VS 2005 Count The Number Of Days In Selected Calendar?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to count the number of days from selected days.I am having 2 calendar control on the form.I am selecting a dates from each calendar and passing values to textbox1 and textbox2.Suppose i am selecting 13/01/2010 from calendar1 and 18/01/2010 from calendar2. I want to count the number of days and display as 6.

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Apr 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a calendar control that is linked to a SQL database.

The meaning is to create an event calendar were the user can put in his info at a reservation page.

After filling everything in, the info is stored in a table on the database, the users must give in a start date of there reservation and an end date.

Now, I got everything to work so far, the calendar reads everything from the database, show it on the calendar and stuff... But only the first day.

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Also the meaning is that when a person puts in a reservation, the background of the cell turns orange for "pending status", when the owner of the building agrees the color turns red for "reserved - not available"

This is the code I use for showing the dates:


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Jul 29, 2010

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GetDaysPerMonth(string monthName, string year);

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