dec 19, 2010

I'm using the full-text feature on SQL Server 2008 RC2. Everything had been working well until today. I wanted to change the language for word breakers from Neutral to Slovakia. After I did that, I can't perform full-text search anymore. It simply give me no rows. I even deleted the old full-text catalog and created a new one and populated it, but it still gave no solutions. I tried to query dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document on my table and get only 1 row with a display term END OF FILE.

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AJAX :: Methods Not Working On Windows Server 2008?

Apr 15, 2010

I have created a web aplication in the following environment Visual studio 2008, IIS 5.0 & OS:Windows XP. It is working fine in my local system. But when I host this application on the server some of the AJAX methods are not working.

The server environment: They have installed Microsoft .Net framework 3.5, IIS 7.0 & OS:Vista.

I am using a text box in that application. When a user types any character say 'a' a div will be opened below the text box displaying all the cities starting with the character 'a'.

for example this is code where I have written the Ajax method


I am calling this Ajax method in the source file through javascript, below is the code


The ajax method which was written in the .cs file returns the response.value correctly in my local system.But in the server the Ajax method is not returning the response.value.

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Configuration :: Deploying On Iis 7 And Windows Server 2008 But Website Not Working

Sep 10, 2010

I have developed a website using visual studio. Now i want to deploy the same on server having windows server 2008 o.s. and IIS 7. When i copy the website and paste it into wwwroot folder of iis its not working. What settings need to be done so that website can be accessed from iis.

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Configuration :: Windows Server 2008 II7 Framework 2.0 Not Working, AJAX?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a framework 2.0 AJAX app that was moved to Windows 7 2008 R2 server with II7. The application pool is set to 2.0 for the website, but its always looking for this assembly. Everything I've read says you do not install AJAX 1.0 Extensions on Server 2008? Since this IIS is not mine, I'm trying to be cautious. Should I install the extensions, or is there some server setting Im missing??

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Source Error:

Line 29: <compilation debug="true">
Line 30: <assemblies>
Line 31: <add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral,[code]...

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Server Management Studio 2008 - Intellisense Not Working

Mar 25, 2010

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: URL Rewrting Is Not Working Shift The Site From Windows 2003 To 2008 Server?

Jan 17, 2011

URL rewrting is not working when I shift the site from windows 2003 to 2008 server i.e from IIS6 to IIS7.I added the aspnet_isapi.dll to Handler Mapping. still it is not working.
showing me page not found 404 error.

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VS 2008 - PageMethod Not Working "The Server Method Testing Failed"

Oct 28, 2010

I have a master page/content page going on in this situation. The page has two page methods that work, and they feed info to a pair of autocomplete extenders. The script manager on the Master Page has 'EnablePageMethods' set to true. The content page has a ScriptManagerProxy. The strange thing is that I have used this pattern on four other pages within the project.

<System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function testing(ByVal uid As String, ByVal issn As String, ByVal journalName As String) As String
Return "true"
End Function

Here is the javaScript code:

function AddJournal(uid, issn, journalName) {
alert("uid: " + uid + " issn: " + issn + " name: " + journalName);
PageMethods.testing(uid, issn, journalName,
function(res) {
if (res !== "true") {
} else {
alert("The journal " + name + ", issn as " + issn + " was successfully entered.");
function(res) {
alert("The journal database could not be accessed
" + res.get_message() + "
Status Code: " + res.get_statusCode() + "
Exception Type: " + res.get_exceptionType() + "
Please try again.");

The fail function is executed, and the status code is 0 (zero), and the exception type is an empty string. I can change the function with no parameters, and I get same error. I can the leave the parameters at three on the VB side, and change the parameters to two on the client side; then I do not get the error message, but none the other alerts are executed.

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Installation :: Windows Azure & Windows Server 2008 R2 Not Working?

Mar 17, 2011

I just downloaded and installled the Microsoft Windows Azure SDK yesterday for the first time and I am having issues running the application as I all I am getting is 503 errors. I run Windows Server 2008 R2 on my development machine and even tested it on another co-workers 2008 R2 and couldn't even compile the application. He got this error instead "A problem occurred while trying to set the "References" parameter for the IDE's in-process compiler. Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component."

From within my Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Virtual Windows 7 x86 enviroment, I was able to successfully build and run the Windows Azure SDK and it even showed the base ASP.NET application.So my question is, does the Windows Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2010 w/ Visual Studio 2010 SP 1 installed not work under Microsoft Server 2008 R2?

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Visual Studio :: SQL Server 2008 + (2010 - SQL Server 2008 Express) = OK?

Apr 15, 2010

Would something be missing, not working, or confusing if I do this? First, install SQL Server 2008 Standard, and SP1. Then, install Visual Studio 2010 Professional, unchecking SQL Server 2008 Express option. Or would I need to fix any configurations afterwards?

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DataSource Controls :: Transfer Database From Sql Server 2008 To Sql Server 2008

Jun 29, 2010

how can i transfer complete database from sql server 2008 to sql server 2008 without loosing relationship intigrity.

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Visual Studio :: 2008 Design Mode Hangs On Windows 2008 Server?

Mar 28, 2010

I have looked at all the posts I can find on this problem and tried everything I can think of, but still the problem persists. I am getting really sick of it.was working fine for the last year until an update to MS Office 2007 caused a lot of problems (automatic update). After checking posts here, I removed it completely. No change. I then tried all the things I could find on other posts, also no change. Today, I removed VS and the Web Authoring Component and re-installed. Still no go.

Does anyone have a fix for this problem. It seems that it has been around a long time, but is still giving problems. I even saw one suggestion to reformat the drive! You've got to be joking!

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Configuration :: Connecting To DB In Hosting Site - Visual Studio 2008 C# And SQL Server 2008?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm creating a website and I'm testing resgistering and Log-in.

I followed a simple tutorial to create a Log-in in Visual Studio C# template which generated a SQL Server database.Locally the Log-in and registration page works perfectly. The problem is that when I upload my site to the hosting site the navigation works but the Log-in and Registration forms send an error when clicked "Register" or "Log-in". I contacted the site and they upload my database the way it should be because I was doing it wrong. I can see all my files including the data base.

They commented me that I had to do a connection string to the data base so the login and registration forms can work. I don't understand how to do that, I know the connection string has to be declared in the Web Config File, the thing is that I don't know how to write that code and link it to my data base in the hosting site, in fact I have sample code but I don't know just what do I need to put in it.

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Installation :: Windows 7 Compatibility With Visual Studio 2010 / 2008 And SQL Server 2008

Oct 11, 2010

I am looking at developing using Visual Studio 2010/2008 and SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7. Should I be able to do this on Windows 7 Professional, or do you need Windows 7 Ultimate?

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VS 2008 Timeout Exception - Webservice Running Query On Sql Server 2008?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a web service that runs a query (from C#) to get a dataset from sql server. I get the following time out error. Googling on this error says, you can set the timeout on command object. But I am not using command object to set the timeout. This is the code I am using to get the dataset.



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DataSource Controls :: Difference Between SQL Server Express 2008 And SQL Client 2008?

May 19, 2010

is there any difference between sql express and sql client. Actually I have been told to install a sql client using which i will connect to the sql server installed remotely. Also I have sql express edition 2008 installed on my machine. So is it the same. Will I be able to connect to the sql server using the sql server express edition.?

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Add .mdf File To The Project In 2008 And Sql Server 2008

Mar 18, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Attaching 2008 Database In Sql Server 2008

Apr 29, 2010

When i tried to attach 2008 database in sql server 2008 it is throwing the error-

"The database 'actitle' cannot be opened because it is version 655. This server supports version 611 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.Could not open new database 'actitle'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 948)"

When i execute 'select @@version' it gives 'Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Workgroup Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 3) 'How the version still be 2005 when im in 2008 ..How can i attach my 2008 database back up.

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SQL Server :: Covert Database From 2008 R2 To 2008

Sep 16, 2010

how can I do it?

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Installation :: Install Server 2008 And VS 2008?

Dec 8, 2010

I need to ask this question.I registered websitespark program and I have some tools.I have Server 2008, VS 2008 etc.I want to install Server 2008 and VS 2008 but I never use them together before. What are the advantages and disadvantages and also performance? We are developing web and win applications.

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Web Forms :: Url Rewriting Not Working On Live Server In Asp.net But Locally Working Fine

Feb 23, 2010

Url rewriting not working on live server in asp.net but locally working fine. but locally it's not case sensitive.

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Security :: Login Control - Redirect Not Working On Server - Working On Localhost

Feb 21, 2011

I have a login control that is working beautifully on my localhost, but not working on the server. It validates my username & password - and gives me an error if I enter an invalid username/password. However, if I enter the correct username/password, the page refreshes, but does not redirect me to the "ReturnUrl" that I see in the URL. I've seen posts on this, but nothing that I tried worked. I've tried setting the 'MembershipProvider'attribute of the login control. I don't want to set the DestinationUrl...I want it to take what is in the ReturnUrl in the querystring. I don't think it's a web.config issue cuz it works on localhost??

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SQL Server :: Unable To Add A Connection To Database (SQL Server 2008) Using The Server Explorer

Aug 13, 2010

This issues has been driving me nuts. I am trying to follow the tutorial on [URL] I am trying to connect to a database in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The way I do this is by right clicking on the "Data Connections" > Add Connection. Afterwards the Add Connection window comes up, I make sure my data source is "Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient). And, I choose a server name; the only server I can choose is DomainSQLEXPRESS. The issue is when I go down to the "Select or enter a database name" drop down box, I do not see my database listed. I have also made sure in the SQL Server Management Studio that I have given my user all the privileges for the database. I know my explanation is kind of vague, but would anyone know the reason why I would not see my database?

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AJAX Toolkit Not Working On Vs 2008

Feb 22, 2010

i am using vs team edition 2008 and .net 3.5. i tried to download latest version of AJAX library and toolkit..but i tested on my page, none of extender or ajax toolkits are working..

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