Security :: Extending Timeout On Website?

May 19, 2010

We have an ASP.NET 2.0 site in which we use ASP.NET login / authentication controls.

Our users currently timeout after approx 20 minutes, forcing them to log back in, and this appears to be causing downstream errors in our application.

I have tried increasing the SessionTimeout value to 120 mins (<sessionState timeout="120" />) in the site's web.config file, and the "<membership userIsOnlineTimeWindow="5000" >" value in the web.config is set to 5000 minutes.

These are the only values / settings I can think of to affect this behaviour.

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Similar Messages:

How To Fetch Data From Server Without Extending Session Timeout

Jan 13, 2011

Are there any ways in to fetch data from the server without extending the session timeout? This needs to be done every few minutes without user interaction until the page is closed.

Additional context, as requested:

The pages in my webapp needs to poll the server every few minutes to check for a particular condition (emergency maintenance scheduled for 30 minutes time, in this instance). When the condition is true, the page will display a message to the user. When the condition is false, nothing needs to happen.

As I understand it, postbacks to the server reset the time until the session expires. We do not want the session to be extended/refreshed/reset/whatever the word is every time the page polls the server. I need a way to poll the server automatically without resetting the session timeout.

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May 31, 2010

I am trying to force to show to the Logon popup when the session is timeout in Integrated Windows Authentication Enabled website. The session_timeout is firing during the session timeout, but the User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true. How force to use the Windows Logon Screen when the session is timeout.

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Security :: Extending .NET Membership Provider

Feb 23, 2011

am having an argument at work on the membership provider.One of my colleagues says we should modify the tables and add our own custom columns, and i prefer we create additional tables and add relationships.

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Security :: Extending The CreateUserWizard With New Fields?

Jun 23, 2010

1) Extend the CreateUserWizard control to insert additional User fields (eg. Gender, Age, Occupation, Address, Phone, etc...).


2) Create a brand new Custom Membership Provider of my own and skip using the inbuilt ASP.NET membership system.

What is the best way to create a new User system with my own tables of User data as described above?

Should i perhaps still use the standard ASP.NET membership system and then extend my own Registration page to add more User data to my own SQL backend table using the Identity value inserted into the aspnet_users table?

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Security :: Extending Model To Use Rights And Permission?

Oct 18, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET security model, I need to perform a RIGHT-based security checking for every actions in my applications (e.g. CreateUser, UpdateUser, SearchUser....etc)

However, the built in ASP.NET security model only support ROLE-based security, and I would like to do something like that, but using RIGHTs.

Is there any idea, experience and post I can read and extends the ASP.NET Security Model to use RIGHT-based security to perform granular control.

e.g. How to I write my own HTTPModule, or make use of IPrincipal object.

If there any details steps/tutorial will be great, as I am very new to the ASP.NET.

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Security :: Extending Asp Forms Auth To Be Multi Tenant / Domain?

Jan 24, 2010

I am developing a web application which implements membership, roles and profiles. I also want it to be multi-tenant / multi-domain. By this I mean that I will have hundreds of domain names pointing at the same web application. I want users to be able to create accounts at each individual domain. I want the opposite of "single sign on". I want users to be able to use the same username, email address and password (or different ones, at their choice) to create accounts at the different sites. I do not want users to have any awareness that the different domains have any relation to each other as they will look different and have different content. The first problem I run into is that usernames have to be unique within the forms auth aspnet db.

Well, if they want to use the same username to register on 10 different sites then I need to support that. My first thought was that instead of identifying a user by their username, I need to extend the aspnet tables and sprocs to consider the username + a unique site identifier. Is there any sample code or has anyone else ever done this before? Should I just abandon the built in aspnet forms auth and roll my own custom auth scheme? The data on the sites is not sensitive so security isn't really that important to me.

View 8 Replies

State Management :: Form Timeout Vs. Session Timeout Vs. Connectionstrings Timeout?

Jan 27, 2011

We have the timeout value set to 120 in our <form> tag within the web.config. We do not have a session timeout set.. and we have various connection strings.

We are having a problem where a session variable will disappear (become NULL) .. but, the form evidently remains 'open'.. or no re-login is required..... so, my question(s):

1. what is the relationship between form timeout and session timeout

2. how do I set session timeout

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Configuration :: Timeout Does Not Work In Website?

Aug 8, 2010

My website never logs time out even after I set time out both in Autentication and in session state. What I did wrong? Here is my settings in web.config file

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl ="/default.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" timeout ="1">
</authentication >
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="AutoDetect" timeout="1" />

View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Avoid Session Timeout In Website

Oct 25, 2013

In my website, the session is expired after 5 minutes. I need to extend the seesion state to minimum 4 hours. Currently, in web.config file I used the following code.

<sessionstate cookieless="false" timeout="1440"></sessionstate>

But its expired after just 5 minutes.

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Timeout - Automatically Logging Users Out Of Website On Close?

Mar 18, 2011

I recently inherited an website made up of multiple .aspx and .ascx pages and being rather new to web development and especailly I have the site create a cookie upon login to automatically log users back in if the page times out on them while they're entering information.

I need the site to automatically log users out when the site is closed. Obviously using the me.close event on each page won't work because we don't want it to log people out every time they navigate to a new page in the site.

I've tried setting the timeouts in both IIS and in the files of the website to longer but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

Is there an easy way to automatically log users out when they leave the site but not when they navigate from page to page.

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How To Create A Website That Has A Custom Authentication/session Timeout For Each User

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to build an ASP.NET site that allows each user to set their own session timeout value. Basically from the user's perspective if they set their timeout value to 30 then that means that after 30 minutes of inactivity they are required to re-authenticate. If they set their timeout value to 0 then that means that they can leave the browser open as long as they want and their session never expires - they never have to re-authenticate. This is different than "remember me" functionality. If they close their browser they will have to re-authenticate.

Currently I am using Forms Authentication in my application and I have one object that I am storing in ASP.NET session. This object is a custom User object that has a number of different pieces of information about the current user.

What code would I need to write so that after successful login, the system has the proper authentication ticket and the proper session expiration value? I keep thinking I have this working and then I notice weird time outs where the system seems to think I am authenticated but my session has expired.

Currently on my login page I am using an ASP.NET login control. i have custom code in the Login_Authenticate event to authorize the user. Then I have the following code in the Login_LoggedIn event to set the auth ticket.


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Security :: How To Set The Session Timeout

Mar 15, 2010

I'm using the ASP.NET login control.

How can I set the session timeout?

View 2 Replies

Security :: Timeout Is In Minutes?

Jan 25, 2010

I have implemented the basic forms authentication.In web.config I have set the following, in the authentication tagtimeout = "50000000000" Other than that, I have an out-of the box implementation.I have no custom provider.My clients want to pretty much enter the username once a day.The timeout is in minutes, so I am sure that they are not waiting over 5 million minutes,so something else has to be booting them.

View 7 Replies

State Management :: How To Prevent Session Timeout In Ajax Intensive Website

Jul 5, 2010

since a have an app, that makes heavy use of AJAX (jQuery), I faced a problem of session timeout.

After a little bit of googling I found something like :


In the refresh page I have just this code :


jQuery indeed calls refresh page, writes "success", however- session times out.

Am I doing wrong something? Is there a better way to prevent session time out?

View 4 Replies

Security :: Dynamically Setting The Timeout?

Jul 21, 2010

have a website which as far as I know has the following timeout settings:1) In Web.config, FORM's authentication timeout="10"2) In Web.config, MEMBERSHIP's userIsOnlineTimeWindow="10"3) Assigned in Global.asax on Session_Start(): Session.Timeout =10;In the past I had problems because at least 1) and 3) weren't in sync, not sure about 2).

Do these 3 have to be in sync and if so, is there a way to set the timeout once and to have it applied to all 3? I deploy my website to many clients and each may want a different timeout, so I'm looking for a dynamic method to set this, perhaps after loading the timeout period from the db or settings file.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Windows Authentication Timeout?

Mar 23, 2011

We currently have a set of ASP.NET application and we are migrating them to use Windows Authentication (used to be form Authentication). We will eventually let the user to connect to our site entering Windows Authentication credentials. When we tested within our system across different domains, we noticed that the authentication session seemed to be cached even with the server session had timed out. In other words, once the user logged in and keeped an Internet Explorer window up (didn't even have to be in ourapplication page), the user could always navigate back to our application without being prompted for security login again. We had our site included in the Trusted Site list of the IE browser.Is that the expected behavior for ASP.NET Windows Authentication? If that is the case, is there a way to end the Authentication cache when the users leave their IE windows idle.

View 7 Replies

Security :: How To Know That Form Authentication Session Timeout

Nov 19, 2010

I have a question regarding Form Authentication Session Timeout

I have a form authentication and i have set the session timeout in my webconfig.

After I login to website using my form authentication, the session is not timing out even after i login more than 30 minutes.

It seems i'm still authenticated and can access everything.

Is it normal ? I thought if we set the timeout in webconfig it will automatically log you out because the session expire.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".authentication" loginUrl="Login.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" enableCrossAppRedirects="true" domain="" />

View 2 Replies

Security :: Timeout Not Functioning As Intended In Web.config?

Apr 15, 2010

So I took over a companies site and are QA department noticed that after the site sets idle(30 minutes) they can still click around until it preforms a database function that is when it errors out. I thought I had the web.config set properly that the user would be logged out after 30 minutes, but they are still able to make clicks on a gridview and popup modal popups. The site uses membership and I have never had an issue in the past with the timeout on forms auth.


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Security :: User Is Logged Off After Session Timeout

Jul 2, 2010

My 3.5 app uses Forms Authentication. I create an authentication cookie (ticket) with an expiration date of one day. The cookie's IsPersistent is set to True. I do not use any session variables. Session timeout is the default 20 minutes.

Here's the problem:

When the session times out in 20 minutes, the user is redirected to the logon page even though the authentication cookie has not expired.

Why does this happen? I thought the session and the cookie were independent of each other.

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Security :: Redirect On Forms Authentication Timeout?

Nov 3, 2010

how to redirect to a custom URL on Forms Authentication timeout? The timeout is working but it is only caught when I try to go to a page in my application because each Page_Load method is wrapped in a custom IsLoggedIn method. Here is the settings I have so far in the Web.config.


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Security :: Formsauthentication Timeout And 2 Login Pages?

Jun 29, 2010

My client wants 2 separate login pages for an ASP.Net app, one for regular users, one for support staff. I am using the standard FormAuthentication component for authentication. Is it possible to redirect a regular user to one login page after a timeout, and also to redirect an admin user to a different page after a timeout? The loginUrl attribute of <forms> in web.config is read-only, and cannot be edited at runtime.

Regular User -> Timeout -> Login.aspx
Support User ->Timeout -> SupportLogin.aspx

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Security :: Popup Message To User Before Timeout?

Jun 21, 2010

I need to configured my web application to display a warning message to the user 5 minutes before the authentication session expires. I found a javascript code that acts as a counter, however I still could not figured out how to make the page to refresh when the user clicks the Ok.

this is the javascript code...

var leftime =5;
var interval;
interval = setInterval( 'change()' , 600000);
function change()
{ lefttime --;
if(lefttime<=2) alert("the session will be off, left time is "+lefttime+ " second!")

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Security :: Write Session Timeout In Web.config?

Jan 25, 2011

how to write session timeout in web.config and after session time out i want to redirect to login page .

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Security :: Handling Session Timeout With Forms Authentication?

May 13, 2010

I have 3 seperate applications (under the same domain) for which I use Forms authentication with single sign-on.

The 3 applications have different session timeout periods. I was on various articles that when we use forms authentication and specify the loginurl in the <Forms> tag in the web.config, it should automatically get redirected to the login page, when the session timesout. But in my case, it doesn't happen, I think because of different timeout values.

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