Security :: Force Password Expiration After Number Of Days?
Aug 23, 2010
Using C# and sqlmembershipprovider forms authentication, is there a way to force user password to expire and need to be reset after x number of days?
So if a user launches the website login.aspx page, when they type their userid, it will check if the password is expired and direct them to a Resetpassword.aspx page?
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But when I try to specify the password, I'm told it is a readonly field. How can I 'force' a specific password? Or, how can I call the login event directly and pass the needed values?
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date = 12/05/2012
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GetDaysPerMonth(string monthName, string year);
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here is my sample is this correct?
number of months=nms
days=30 days only
sample: nms=30 days count from the date hired
is this correct?
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Password incorrect or New Password invalid. New Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1.
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox3.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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Leave_Approval_Id Leave_Start_Date Leave_End_Date EmpId
1 2013-01-25 00:00:00.000 2013-02-10 00:00:00.000 10
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Mar 12, 2011
I want to force the user to change his password after his first login. Now, where should I put the redirection code to ChangePassword page ?
If I put it in the Page_Load of Default page, user can move to any page because he is Authenticated. If I put it in the Page_Load of Master page, the ChangePassword page uses the same master page, and it'll enter in an infinit loop of redirections.
I though of ignoring the redirection if the Page is the ChagePassword page from the Master page, and I found this answer which says:
This sounds like a bad idea to start with. The idea of the master is that it shouldn't care what page is there as this is all common code for each page.
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Aug 12, 2010
I am not sure if I am asking this question correctly. Sometimes when you don't know enough, you may not know what to ask. I want to set up memberships with an ASP.NET website. The memberships will have a 14 day free trial period. After that, the user will need to pay a fee if they wish to continue to access the website. I am not sure how to accomplish this. After adding a membership database to the website, setting up roles ect., what do I do next? Do I need to make adjustments to the tables of the database, or write some code somewhere in the application? I have never done this exercise before, Logically, I know that I need to implement something that keeps track of expiration date. Also, how do I prevent a user from just making up new user names and credentialing?
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Jul 2, 2010
I don't know if the following is possible or not but in brief, here is what I'm trying to achieve:
1. When a user requests to view a document, they click on a link (could be other) which contains an encrypted query string containing data required to retrieve the relevant document. i.e.[URL]
2. I want to ensure that if after x minutes the user goes back to their history and select the link again or re-type the same url as above that it will not request the document and redirect them to a page letting them know that the requested document "link" is no longer valid.
I don't want to rely on cookies or sessions, so thought that maybe there would be a way to add a datetime token at the end of the existing url but this needs to be done at run-time as the url is already predefined when the link is created, so I'm not sure how can I do this?
ideally, I'd like something like this [URL] where the token would contain the date & time when the link was clicked.
Once re-requested, I would decrypt the token and validate it again the server time and if it was over the x minutes defined, it would redirect me to the "link is no longer valid" page.
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Jan 26, 2011
I have a application where i am using FormAuthentication Ticket when user Sign in....on each page I want to check if FormAuthentication Ticket has expired to do this ?..
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Mar 2, 2011
I am developing a new website that is membership based with yearly subscriptions. Using VS2010/asp.net4/c#. I have my site up to the point where all my content is ready to go and i can add members to the database to access all the premium content.
However, I have no idea how to impliment a start date and expiration date for that membership. I have been following along with Wrox Beginning 4.0 from beginning to end and this isn't covered at all. I also have Apress Pro 4 as well and I cant find anything dealing with that in there either.
What I would love to be able to find is some book or tutorial that i can follow along with and learn from so that this doesn't happen again to me.
In short what I need to do is this.
1. Add new user to defined membership role
2. Apply start/end date to that user
3. When the end date has passed I need to reasign them to a new role and then redirect them to another page with a notification
4. I guess lastly some way to add/manage members as an admin on my deployed site. Durring development i was using the built in Web Site Admin Tool but I just found out that only works on my local machine.
I have a feeling this this will be a very simiple fix but because of my total lack of experience it has been driving me crazy for three days tyring to hunt down info.
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