Security :: How To Direct User When Login By Roles

Jan 27, 2011

How to Direct Users to specific Page By roles?

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Similar Messages:

Security :: User With Multiple Roles And Login Views?

Jul 21, 2010

I have users that belong to more than one role and I have a login view for those roles but I only see the first role's content.

How should I be going about getting to see all content for the roles that user is in? My user logs in and is a member of MACED and ADMIN but only sees the links for MACED


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Security :: Get Roles Working - User To Be Able To Login And The System Recognize?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a sitemap of 5 items. 2 items i only want the admin to see. I want the user to be able to login and the system recognise who it is and if an admin, bring up the 2 items in the sitemap. If not an admin, hide the items.

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Security :: Re-direct Particular Page After Login?

Sep 28, 2010

how to redirect to particular page after login. I have login,EDetails,home page..

1.If the user login very first time(suppose he does not have any personal details) he should be directed to EDetails.aspx

2.User who submitted the personal details already should be redirected home.aspx page.

I have 2 tables later i will add more,1.login table,2.employee detailed table.I am using Login control for login page

I am using Version ASP.Net3.5 with MySql database, Code where i am redirecting in login page

Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs) Handles Login1.Authenticate
If YourValidationFunction(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password) Then
Login1.Visible = False
Session("UserName") = Login1.UserName
Response.Redirect("EDetails.aspx", True)
e.Authenticated = False
End If
End Sub

View 5 Replies

User Controls :: Implement Custom User Login With Roles Without Using Login Control

May 7, 2015

What if, I'm not using the LOGIN CONTROL but rather creating a Custom Control for Login. Is it possible to have user roles and a site map that redirects to its own destination when the user login?

View 1 Replies

Security :: How To Get Roles After Login

Jan 7, 2010

I have used .net login control to authenticate user,i have three types of role ,role1,role2 and role3 and i have users and user have different roles.

now my requirement is like as per loggedin user i want to redirect user on particular page as per role.

for example if loggedin user role is role1 than he will redirect default1.aspx
for example if loggedin user role is role2 than he will redirect default2.aspx
for example if loggedin user role is role3 than he will redirect default3.aspx

and one question if same user may be have more than one role than what should happen???

I got a solution for same than if we are used "loggingin" event than it would be possible but i had placed login control in login view anonymous template because as per my requirement i want that after successfull login user can't see login control on page.thats why i didn't get the login control event on code.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Login To Different Pages With Different Roles?

May 18, 2010

I have created 3 different folders (admin, user, viewer) in my site and each has a different template (masterPage). I created user and roles which are admins, users, and viewers. I assigned each role to a user in .Net administration Tool.

What I need to do is to allow each user to access his page only and deny access to others , except for the admin who can access all pages.

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Security :: Using Roles With Windows Domain Login?

Dec 7, 2010

I've built a windows 2003 server at work with SQL server 2008, we normally login to a domain of which I don't have administrator access. Is there a way I can build and use a database of Roles to work with logged in users?

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Security :: Login Goes To Sql Server For Users And To SqlExpress For Roles?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a site witl forms authentication using te login control. I altered my sql server, I added a connectionstring and used the connectionstring in both, <rolemanager> and <Membership>. That part of the web.config is listed below.

The problem is that the login control goed to SQLserver to check the users and their passwords, but it goed to the SQLExpress database for the roles.....


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Security :: How To Assign Two Roles For One User

Jan 11, 2010

Im now in assigning a roles to a user. But, 1 of my user wants me to assign 2 roles for him.. The situasion is like this :

I have a few roles which are :

- zone head

-zone officer


The problem is now 1 person can be assign for 1 role only..

How can i assign 2 roles for 1 user..

View 4 Replies

Security :: Adding User To Certain Roles?

Aug 24, 2010

I have setup ASP security in my application. I used the following tutorial, just wondering if someone can tell me how i can setup this up to allow the creation of a user?

where to find or what to search on to find some example of how to add the option for adding users?

I have the above setup and its working, but only because of the accounts i created with my global.asax file.

I need to give the admins access to add a new user. Currently i can search on existing users and update them, but need to add the ability to add a new user.

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Security :: Showing An User's Roles?

May 8, 2010

I'm trying to show a user's roles in a label but here's what I get when I view the page in the browser:


As you can see instead of the roles, System.String[] shows in the label. How can I get the roles instead of that?

View 4 Replies

Security :: How To Set A Role Of User Having Multiple Roles

Mar 5, 2010

This is my senario. I want user to login and if "LoggedIn" User has more than one role then it displays the list of radio buttons. After selection of the role user gets further privilages according to the role that he has selected.

I've a problem setting up the role. And user can change his role when ever he wants.

For Example "john" is the user having two roles "Account Manager" and "Project Manager".

View 3 Replies

Security :: Adding Domain User Roles To A Web App?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to make my domain administrators the administrators to my web application so that they are the only ones that can change content. All other users would simply be able to read the material. I am relatively new to web apps and I can not seem to find what I am looking for anywhere on the net.

View 2 Replies

Security :: Use Or Store Roles For Add A New User Or Update?

Jul 2, 2010

Ive been exploring the tabls in the membership database to see how they are structured. If i add a new user or update an existing one i see it in the user and membership tables. But i dont understand how to use or store roles. I use the ASP.NET CONFIGURATION toll in the WEBSITE menu to create roles and create access rules, but those roles dont show up in the Roles table in the db!

Yet the roles are stored cause they keep apearing in the ASP.NET CONFIGURATION. How weird is not that? Where is it stored and how can i access it? I need to programatically check if the user who is logged in is in a certain role.

View 8 Replies

Security :: Create User Wizard With Roles?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm trying to add a step into a Create User Wizard to set roles, but it don't works, it create the user but don't set the role,


using System;

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Security :: Block User Without Using Roles Or Membership?

Mar 20, 2010

have a project where there are main 3 types of users i have to block them from accessing other pages but without using roles or membership is there any other way to do the same?

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Security :: Adding User To Membership And Roles?

May 7, 2010

Its very easy to add users to roles by using the in built controls. but how can add users through customized login controls?. i have tried using

//MembershipUser m = Membership.CreateUser(name, pass, null);

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Security :: Form Authentcation With User Roles?

Mar 18, 2010

I have Use Repeater for my sitre nevigation with sitemap daya source


but my site has 3 user type employee clientadmin and globle admin so employee runs on separate section (SitemapProvider) but clientadmin and globle admin user same SitemapProvider so i need to set two pages visible false for client admin when some one logged in as a client admin how can i do it please give the way with code snippet please thank you for attention

View 7 Replies

Security :: Two Roles (admin, User) And Two Folders?

Nov 15, 2010

In my project I have one folder called Administration (contains pages created for administrating the public part of the page) and in root I have public pages. What I want to do is to prevent anyone beside administrator to enter the Administration part and to make the Administration/Login.aspx default page for entering Administration part. This part makes me confused. I tried to create the access rules, but that wasn't the option because I upload the images to the Administration/Upload folder so if I deny the users the images on the public part can't be accessed.

The second problem I don't know how to solve is public part of the page where I want to allow commenting only to logged in users (users only, not the admin). How to check if user is logged in and authetificated and how to enable the commenting part of the form to him (textbox and submit button).

View 6 Replies

Security :: Send User To Different Pages Based On Their Roles

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using the built-in membership controls and classes to manage authorization and authentication in my app. Here's what I want to do: If the user is in "Manager" role, I want to send him/her to the manager page no matter where he/she came from. If the user is in "Supervisor" role, I want to send him/her to supervisor page no matter where he/she came from. However, if the user is not in any role, just a registered member, I want to send him/her back to where he/she came from as stated in ReturnUrl. If no, ReturnUrl is specified, I will send him/her to the home page.

On my login page, I'm using the Login server control but in my code behind, there's no method wired to the control because the control takes care of everything. I assume I need to add a method and wire it to the submit button, is that right? If so, I'll have to really handle the login event which means I'll need more info about how to do that.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Roles In FormsAuthentication / Specify The Role Of The Logged In User?

Mar 25, 2010

In my website i am creating a custom FormsAuthentication ticket during log in. This ticket stores the userid but i also need to specify the role of the logged in user. How do i do it?

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Web Forms :: Master Pages Ans Roles/user Security?

Feb 1, 2010

I have following situation: A web with a defaults.aspx & login.aspx 2 folders ADMIN & MASTER, in the ADMIN folder is a content page admin.aspx who's master is in the master folder.when I place, following web.config in the ADMIN folder he still is showing the admin.aspx for all users, when I place a new standalone aspx file in that directory the access is denied.Why is de content file not secured ? Must I secure the master file so do i need a new masterfile for each rol, user then...

in that directory<system.web>


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Security :: Create A Login Window From Where User Could Login From Their Gmail Or Others Id And Write

Aug 13, 2010

i m currently creating an article module, and i want if user wana comment on to the any particular artical, than he should login any of his mail id like gmail, yahoo hotmail etc and than post his or her comment and after than comment should go into the DB.

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Security :: Using ASP Tools For Login And Create User / Login Tool Is Going To Get Userid And Password Info?

May 25, 2010

I've created a page to add users, using the CreateUserWizard, I use the Login Control to login.

I have setup the config file to use my SQL server, not express

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxxxx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

I go to the create user page, add a user.

I can SEE the user on the database using Server Management Studio...

I go to signon and get "Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again."

I have not customized the login control in any way. (OR the createuserwizard)

HOW can I tell where the Login tool is going to get userid and password info?

How can I tell if it is not finding the user or the password does not match?

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